DEV Community



The Best VS Code Extensions For Remote Working

The Best VS Code Extensions For Remote Working

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4 min read
15 Beginner JavaScript Projects to Improve Your Front-End Skills!

15 Beginner JavaScript Projects to Improve Your Front-End Skills!

Reactions 196 Comments 4
9 min read
FullStack - How to create a working blogging website with pure HTML, CSS and JS in 2021.

FullStack - How to create a working blogging website with pure HTML, CSS and JS in 2021.

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11 min read
Laravel Dashboard Templates - Open-source and FREE

Laravel Dashboard Templates - Open-source and FREE

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3 min read
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DEV Community is a community of 673,673 amazing developers

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Create React App without create-react-app !

Create React App without create-react-app !

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4 min read
🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 13th August 2021

🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 13th August 2021

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3 min read
Smashed a DEV Bug: Tiny regex fix

Smashed a DEV Bug: Tiny regex fix

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2 min read
Getting Started with Systems Programming with Rust (Part 1)

Getting Started with Systems Programming with Rust (Part 1)

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7 min read
Play in one team with your body, not against each other

Play in one team with your body, not against each other

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2 min read
Client- and Server-Side Data Fetching in React

Client- and Server-Side Data Fetching in React

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8 min read
Big O, code efficiency analysis

Big O, code efficiency analysis

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12 min read
Today's Daily Dose of Programming Humor

Today's Daily Dose of Programming Humor

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1 min read
Windows 365, is it actually worth it?

Windows 365, is it actually worth it?

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4 min read
"INTERFACES - WHY USE THEM?" 😦 (my reply)

"INTERFACES - WHY USE THEM?" 😦 (my reply)

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6 min read
IAM: What happens when you assume a role?

IAM: What happens when you assume a role?

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6 min read
Making React Virtual Window - virtualise anything for a performance boost! lib + "how I built it" tutorial

Making React Virtual Window - virtualise anything for a performance boost! lib + "how I built it" tutorial

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21 min read
Running migrations for an Aurora Serverless cluster

Running migrations for an Aurora Serverless cluster

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8 min read
Windows 11 Settings menu using vanilla HTML, CSS & JS

Windows 11 Settings menu using vanilla HTML, CSS & JS

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1 min read
Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part II

Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part II

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7 min read
Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript Starter Template

Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript Starter Template

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4 min read
Did you know: local-first-cooperation?

Did you know: local-first-cooperation?

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1 min read
Installing Nginx on Ubuntu and hosting Websites

Installing Nginx on Ubuntu and hosting Websites

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2 min read
Lazy loading react components with dynamic imports and intersection observer

Lazy loading react components with dynamic imports and intersection observer

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3 min read
Create a Simple Quiz App using JavaScript

Create a Simple Quiz App using JavaScript

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1 min read
Leetcode 130 : Surrounded Regions

Leetcode 130 : Surrounded Regions

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4 min read
React Native SDK upgrade issues and split jsbundle

React Native SDK upgrade issues and split jsbundle

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8 min read
Your own array in JavaScript

Your own array in JavaScript

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3 min read
Updates on clone in Angular - August 13

Updates on clone in Angular - August 13

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2 min read
Dann.js - Making a Neural Network solve XOR problems!

Dann.js - Making a Neural Network solve XOR problems!

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4 min read
Astro recipe collection website - Part 2 Homepage rendering

Astro recipe collection website - Part 2 Homepage rendering

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2 min read
How to do SEO for journal websites on angular?

How to do SEO for journal websites on angular?

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1 min read
How to Recover Data From an Unallocated Disk Space

How to Recover Data From an Unallocated Disk Space

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4 min read
Go: Provide automated tested examples for your documentation!

Go: Provide automated tested examples for your documentation!

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3 min read
Primer intento Dibujando con CSS - Mario's Mushroom PowerUp

Primer intento Dibujando con CSS - Mario's Mushroom PowerUp

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1 min read
Designing Hotel Management System With RADZEN Blazor Web Assembly Part 3 (Setup Of Security Infrastructure)

Designing Hotel Management System With RADZEN Blazor Web Assembly Part 3 (Setup Of Security Infrastructure)

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1 min read
Implementing a web app using Azure Static Web Apps.

Implementing a web app using Azure Static Web Apps.

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1 min read
How to use bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently

How to use bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently

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7 min read
Create a Netflix clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP + MySQL Day 18

Create a Netflix clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP + MySQL Day 18

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1 min read
Who can hire me?

Who can hire me?

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1 min read
Electron Adventures: Episode 19: Sending Data To Frontend

Electron Adventures: Episode 19: Sending Data To Frontend

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2 min read
Revisiting Shadow DOM: Nested items, dynamic templates, shadowRoot

Revisiting Shadow DOM: Nested items, dynamic templates, shadowRoot

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3 min read
🐳 Docker para desarrolladores

🐳 Docker para desarrolladores

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5 min read
August 13th, 2021: What did you learn this week?

August 13th, 2021: What did you learn this week?

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1 min read
SOLVED: "No usable version of the libssl was found"

SOLVED: "No usable version of the libssl was found"

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3 min read
11 Developer Tutorials You Should Try from July 2021

11 Developer Tutorials You Should Try from July 2021

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2 min read
D365 TypeScript Web Resources - Part 6 - Application Insights

D365 TypeScript Web Resources - Part 6 - Application Insights

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3 min read
The Story About a Smart Boss

The Story About a Smart Boss

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3 min read
Writing logs into Elastic with NLog , ELK and .Net 5.0 (Part 2)

Writing logs into Elastic with NLog , ELK and .Net 5.0 (Part 2)

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3 min read
GoDo: A command line todo list application

GoDo: A command line todo list application

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3 min read
Trabalhe para fora em 2021

Trabalhe para fora em 2021

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22 min read