Free Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training

  • Get the most out of the SEO plugin for your website or your client’s site
  • Get insights from SEO experts and the creators of the plugin such as Joost de Valk
  • 2 hours of video, sliced into 41 bite-sized clips
  • Covers the new WordPress block editor

Yoast SEO plugin training

  • Learn how to use the Yoast SEO plugin
  • Don't miss out on handy SEO features
  • Get the best settings for your site
  • Easy access through MyYoast and Yoast SEO academy

Yoast SEO Premium + Academy

$89 USD / year
  • Unlock access to all Yoast SEO academy courses
  • Also includes the Yoast SEO Premium plugin
  • Learn to do SEO yourself
  • Improve your rankings right away
Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $89 USD (ex VAT)

What you will learn in the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training

In short: you learn a whole lot about SEO and you find out how to set up and use the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin so it makes SEO even easier. What you will walk away with afterward:

  • You know how to detect serious SEO issues (no technical skills needed) There might be serious issues stopping your site from ranking. Such as blocked access for search engines, blog posts without any links to other posts, or 404 ‘Page not found’ errors. Apart from Yoast SEO, there’s another tool that spots these for you: Google Search Console. We’ll show you how to connect your website to it, without any technical wizardry. You’ll be able to see all Google Search Console errors from within the plugin, so you can fix them as well.
  • You’re able to fix SEO issues instantly We’ll show you the built-in tools for fixing the SEO errors that are hurting your rankings in Google. Are you using the Premium version of Yoast SEO? Then you can have the plugin fix a lot of these issues automatically, so you don’t have to worry about them. Such as 404 ‘Page not found’ errors, which can severely hurt your rankings if you leave them unattended.
  • Set up the plugin the best way for your site Your website is not like every other website out there. So your settings shouldn’t be either. We’ll walk you through the options and explain what choices you should make depending on your situation. So you know how to set it up the best way for your site or your client’s website.
  • You have more control over what your site looks like in the search results Ranking high is one thing. Making people click through to your website is something else. After this training, you’ll know how to properly edit and control every piece of information that could show up in the search results. So you can tweak it until it’s irresistible to click. And in case someone has published your article on their site: we’ll show you how to outrank them.
  • You write content that attracts more traffic Google doesn’t reward websites with a high ranking because they have pretty pictures. You rank high if your content is what people are looking for. So we’ll show you how to get your content on point: focus keywords, snippets, cornerstone content … We’ll explain everything you need for writing content that ranks and that people love reading.
  • You stand out on Facebook and Twitter People are flooded with posts on social media. So if you want people to click your link, you’d better stand out. We’ll show you how to do just that. A few examples: generate bigger images on Twitter cards, set a good Facebook page image, and get that verified checkmark on Pinterest.
  • Big site? Save time thanks to bulk edits and linking suggestions We’ve added a few tools to the plugin that save you time, especially if your site contains more than a few pages. For one, you can bulk edit meta information for hundreds of pages at once. And if you’re using the Premium plugin, you’ll never have to look for internal links ever again. Because you get suggestions for relevant pages as you type. So your site structure gets stronger every time you write new content.
  • You know the SEO fundamentals If you want to rank high in Google, it’s crucial to understand how search engines work. We’ll reveal how Google sees your website and how Yoast helps you rank higher. There’s a bonus chapter for the SEO diehards who want to take a look under the hood of the Yoast SEO plugin.


This training is for you if …

  • You want your website or your client’s website to rank higher in Google
  • No technical background or SEO experience required: whether you’re new to SEO or you’ve been an SEO professional since the dawn of search engines … doesn’t matter!
  • You own or maintain a WordPress website
  • You have the Yoast SEO plugin (free or Premium) (Are you using another SEO plugin right now? No worries: we’ll show you how to import all your settings to Yoast SEO, so you don’t have to reconfigure anything.)
  • You want to learn more about SEO in general


Check out our other free courses too!

Currently, we offer the following free Yoast SEO academy courses. 

  • SEO for beginners training
    Learn the basics of SEO and get quick wins to make your site rank higher.
  • Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training
    Learn about how to set up and use the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin so it makes SEO even easier.
  • WordPress for beginners training
    Learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining a WordPress website.
  • Block editor training
    Learn how to create block-tastic content with the WordPress block editor.
  • Structured data for beginners training
    Learn how to get attention-grabbing rich results that stand out in the search results!

Get the Premium plugin to make ranking even easier!

You don’t need the Premium plugin to follow this course. But it does make ranking high in Google and getting more traffic to your website even easier. This is what you’ll get:

  • You get 5 focus keywords so you can attract more traffic to the same page or blog post.
  • You get full control over what your page looks like once it’s shared on Facebook or Twitter, thanks to the social previews. (In the free plugin, you get this preview option only for Google, not for social media.)
  • You no longer waste time looking for related posts or pages to link to, to strengthen your site structure. You’ll get automatic linking suggestions while you type.
  • You’ll no longer have to worry that people and Google get lost on 404 not found pages. The plugin’s Redirect manager will ask you what to do every single time you delete a page.
  • Included: 1 year of free support and updates. Which means you’ll get an answer to any plugin question you ask our knowledgeable support team by email

Get Yoast SEO Premium Get the #1 SEO plugin and the guarantee you’ll set it up best

Want to become an SEO expert?

All of this sets you up perfectly for the treasure trove of knowledge we have lined up for you in Yoast SEO academy. Whether you want to dive into creating the perfect SEO content, or want to optimize your site on a technical level, it’s all there for you!

What is included in the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training?

  • 41 bite-sized videos: a total of 2 hours
  • 14 quizzes to test your new skills
  • 22 PDF files for your reference and to dig deeper into the topics you’d like to know more about
  • Access to this training for 1 whole year
  • Covers the new WordPress block editor.

You can instantly apply everything you learn to your own website or your client’s website. And good to know: all material is in English


Show off your SEO skills with a certificate and badge

Once you’ve finished the course, you’ll get a certificate and a badge you can display on your website. The badge only appears when you’ve actually completed the course, so not just anyone can use it. Add the certificate to your resume, your LinkedIn profile or use it to get that raise you deserve.

How much time do I need for this course?

You can watch all the videos in under 2 hours. But are you planning to go all in? And by that we mean: are you going to watch all videos, take all quizzes, read all PDF files and apply everything to your own WordPress environment? Then you should be done in 16 to 20 hours. Of course, it all depends on your experience. You don’t need any technical background, but if you’re an SEO expert, you’ll probably complete the training faster than someone who’s just started. You have access for a whole year, so you can spread it out as you like. Your course will be available for one year from date of purchase.