DEV Community


Top tags


Once relegated to the browser as one of the 3 core technologies of the web, JavaScript can now be found almost anywhere you find code.

JavaScript developers move fast and push software development forward; they can be as opinionated as the frameworks they use, so let's keep it clean here and make it a place to learn from each other!

70708 posts published


53462 posts published


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese Proverb

36184 posts published


20315 posts published


Official tag for Facebook's React JavaScript library for building user interfaces

27337 posts published


Tutorial is a general purpose tag. We welcome all types of tutorial - code related or not! It's all about learning, and using tutorials to teach others!

22649 posts published


import antigravity

19836 posts published


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple language for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to HTML documents. It describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

15355 posts published


The most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code.

12514 posts published


Content centering around the shifting left of responsibility, deconstruction of responsibility silos, and the automation of repetitive work tasks.

12277 posts published


13345 posts published


11591 posts published


This tag is for anything relating to careers! Job offers, workplace conflict, interviews, resumes, promotions, etc.

14096 posts published


Productivity includes tips on how to use tools and software, process optimization, useful references, experience, and mindstate optimization.

14969 posts published


What color should the bike shed be?

16117 posts published


21490 posts published


Optional static type-checking for JavaScript.

8939 posts published


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of web-services for computing, storage, machine learning, security, and more There are over 150+ AWS service with new services being announced yearly.

8227 posts published


8272 posts published


Home for all the PHP-related posts on!

6585 posts published


May The Source Be With You! Articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management.

8760 posts published


Show off what you've built!

8561 posts published


7634 posts published


6089 posts published


What are clouds made of? Linux servers, mostly.

6178 posts published


Official tag for the Vue.js JavaScript Framework

6997 posts published


6899 posts published


One of the world's most popular frontend JavaScript frameworks.

6558 posts published


5375 posts published


4845 posts published


Posts on building, using, and learning about databases.

4471 posts published


Stories about Docker as a technology (containers, CLI, Engine) or company (Docker Hub, Docker Swarm).

6182 posts published


Data Science allows us to extract meaning from and interpret data.

3943 posts published


22548 posts published


The tag for Microsoft Azure, the Cloud Computing Platform.

4176 posts published


This tag is for sharing and asking questions about anything related to computer science, including data structures, algorithms, research, and white papers! 🤓

4732 posts published


This tag is for posts related to the Ruby language, including its libraries.

5736 posts published


Official tag for the C# programming language.

4480 posts published


4486 posts published


There is no cloud, only other peoples computers.

3351 posts published


5253 posts published


The 100 Days of Code is a coding challenge created by Alexander Kallaway to encourage people to learn new coding skills.

3511 posts published


3878 posts published


4986 posts published


All computing — without servers!

4229 posts published


Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that happens to power [](/) ❤️

4368 posts published


3569 posts published


3729 posts published


4057 posts published


3035 posts published


Heap, Binary Tree, Data Structure it doesn't matter. This tag should be used for anything Algorithm & Data Structure focused.

3281 posts published


Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.

2790 posts published


3289 posts published


A place to ask questions and provide answers. We're here to work things out together.

4465 posts published


Expect to see announcements of new and updated products, services, and features for languages & frameworks. You also will find high-level news relevant to the tech and software development industry covered here.

5373 posts published


3365 posts published


3475 posts published


Light, and offtopic conversation.

3042 posts published


GraphQL is a query language and execution engine for client‐server applications

3170 posts published


2208 posts published


2895 posts published


2353 posts published


3901 posts published


3396 posts published


This tag is for anything related to Apple's iOS devices, operating system, and development environment. Development, usage, apps, tips, requests for help: if it's related to iOS it's welcome here!

3527 posts published


2114 posts published


2939 posts published


Tag for content related to software performance.

2000 posts published


Posts on tips and tricks, using and learning about PostgreSQL for database development and analysis.

1663 posts published


1844 posts published


3254 posts published


This tag is for posts related to the Rust programming language, including its libraries.

2113 posts published


User Experience tips, tricks, discussions, and more!

2169 posts published


2356 posts published


Next.js gives you hybrid static and server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed.

1917 posts published


1782 posts published


3019 posts published


2266 posts published


Dear Diary...

1372 posts published


1530 posts published


1758 posts published


3527 posts published


Gatsby is a free and open source JavaScript framework that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.

1753 posts published


1844 posts published


Posts on tips and tricks, using and learning about SQL for database development and analysis.

2477 posts published


Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML

1257 posts published


On the language, SDK and ecosystem.

1409 posts published


Official tag for the C++ programming language.

1999 posts published


1880 posts published


2056 posts published


Summarize a concept that is new to you.

2382 posts published


2220 posts published


This is where we talk about all thing related to the Elixir language, including it's surrounding OTP ecosystem.

1331 posts published


Agile! A iterative and time boxed approach to software development where you build software incrementally from the start instead of trying to deliver all at once.

1727 posts published


1958 posts published


Tag to discuss Svelte, a JavaScript component framework, which aims at being simple and efficient.

1133 posts published


1349 posts published


3689 posts published


Firebase helps you build and run successful apps. It offers products and solutions you can rely on through your app's journey.

1423 posts published


Posts on tips and tricks, using and learning about MySQL for database development and analysis.

1202 posts published