Recap of the Diverse Speaker Training group (#WPDiversity) on August 11, 2021

Attending: @jillbinder @ashiquzzaman @evarlese @onealtr @katiejrichards @danitto @wpfangirl @nalininonstopnewsuk @webcommsat


Today we talked about:

  1. How are you doing with items you are working on for us?

2. Upcoming workshop: Allyship for WordPress event organizers.

3. Upcoming workshop: How to Own Your Expertise & Start Speaking at WordPress Events AMER/EMEA with @onealtr and @volkswagenchick

4. Translations update

5. Marketing has asked if folks can help us please retweet & share:


More details under the cut:

  1. How people are doing with their items

@evarlese reviewed our Handbook page. She is also on track for helping with some outreach for the upcoming events/new programs.

@wpfangirl put the link for the Allyship workshop into the WP-Tonic SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at so she remembers to share it with the listeners on Friday.

@onealtr Getting ready for the workshops, attending and facilitating.

@nalininonstopnewsuk Let us know that the Allyship event has been shared on social media, in the marketing meeting, and Abha added it to the meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. newsletter. She and @webcommsat provided us some links to retweet and reshare (above the cut).

@katiejrichards finished sending notices to members of our working group who qualify for the Community contributor badge on their profiles and is going to look at editing the Handbook doc soon (to help shorten it and possibly also make it scannable with bullet points).

@danitto is ready for instructions on helping workshop participants troubleshoot joining our Slack channels. He is also working on looking for an easier way to communicate to participants how to join using the slides. @webcommsat reminded us that there are Learn videos on this and provided the link.

Danitto may also help us with upcoming meeting reminders. For Jill to follow up.

2. Upcoming workshop: Allyship for WordPress event organizers

We are having our first workshop in the new Allyship program on Thursday, August 19th, 2021! 5-7pm UTC.

We are asking everyone on our team to attend one of these workshops. It would also be great if anyone attending from our team can meet about 10 minutes before the start so we can all get on the same page quickly. I’ll send an “orientation�? invite to those signing up in our team.

We are encouraging WordPress event organizers as well as any contributors to attend.

@danitto may be able to help with some of our background admin workshop items.

@webcommsat asked: Will it require a lot of bandwidth or is there an option for people to connect on the zoom workshop on audio only please? @jillbinder will look into this and reply.

3. Upcoming workshop: How to Own Your Expertise & Start Speaking at WordPress Events AMER/EMEA

A week after the Allyship workshop, @onealtr and @volkswagenchick are holding one of our “interactive, transformational watch party�? Diverse Speaker workshops. August 27th @ 5-7 (or 6:30 tbd) pm UTC.

For this, we are inviting people in WordPress from underrepresented groups and we are also inviting the participants of the Allyship program.

Help in the background will be welcome for this one as well, please.

4. Translations update

We think we may have the 3 Portuguese BR captions translators for the Diverse Speakers video!

We currently  have 1 Spanish (Latin American) translator. We have one more maybe, so we are looking for 1 or 2 more.

I will also be doing a call-out for a lead for the Translations team in our group. We really want it to be available all over the world in different languages.
