

Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!



WorePress 相信保持簡單可為 WordPress 保有快速和輕巧,即便是有著一堆想法被引入作為 WordPress "核心"程式碼新功能性的一部分。直到現在,用戶仍經常發現需要為 WordPress 添加新功能以滿足他們的需求。本節的 Codex 提供指導和參考給任何想要修改、擴展,或有助於使用 WordPress 的人。

您或許也會想要看看 開發者文件 FAQ



雖然僅限於少數個別的程式設計師可以變更 WordPress 可供下載的檔案,但是每一位 WordPress 使用者對於 WorePress 核心碼的變更都具有影響力,以便讓 WordPress 具有高度的客製化能力。



  • Writing a Plugin - 學習有關如何開發外掛的最佳起點。
  • Plugin Resources - 開發外掛的其他參考資料之綜合清單。
  • Plugin API - 用在你的外掛中的 Hooks, Actions, 及 Filters (2.1版;亦連結到較舊版本的文章)
  • Function Reference - Complete PHP function reference for WordPress (version 2.1, with links to previous versions)
  • Shortcode API - A tutorial and reference for the shortcode API (new in version 2.5)
  • Dashboard Widgets API - A reference with examples for adding new widgets to the admin dashboard.
  • Settings API - A reference with examples for adding new settings to existing settings screens.
  • Data Validation - 一個對於 WordPress 外掛作者來說 必讀 的文件,描述被 WordPress 所使用的函數要如何驗證以及淨化資料,外掛作者應該要熟悉這些函數與概念。
  • Migrating Plugins and Themes - Contains information on how to upgrade your Plugin so it will work from version to version of WordPress
  • WordPress Coding Standards - General information about coding standards for WordPress development
  • Plugin Submission and Promotion - Once you have written your plugin, here are some hints on distributing it widely
  • Widgets API - A reference with examples for creating widgets for use in sidebars

對 Wordpress 的貢獻

  • Contributing to WordPress - Main starting point if you would like to contribute to core WordPress development, documentation, support, translations, or financial health
  • Automated Testing - Testing WordPress using the automated test suite and how to use the tools and write test cases.
  • Data Validation - A must-read for WordPress contributors. Describes the functions used by WordPress to validate and sanitize data. Developers contributing to WordPress' codebase should be familiar with these functions and ideas.



  • Advanced Topics - Annotated list of many articles on advanced WordPress topics
  • Query Overview - Description of the WordPress query process used to find posts and display them
  • Reporting Bugs - Information on reporting and fixing WordPress bugs
  • Using Subversion - Introduction to SVN, the source code repository used by WordPress
  • Development Team - The members of the development team.


WordPress Hooks

WP Hook Database - Thorough and extremely useful reference of all hooks (actions and filters) used in WordPress cross referenced by version.

WordPress 原始碼


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