WordPress 有著美觀的設計、強大的功能,可自由用於建置任何型式的網站,並且同時兼具免費及無價兩種特質。

Trusted by the Best

42% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.



  • 可自訂設計
  • 便於進行 SEO
  • 回應式行動版網站
  • 高效能
  • 隨時隨地管理
  • 高安全性
  • 強大的媒體管理
  • 簡單、無障礙

Extend WordPress with over 55,000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and much more.


Hundreds of thousands of developers, content creators, and site owners gather at monthly meetups in 817 cities worldwide.

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超過六千萬使用者選擇 WordPress 打造他們在網路上的「家」— 一同加入吧。


WordPress 新鮮事:2018 年 11 月

本篇原文為《The Month in WordPress: November 2018》,本系列由  […]


  1. Find a trusted web host and maybe support WordPress at the same time.
  2. Download & install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Publishing has never been easier.
  3. Spend some time reading our documentation, get to know WordPress better every day and start helping others, too.