What we're about

Getting your writing done can be about finding the space for it in time or in place. It can also be about finding the right writing community that enables your writing to grow.

Do you want to develop your writing skills along with other writing enthusiasts? We're a group of writers with various levels of experience and interest in many different forms of writing, including short stories, micro fiction, flash fiction, poetry, essays, blog posts, articles, short film scripts and more.

We start with a short writing exercise and then we discuss either a piece of published writing or a specific topic. After that we spend the rest of the time sharing feedback for texts by two participants.

Submitted texts for workshops are not longer than 5 pages. They can be complete stories/poems/scripts for help with final editing touches, or a first draft of something that you want help to develop ideas and directions for, or anything in between.

Workshop texts are shared through Google Drive about a week before our meetups, to leave time for everyone to read and prepare comments beforehand. Submissions are sent to me by Sunday the week before each meetup.

Past events (38)

Writers' Workshop

Online event

Writers' Workshop

Online event

Writers' Workshop

Online event

Writers' Workshop

Online event

Photos (4)