Stiahnuť OmegaT

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Links are provided below to the various versions of OmegaT. If you are confused about which version to download, you can use the Download selector.

OmegaT Download Selector

The version for installation by the user, familiar to existing OmegaT users. If in doubt, select this version.

The Web Start version is the "install and forget" version.
The benefit: once launched, future updates of the Web Start version will be installed automatically on your computer.
The drawback: at present, this version cannot be used in conjunction with plug-ins, so not all functions are available.

For installation on Windows System.

For installation on Mac OS X.

For installation on Linux.

For installation on other operating systems (such as FreeBSD and Solaris).
OmegaT can be installed on any operating system capable of running version 1.6 of the Java runtime environment.

The "batteries included" version of OmegaT, with its own Java Runtime Environment. This version will take longer to download and will require more space on your hard drive, but you can be confident that it will run. If in doubt, select this option.

The included JRE is the 64-bit version.

The "batteries included" version of OmegaT, with its own Java Runtime Environment. This version will take longer to download and will require more space on your hard drive, but you can be confident that it will run. If in doubt, select this option.

If you are sure that a suitable Java Runtime Environment is already installed on your computer at system level, you can select the option without JRE included.

The "Standard" version of OmegaT includes a full user manual (at least in English) and will usually have been tested for some time to eliminate any bugs. It is the recommended version for first-time users.

As its name suggests, the "Latest" version of Omegat is more up to date. However, the user manual may no longer be up to date (and therefore possibly confusing), and some minor bugs are possible. Nevertheless, the "Latest" versions of OmegaT are usually very stable and are recommended for any users who already have some experience with OmegaT.


System requirements

OmegaT will run on any system on which the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) has been or can be installed. The JRE is now supplied with OmegaT and need not be obtained separately. OmegaT has been successfully installed on Windows (all versions from 98 onwards), Macintosh OS X and Linux.

Files in Microsoft Office XML format can be translated directly in OmegaT. Files in older MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint formats can be translated following conversion to the equivalent current Microsoft Office formats, or alternatively to the Office Open XML format, which can be done in or LibreOffice (also free). To obtain or LibreOffice, follow the link from "Third-party software" button on the left.

User requirements

OmegaT is not particularly difficult to install or use, but it does require a willingness to read and follow the instructions. If you have a natural aversion to reading instructions, and your approach to new software is to click on every button you see until something resembling the desired effect occurs, then OmegaT is probably not suitable for you.

Standard Version - OmegaT 4.3.2

The Standard version has usually been in use for some time and is therefore proven. Its documentation, at least in English, is usually reasonably up to date. It will however lack some of the features of the "Latest" version.

Platform Detailed instructions
Windows with JRE Download
Windows with 64-bit JRE Download
Windows without JRE Download
OS X Signed
OS X Unsigned
Linux with 64-bit JRE Download
Linux with JRE Download
Cross-platform without JRE Download
Web Start
Source code

Latest Version - OmegaT 5.5.0

The Latest version is a more recent version than the Standard version and includes new features not present in the latter. The Latest version will usually be reasonably stable and usable, but may have some bugs. Documentation, particularly of new features, will be less comprehensive than that of the Standard version. Users who already have some experience with OmegaT often prefer the Latest version.

Platform Detailed instructions
Windows with JRE Download
Windows with 64-bit JRE Download
Windows without JRE Download
OS X Signed Download
OS X Unsigned Download
Linux with 64-bit JRE Download
Cross-platform without JRE Download
Web Start Download
Source code Download

Developer Version

The "/trunk" version is a cutting-edge, "alpha" version, still in development. Pre-built binaries, are available as Nightly Builds.

Platform Detailed instructions
Trunk Download
Nightly Builds Download

Legacy versions

You can still find older, superseded versions of OmegaT.

Legacy versions are older versions that have been superseded. For most users, these are not of interest. However, some users may face restrictions (imposed by their operating systems or Java version) that may result in a preference for an older version.

With/without JRE

In order to run, OmegaT requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on your computer.

If you are confident that a suitable version of the JRE is already installed on your computer, you can download a version of OmegaT without the JRE. The download will be faster, and the installation will require less space on your hard drive. In this case, do not select the Default version; select a different version (e.g. Standard or Latest), then select a version marked "Java not included".

If you install the OmegaT version with JRE even though the JRE is already installed on your computer, OmegaT's JRE will be installed separately and will not conflict with it. It is therefore always safe to install the version of OmegaT with JRE. If you are unsure whether or not you have a suitable version of the JRE, select a version with JRE (or the Default version).

Mac OS X users: the JRE is installed on Mac OS X by default; there is therefore no version for Mac OS X with the JRE.

Linux users: most Linux distributions are supplied with a Java Runtime Environment, but some open-source implementations do not work properly with OmegaT (although this may not be immediately apparent). If you are relatively new to Linux, we advise you to select an OmegaT version with the JRE included. More experienced Linux users may prefer to install the Oracle (formerly Sun) JRE at system level.