This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Taxonomy Switcher


This plugin allows you to select your “From”, and “To” Taxonomies, to convert all terms. Optionally select a parent term to limit terms to switch. Typing term names will do a live search of terms with the name you are typing AND possess child terms.

Plugin also has built-in support for WP-CLI. In the command line, type in wp taxonomy-switcher for instructions.

Plugin is on GitHub. Pull Requests and Forks welcome.


Please keep in mind, if parent isn’t set, or you don’t specify a comma-separated list of term ids to migrate, it will migrate all terms for that taxonomy to the new taxonomy.

Pluginize was launched in 2016 by WebDevStudios to promote, support, and house all of their WordPress products. Pluginize is not only creating new products for WordPress all the time, but also provides ongoing support and development for WordPress community favorites like CPTUI, CMB2, and more.


  • Admin page
  • Live-searching for a parent term


  1. Backup!
  2. Upload ‘taxonomy-switcher’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Navigate to the ‘Taxonomy Switcher’ admin page. You’ll find the menu item under the ‘Tools’ menu item on the left.
  5. Select your “From”, and “To” Taxonomies.
  6. a) Optionally select a parent term to limit terms to switch. Typing term names will do a live search of terms with the name you are typing AND possess child terms. OR b) Add a comma-separated list of term ids to switch.
  7. Switch them!


December 22, 2020
This worked exactly as it should've, but I wish there was a copy option - not just move. That said, I had a new custom post type and needed to move the posts from Posts into the new CPT and a new custom Taxonomy and maintain the categories in the new post and new Taxonomy and this worked perfectly to move the categories and keep them assigned to the correct post. I did want to keep the categories also in the Posts, but that's acceptable to me to re-create them since I didn't have to go reassign the categories manually to each post. Thanks!
September 30, 2020
Does the job as expected. Converted my wordpress categories to anew custom tax. Thank you very much 🙏🏼
June 28, 2019
Works great. I used this in conjunction with Post Type Switcher to move a bunch of posts, and their tags and categories to a new custom post type. Cool thing was that everything remained properly connected! So posts that had categories and tags and lost them after I converted to a new custom post type actually got them back after I used this plug-in! Thanx for saving me, like, a b'gillion hours of work! So yeah - I'm sending you love. What of it? LOL!
Read all 18 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Taxonomy Switcher” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.4.0


  • Update for xss vulnerability,


  • Add ability to switch comma-separated list of term IDs.


  • Release