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IRC Meetups/2005/November/November09RawLog

[5:00 PM] <photomatt> howdy
[5:00 PM] <masquerade> afternoon
[5:00 PM] <PotterSys> evening :)
[5:00 PM] <Podz> ditto
[5:01 PM] <photomatt> looks like we only have two topics on the plate for today
[5:01 PM] <photomatt> but that's cool
[5:01 PM] -->| Huvet ([email protected]) has joined #wordpress-meetup
[5:01 PM] <io_error> short meetup, then? I'm kind of short on time today
[5:01 PM] <photomatt> because last week was really awesome in terms of progress
[5:01 PM] -->| ringmaster ([email protected]) has joined #wordpress-meetup
[5:01 PM] <io_error> Oh yeah, the bug hunt kicked a lot of ass.
[5:01 PM] <photomatt> tons of great new code and patches, and the benefits from the bug weekend are still happening and being applied
[5:02 PM] <coffee2code> greetings all
[5:02 PM] <mumbles> how did that go?
[5:02 PM] <photomatt> also I think the WYSIWYG improvements and caching code is really solid
[5:02 PM] <photomatt> do we have stats yet for the bug weekend?
[5:02 PM] <mumbles> i was in bristall that weekend .
[5:02 PM] <masquerade> 90 bugs squashed
[5:02 PM] <stevecooley> I wanted to contribute more, but I had a hard time figuring out where I could be helpful
[5:02 PM] <io_error> 91 bugs squashed, final count? http://trac.wordpress.org/report/15
[5:02 PM] <masquerade> 32 patches still awaiting commit
[5:02 PM] <mumbles> poped my head in for a while but not much that i could of done on mates laptop
[5:03 PM] <io_error> stevecooley: mainly, install latest svn on your Mac, update it every few minutes, test whatever's under discussion
[5:03 PM] <io_error> I still have to test the patch for 1837, but I think it's all right
[5:03 PM] <stevecooley> io_error: in discussion in the IRC channel, yes?
[5:03 PM] <io_error> right
[5:03 PM] <photomatt> the patches should all be finished up this week
[5:04 PM] <stevecooley> ok, when's the next bug hunt? :D
[5:04 PM] <photomatt> rboren is coming down tomorrow and we're going to crank all day on it
[5:04 PM] <masquerade> http://www.skippy.net/blog/2005/11/06/bug-hunt-summary/ <-- skippy has a nice summary
[5:04 PM] <ringmaster> masquerade: Did you finish the hybrid user page thing?
[5:04 PM] <masquerade> ringmaster, yeah, its under bg|commit under my name I believe
[5:05 PM] <ringmaster> Cool, I want to patch it in and see it.  :)
[5:05 PM] <io_error> As far as I'm concerned we could do it every other Saturday
[5:05 PM] <photomatt> that is a good summary
[5:05 PM] <photomatt> I'd like to have a post on the dev blog too, with links to everyone who helped out
[5:05 PM] <masquerade> ringmaster, the templating on it could probably use a bit of work if you'd like to update it a bit, form elements were acting up
[5:05 PM] <ringmaster> masquerade: Hmm. Maybe. Let me see what it looks like first.
[5:06 PM] <masquerade> ringmaster, I had to add a few minor CSS bits, like an explicit width declaration on a checkbox so it wouldn't expand to fill its container
[5:07 PM] <masquerade> at least its em though ;-)
[5:07 PM] <photomatt> cool
[5:07 PM] <photomatt> I think that's it for the bug week wrapup, anything else?
[5:08 PM] <io_error> error_bot: ticket 1837
[5:08 PM] <error_bot> io_error: http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1837
[5:08 PM] <photomatt> now isn't the best time to talk about actual bugs
[5:09 PM] <io_error> photomatt: I know, I wanted it for myself :)
[5:09 PM] <io_error> what's next?
[5:09 PM] <PotterSys> "WP Fondation status"
[5:09 PM] <photomatt> so to catch everyone up
[5:10 PM] <photomatt> I had a meeting with Mitch Kapor (of OSAF) who introduced me to a lawyer
[5:10 PM] <photomatt> on tuesday I met with the lawyer and his firm has agreed to take on setting everything up pro bono
[5:10 PM] <stevecooley> Nice!
[5:11 PM] <Podz> photomatt, slide them a few free wp's :)
[5:12 PM] <photomatt> this isn't going to be a fast process, we have to define the larger public good pupose of the org and get all the paperwork in order
[5:12 PM] |<-- geeksmakemeho1 has left irc.freenode.net (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[5:12 PM] <photomatt> but when it's all said and done wordpress and pingomatic will have lost their single point of failure (me) and should be around for a very long time :)
[5:12 PM] <mumbles> right - going to get room sorted out
[5:13 PM] <ringmaster> Let the assassinations begin!
[5:13 PM] <photomatt> you guys :-p
[5:13 PM] * io_error buys guns cheap from San Francisco residents
[5:13 PM] <ringmaster> Obviously, I'm kidding.  :)
[5:14 PM] * ringmaster works out his alibi.
[5:14 PM] <photomatt> the main thing to figure out between now and then is the board, which as skippy educated us a week or two ago is for financial oversight
[5:14 PM] -->| geeksmakemehot ([email protected]) has joined #wordpress-meetup
[5:14 PM] <photomatt> ie, the project will continue to operate in much the same matter
[5:15 PM] <photomatt> it sounds like the only costs, since we can have all the hosting and such donated, is going to be the yearly IRS filings
[5:15 PM] <io_error> Financial oversight seems simple enough for an open source project
[5:15 PM] <io_error> especially one with virtually no costs ;)
[5:16 PM] <ringmaster> Are the costs for the IRS filings substantial?
[5:16 PM] <photomatt> yep, very little overhead
[5:17 PM] <photomatt> ringmaster, it doesn't sound like it. I think it's well within what we could raise once a year
[5:17 PM] <stevecooley> do you have people in mind for the board already?
[5:17 PM] <photomatt> no I don't
[5:17 PM] <photomatt> probably three people total?
[5:17 PM] <stevecooley> yes
[5:18 PM] <stevecooley> probably no need for more than the minimum
[5:18 PM] <photomatt> it'd be nice to get someone with experience in this from the mozilla or OSAF boards, but those people are very busy
[5:18 PM] <stevecooley> well, couldn't hurt to ask
[5:18 PM] <photomatt> sure
[5:18 PM] <stevecooley> wordpress is well known
[5:19 PM] <photomatt> getting there
[5:19 PM] <stevecooley> it may have the gravity to attract someone experienced
[5:19 PM] <stevecooley> or someones, that is
[5:19 PM] <photomatt> that's pretty much all the updates, things on that front will probably be quiet for a few weeks, but I'm happy to field any questions
[5:20 PM] <stevecooley> when it 1.6 going to be out ? :)
[5:20 PM] <stevecooley> -t+s
[5:21 PM] <photomatt> ha!
[5:21 PM] <photomatt> well, things are starting to wrap up on that front
[5:22 PM] <photomatt> I'd like to "freeze" the code within a week or so
[5:22 PM] <photomatt> then the release date depends on how many bugs pop up in wider testing and how the documentation comes along
[5:22 PM] <Podz> so it'll go beta ?
[5:22 PM] <photomatt> after the freeze, yes
[5:22 PM] <io_error> bah
[5:23 PM] <io_error> I have a feature I want to get in
[5:23 PM] <photomatt> before we've had code coming in and out until the last minute, I'd like to have it a little tighter this time
[5:23 PM] <photomatt> hopefully it'll mean a better release with less support problems
[5:23 PM] <io_error> :)
[5:24 PM] <Podz> worth a temporary beta forum ? Just until release ?
[5:24 PM] <photomatt> well, whether we mean it or not
[5:24 PM] <photomatt> a beta forum would encourage discussion about the beta on the forums
[5:24 PM] <io_error> on the beta forum, anyway, we hope
[5:24 PM] <photomatt> which from my impression from forum folks, would drive people crazy
[5:24 PM] <photomatt> or it would encourage beta adoption by people who shouldn't be adopting it
[5:25 PM] <io_error> photomatt: heh, good luck preventing that :)
[5:25 PM] <Podz> a beta forum for beta posts is okay.
[5:25 PM] <Podz> it will be leapt on - or do we point them at testers / hackers ? :)
[5:25 PM] <Podz> they'll not use testers
[5:25 PM] <photomatt> well I guess it would be testers or the beta forum
[5:26 PM] <photomatt> oh one other thing, though this will be a surprise to very few old-timers, the release probably won't be called 1.6
[5:26 PM] <Podz> the changes I've proposed on the forums list, along with another I'll mail you about should see the forums slightly better placed to deal with a possible beta forum
[5:27 PM] <Podz> 2.0 ?
[5:27 PM] <io_error> no
[5:27 PM] <io_error> we're moving away from that :)
[5:27 PM] <photomatt> that might be the appropriate jump
[5:27 PM] <io_error> it'll be WordPress 2006
[5:27 PM] <Podz> 4.0 ? Beat MT there :)
[5:28 PM] <photomatt> heh
[5:28 PM] <photomatt> textpattern jumped to 4.0 for their first non-beta-RC release
[5:28 PM] <masquerade> I vote 3.0
[5:28 PM] <masquerade> "a whole step ahead of Web 2.0"
[5:28 PM] <photomatt> naw, we could jump around or do a funny date/letter based thing
[5:29 PM] <photomatt> but I think logically there have been three huge jumps in WP in the past two years
[5:29 PM] <photomatt> 1.0, 1.5
[5:29 PM] <photomatt> and now this release
[5:29 PM] <io_error> 2.25?
[5:29 PM] <Podz> WP Final ?
[5:29 PM] <cyphase> will the features in WordpressMU be the same as wordpress.com?
[5:29 PM] <masquerade> photomatt, might as well jump .5 each release :-P
[5:29 PM] <cyphase> sorry if this has been addressed, i haven't been following wordpress for a few eeks
[5:29 PM] <cyphase> weeks*
[5:30 PM] <ringmaster> Hey, while someone has mentioned MU, where the heck is the soure?
[5:30 PM] <photomatt> cyphase, MU has not been officially released, there are only daily builds available
[5:30 PM] <cyphase> i know
[5:30 PM] <cyphase> that's why i said will
[5:30 PM] <cyphase> :)
[5:30 PM] <photomatt> it's not recommended for anyone other than sysadmins
[5:30 PM] <cyphase> i know
[5:30 PM] <cyphase> i'm asking about when it does come out
[5:30 PM] <io_error> Mu is set to be released sometime in 2014
[5:30 PM] <photomatt> no planned date
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> no..
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> lol
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> whenever it does come out..
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> will it be about equal to wordpres.com?
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> wordpress.com *
[5:31 PM] <io_error> I would suspect so.
[5:31 PM] <photomatt> having a release means you have to support it, and MU users tend to be (1) people who have really weird server problems impossible to bug and (2) trying to make money off of it
[5:31 PM] <cyphase> k
[5:32 PM] <cyphase> i thought maybe wordpress.com would have a few extra things to encourage people to use it
[5:32 PM] <cyphase> cool though
[5:32 PM] <cyphase> thanx
[5:32 PM] <photomatt> ringmaster, http://mu.wordpress.org/download/
[5:32 PM] <io_error> cyphase: heh, oh, it will :)
[5:32 PM] <cyphase> ah, ok
[5:33 PM] <ringmaster> Thanks photomatt.
[5:33 PM] <photomatt> alright, any other issues or should we wrap this up?
[5:34 PM] <io_error> </io_error>
[5:34 PM] <ringmaster> Site updates for 1.6/whatever rollout? Still on schedule?
[5:34 PM] <io_error> There's a schedule?
[5:34 PM] <photomatt> ringmaster, see above :)
[5:35 PM] <ringmaster> I guess I missed that. Ok.  :)
[5:35 PM] <ringmaster> You're talking about the site redesign, right?
[5:35 PM] <photomatt> no, haven't talked about the site redesign
[5:36 PM] <ringmaster> That's what I was hinting at.
[5:36 PM] <photomatt> ah
[5:36 PM] <photomatt> that'll probably happen after the freeze and the core wp coding slows down a bit
[5:37 PM] <ringmaster> Neat. I'm excited to see that, really.
[5:41 PM] <io_error> hm, so that's it?
[5:44 PM] <photomatt> yep
[5:44 PM] <photomatt> </meetup>

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