Version 4.8

On June 8, 2017, WordPress Version 4.8, named for jazz pianist and composer William John “Bill” Evans, was released to the public. For more information on this enhancement and bug-fix release, read the WordPress Blog, and see the Changelog for 4.8.

For Version 4.8, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 38590, and the Trac revision was 40888.

Highlights Highlights

Exciting Widget Updates Exciting Widget Updates

Image Widget

Adding an image to a widget is now a simple task that is achievable for any WordPress user without needing to know code. Simply insert your image right within the widget settings. Try adding something like a headshot or a photo of your latest weekend adventure — and see it appear automatically.

Video Widget

A welcome video is a great way to humanize the branding of your website. You can now add any video from the Media Library to a sidebar on your site with the new Video widget. Use this to showcase a welcome video to introduce visitors to your site or promote your latest and greatest content.

Audio Widget

Are you a podcaster, musician, or avid blogger? Adding a widget with your audio file has never been easier. Upload your audio file to the Media Library, go to the widget settings, select your file, and you’re ready for listeners. This would be a easy way to add a more personal welcome message, too!

Rich Text Widget

This feature deserves a parade down the center of town! Rich-text editing capabilities are now native for Text widgets. Add a widget anywhere and format away. Create lists, add emphasis, and quickly and easily insert links. Have fun with your newfound formatting powers, and watch what you can accomplish in a short amount of time.

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Have you ever tried updating a link, or the text around a link, and found you can’t seem to edit it correctly? When you edit the text after the link, your new text also ends up linked. Or you edit the text in the link, but your text ends up outside of it. This can be frustrating! With link boundaries, a great new feature, the process is streamlined and your links will work well. You’ll be happier. We promise.

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Nearby WordPress Events Nearby WordPress Events

Did you know that WordPress has a thriving offline community with groups meeting regularly in more than 400 cities around the world? WordPress now draws your attention to the events that help you continue improving your WordPress skills, meet friends, and, of course, publish!

This is quickly becoming one of our favorite features. While you are in the dashboard (because you’re running updates and writing posts, right?) all upcoming WordCamps and official WordPress Meetups — local to you — will be displayed.

Being part of the community can help you improve your WordPress skills and network with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Now you can easily find your local events just by logging in to your dashboard and looking at the new Events and News dashboard widget.

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The Finer Points The Finer Points

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For Developers For Developers

More Accessible Admin Panel Headings More Accessible Admin Panel Headings

New CSS rules mean extraneous content (like “Add New” links) no longer need to be included in admin-area headings. These panel headings improve the experience for people using assistive technologies.

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Removal of Core Support for WMV and WMA Files Removal of Core Support for WMV and WMA Files

As fewer and fewer browsers support Silverlight, file formats which require the presence of the Silverlight plugin are being removed from core support. Files will still display as a download link, but will no longer be embedded automatically.

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Multisite Updates Multisite Updates

New capabilities have been introduced to 4.8 with an eye towards removing calls to

is_super_admin(). Additionally, new hooks and tweaks to more granularly control site and user counts per network have been added.

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Text-Editor JavaScript API Text-Editor JavaScript API

With the addition of TinyMCE to the text widget in 4.8 comes a new JavaScript API for instantiating the editor after page load. This can be used to add an editor instance to any text area, and customize it with buttons and functions. Great for plugin authors!

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Media Widgets API Media Widgets API

The introduction of a new base media widget REST API schema to 4.8 opens up possibilities for even more media widgets (like galleries or playlists) in the future. The three new media widgets are powered by a shared base class that covers most of the interactions with the media modal. That class also makes it easier to create new media widgets and paves the way for more to come.

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Customizer Width Variable Customizer Width Variable

Rejoice! New responsive breakpoints have been added to the customizer sidebar to make it wider on high-resolution screens. Customizer controls should use percentage-based widths instead of pixels.

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What’s New What’s New

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General General

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Posts Posts

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Media Media

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Comments Comments

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Appearance Appearance

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Users Users

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Install Process Install Process

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Multisite Multisite

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Accessibility Accessibility

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Under The Hood Under The Hood

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General General

Roughly 225 bugs, 109 enhancements, 1 feature request, and 21 blessed tasks have been marked as closed in WordPress 4.8. Some additional ones to highlight include:

  • REST API: orderby normalization (#38693)
  • REST API: Add supports object to /types response (#39033)
  • New filter to disable auto-focus on the login screen (#40301)
  • was added as an oEmbed provider (#38367)
  • HHVM removed from the test matrix on Travis (#40548)
  • Bundled Themes now support the new media and updated text widgets (#40745)
  • Popular plugins feed has been removed from the dashboard (#40702)
  • Support added for Bosnian locale (bs_BA) in remove_accents() (#39658)
  • Easily enqueue WP_Editor JavaScript files using the new wp_enqueue_editor() (#35760)

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Images Images

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Embeds Embeds

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Script Loader Script Loader

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JavaScript JavaScript

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Bug Fixes Bug Fixes

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Multisite Multisite

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Classes Classes

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What’s New What’s New

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Deprecated Deprecated

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Functions Functions

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What’s New What’s New

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Deprecated Deprecated

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Actions & Filters Actions & Filters

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New Action Hooks New Action Hooks

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New Filter Hooks New Filter Hooks

  • file_mod_allowed replaces disallow_file_mods (#38673)
  • minimum_site_name_length (#39676)
  • nav_menu_submenu_css_class (#36163)
  • page_menu_link_attributes (#40359)
  • post_date_column_status (#39545)
  • signup_site_meta (#39223)
  • signup_user_meta (#39223)
  • wp_doing_cron (#39591)
  • widget_text_content (#40772)
  • rest_oembed_ttl (#40450)
  • widget_{$this->id_base}_instance (#32417)

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Modified Filter Hooks Modified Filter Hooks

  • widget_text_content (#40772)
  • {$type}_template (#39525)
  • display_media_states (#39628)
  • media_library_show_audio_playlist (#31071)
  • media_library_show_video_playlist (#31071)
  • rest_pre_insert_comment (#39578)
  • wp_is_large_network (#40489)

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Deprecated Deprecated

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External Libraries External Libraries

  • TinyMCE was updated from version 4.5.6 to version 4.6.2 (see: #40859)
  • Twemoji was updated from version 2.2.2 to version 2.3.0 (see: #40858)
  • zxcvbn was updated from version 1.0 to version 4.4.1 (see: #31647)

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Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

See also: other WordPress Versions