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Answer: Kubernetes Pod stuck in CrashLoopBackOff

Answer: Kubernetes Pod stuck in CrashLoopBackOff

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1 min read
docker 重启失败

docker 重启失败

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1 min read


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1 min read
bash 函数 return 1 是表示执行失败

bash 函数 return 1 是表示执行失败

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1 min read
quote in ssh bash -c

quote in ssh bash -c

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1 min read
Why do the md5 hashes of two tarballs of the same file differ?

Why do the md5 hashes of two tarballs of the same file differ?

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1 min read
kubectl -ojsonpath

kubectl -ojsonpath

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1 min read
解决 Kubernetes 中 Kubelet 组件报 failed to get cgroup 错误

解决 Kubernetes 中 Kubelet 组件报 failed to get cgroup 错误

1 min read
Answer: how to run kubelet as docker container

Answer: how to run kubelet as docker container

1 min read
the associated storage asset still exists when the pv is deleted

the associated storage asset still exists when the pv is deleted

1 min read
Galera Cluster Recovery

Galera Cluster Recovery

1 min read
Answer: How to see docker image contents

Answer: How to see docker image contents

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1 min read
windows hosts file do not support inline comments

windows hosts file do not support inline comments

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1 min read
Answer: What is the difference between the random.choices() and random.sample() functions?

Answer: What is the difference between the random.choices() and random.sample() functions?

1 min read
Answer: Set specific DNS server using dns.resolver (pythondns)

Answer: Set specific DNS server using dns.resolver (pythondns)

1 min read
Answer: How to copy Docker images from one host to another without using a repository

Answer: How to copy Docker images from one host to another without using a repository

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1 min read
I was misguided by the network policy of the office when I try to determine whether the target port of target server is open

I was misguided by the network policy of the office when I try to determine whether the target port of target server is open

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1 min read
Answer: Grep in MySQL CLI interpretter

Answer: Grep in MySQL CLI interpretter

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1 min read
add worker label to worker node in k8s

add worker label to worker node in k8s

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1 min read
忘了添加允许外网访问的 firewall rule 导致的问题

忘了添加允许外网访问的 firewall rule 导致的问题

1 min read
beawre the place where you put ssh include directive after

beawre the place where you put ssh include directive after

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1 min read
ansible lineinfile 中 regexp 如果匹配多行,只会修改其中一行

ansible lineinfile 中 regexp 如果匹配多行,只会修改其中一行

1 min read
ssh login to the wrong machine

ssh login to the wrong machine

Comments 1
1 min read
ansible create empty file if it does not exist

ansible create empty file if it does not exist

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1 min read
auto start cron in wsl2

auto start cron in wsl2

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1 min read
the value of ansible_hostname is not fixed after the fact gathering

the value of ansible_hostname is not fixed after the fact gathering

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1 min read
ansible cannot connection after change ip of target

ansible cannot connection after change ip of target

1 min read
ansible only use one configuration file, not combine all the configuration files

ansible only use one configuration file, not combine all the configuration files

1 min read
ssh configuration in windows

ssh configuration in windows

1 min read
Answer: docker find container by pid of inside process

Answer: docker find container by pid of inside process

1 min read
rsync continue a broken scp command

rsync continue a broken scp command

1 min read
recover from a interrupted yum upgrade

recover from a interrupted yum upgrade

1 min read
hyper -v 导致 windows 10 分辨率降级

hyper -v 导致 windows 10 分辨率降级

1 min read
run ping command as normal user in wsl2

run ping command as normal user in wsl2

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1 min read
disable CoW on vm images

disable CoW on vm images

1 min read


1 min read


1 min read
错误地配置了 gcp 的防火墙规则

错误地配置了 gcp 的防火墙规则

1 min read
shell Process substitution and pipe

shell Process substitution and pipe

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1 min read
relational expression and /regular expression/ in awk

relational expression and /regular expression/ in awk

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1 min read
cmd1 && cmd2 || cmd3 is not the same as if cmd1; then cmd2; else cmd3;fi

cmd1 && cmd2 || cmd3 is not the same as if cmd1; then cmd2; else cmd3;fi

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1 min read
difference between rm and unlink

difference between rm and unlink

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1 min read
Answer: Ansible fileglob: unable to find … in expected paths

Answer: Ansible fileglob: unable to find … in expected paths

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1 min read
Prevent harmful Linux updates with versionlock

Prevent harmful Linux updates with versionlock

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1 min read
Answer: Run only one task and handler from ansible playbook

Answer: Run only one task and handler from ansible playbook

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1 min read
Ctrl-v I # cannot comment out multiple lines

Ctrl-v I # cannot comment out multiple lines

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1 min read
failed to switch container runtime to containerd

failed to switch container runtime to containerd

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1 min read
apt cacher for faster downloading rpm/deb pkgs

apt cacher for faster downloading rpm/deb pkgs

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1 min read
a wrong indent in yaml make comment invalid

a wrong indent in yaml make comment invalid

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1 min read
nodename and hostname in ansible

nodename and hostname in ansible

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1 min read
small error related to quote and indent in ansible playbook loop

small error related to quote and indent in ansible playbook loop

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1 min read
yum --disableexclude

yum --disableexclude

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1 min read
ssh can not resolve hostname in included config file

ssh can not resolve hostname in included config file

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1 min read
fix problems after rename vagrant project

fix problems after rename vagrant project

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1 min read
open search result in new tab

open search result in new tab

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1 min read
vagrant cannot create a custom named network for virtualbox

vagrant cannot create a custom named network for virtualbox

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1 min read
docker: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers).

docker: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers).

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1 min read
Ansible: Further plays are not executing if task in one play failed when multiple plays in a playbook

Ansible: Further plays are not executing if task in one play failed when multiple plays in a playbook

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1 min read
vagrant will not run an ansible play if the vm do not match the hosts line in the play

vagrant will not run an ansible play if the vm do not match the hosts line in the play

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1 min read
specify image-repository fo kubeadm

specify image-repository fo kubeadm

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1 min read