Lingotek Translation


Lingotek Translation offers convenient cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress by simplifying the process of creating and maintaining your multilingual website. Features include machine, professional, and community translation solutions that ease the manual burden of launching in new markets while improving language consistency, cutting costs, and enabling you to deliver your brand to consumers abroad in the quickest and most effective way possible.

Make your WordPress website content truly multilingual. The power to translate is now inside WordPress!

Customizable Translation Workflows

WordPress administrators use Translation Profiles to categorize content by its relative value. You associate each content type with a Translation Profile, and the plugin carries out the appropriate workflow:

  • Professional – The plugin enables you to use your own translation agency or tap into Lingotek’s marketplace of more than 5,000+ in-country translators. Don’t have time to manage your own translation project? Let Lingotek take care of it for you. The plugin fully automates file transfer between WordPress and Lingotek. You’ll have full visibility into the translation process every step of the way. And once the translations are completed, they’ll automatically download and publish to your website according to the preferences you’ve set.

  • Community – If you’re looking to save money by avoiding professional translation, you can take the do-it-yourself approach and have your bilingual employees, partners and/or users perform translations right within WordPress. The plugin integrates with and provides use of the Lingotek Workbench, a professional-grade text editor used for translating, reviewing, and post-editing multilingual content.

  • Free Automatic – Machine translation is an excellent option if you’re on a tight budget, looking for near-instant results, and are okay with less-than-perfect quality. The plugin allows you to quickly and automatically translate your site by providing use of the commercial API for Microsoft Translator (the cost is covered by Lingotek for up to 100,000 characters). Machine translations can be post-edited at any time using the Lingotek Workbench.

Cloud-Based Translation Management System

Need access to an enterprise level Translation Management System designed to work directly with WordPress and other content management systems, allowing you complete transparent access with all your translation projects? The cloud-based Lingotek Translation Management Systems helps your business access new markets and customers. Contact [email protected] for more information and pricing of these features.


  • Cost Savings
  • Faster Translation Times
  • Higher Quality
  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Eliminate the Copy/Paste Method of Translating
  • Increased Involvement and Loyalty
  • In-context Review


Lingotek works in conjuction with the Polylang plugin (the plumbing to make WordPress multilingual ready) allowing you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages, and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them.

  • You can use as many languages as you want. RTL language scripts are supported. WordPress languages packs are automatically downloaded and updated.
  • You can translate posts, pages, media, categories, post tags, menus, widgets…
  • Custom post types, custom taxonomies, sticky posts and post formats, RSS feeds and all default WordPress widgets are supported.
  • The language is either set by the content or by the language code in the url, or you can use one different subdomain or domain per language.
  • Categories, post tags, and some other metas are automatically copied when adding a new post or page translation.
  • A customizable language switcher is provided as a widget or in the nav menu.
  • The admin interface is of course multilingual too and each user can set the WordPress admin language in its profile.


Wherever third party code has been used, credit has been given in the code’s comments.

Do you like Lingotek?

Don’t hesitate to give your feedback. It will help make the plugin better. Other contributions (helping other users on the support forum) are welcome!


  • The translation dashboard allows you to view your site languages, add and remove new languages, check the overall translation progress of your site, and see site analytics.
  • Polylang and Lingotek work together seamlessly. Continue to use Polylang for content that you want to translate inside WordPress, while sending other content to be translated by Lingotek. The orange icons indicate Lingotek statuses/actions while the blue icons continue to represent Polylang actions.
  • Use translation profiles. One of the most time-consuming activities of any multilingual web-site project is managing the ongoing flow of changes and additions to site content and configurations. Translation profiles were created to allow you to create and save and re-use your translation settings.
  • Content type profiles. Manually choosing which content to upload and download is rarely what a content administrator wants to do, and automating the upload of every change is not workable because there are various types of content. Each type of translatable content can be assigned to a customizable profile. For example, by default, we like to have Posts use an Automatic profile so that content will automatically be uploaded for translation and the resulting translations automatically be downloaded back into WordPress.
  • The Lingotek Translation plugin provides the ability to Copy, Translate, and Ignore each specific custom field. Our plugin supports WordPress custom fields and advanced custom fields.


  1. Make sure you have Polylang installed as it provides the framework for the Lingotek plugin.
  2. Upload the lingotek-translation folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the Lingotek plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Navigate to the Translation menu that appears in your admin menu.
  5. From here you can create a new Lingotek account if you do not have one, or you can connect to an existing Lingotek account.
  6. After creating a new account or connecting with your existing account you will be redirected to the Lingotek Translation tutorial and admin pages.
  7. For more information and help visit Getting Started in the Lingotek Translation Documentation or contact [email protected]


What does the Lingotek plugin do?

Lingotek has teamed up with Polylang to offer a simple way to make your WordPress site truly multilingual. Manage all your multilingual content in the same site. No need to have a different site for each language!

Why won’t the plugin connect to my Lingotek account?

The Lingotek plugin requires access to a third party API server. Your hosting provider may have a firewall in place that could be blocking those requests to outside servers. Please check with your host to allow access to Lingotek’s API server. Contact [email protected] for more help.

How can I add a language?

On the translation dashboard, click on the Translate my site into… textbox and choose from the list or start typing to quickly find a language.

How can I remove a language?

On the translation dashboard, click on the blue check mark for the language you would like to remove. Note: if you have translated content in a language you will not be able to remove that language until that content has been deleted.

Why can’t I upload my existing content to Lingotek?

You must assign a language to content that existed before you installed the Polylang and Lingotek plugins. You can do this manually or use the Lingotek Language Utility to set all content that doesn’t have an assigned language to the default language. This will allow you to upload your existing content to Lingotek.

Can I use my own translation agency with Lingotek?

Use your own translation agency or tap into Lingotek’s network of more than 5,000+ in-country translators. Content transfer is fully automated between WordPress and Lingotek. You’ll have full visibility into the translation process every step of the way. And once the translations are completed, they’ll automatically download and publish to your website according to the preferences you’ve set.

How can I check the overall translation progress of my site?

On the translation dashboard, the bars under Completed Percentage show the translation progress of content for each language. You can filter by content type or show progress for all content.

Why are there two different shades of blue in the progress bar?

The translation dashboard not only shows how much of your content is translated, but also indicates the language that your source content was authored in.

  • Dark Blue: Indicates that this is a source language that the content was authored in.
  • Light Blue: Indicates that this is a target language that the content was translated into.

What happens when I Disassociate Translations?

When content is disassociated, the connection between WordPress and Lingotek is safely removed so that translations can be solely managed inside of WordPress.

For more, visit the Lingotek documentation site.


May 24, 2021
Seems very useful when combined with Polylang because it does the machine translation in automatic. Then... messed up everything. When I reached a certain amount of words it stop working because I needed to upgrade. I asked about pricing, and they gave me a price over 7000 USD (crazy). I had to uninstall and do everything by myself. Waste of time.
January 23, 2021
You can only translate a few small articles automatically and then it does not work anymore ! Furthermore, I needed to create a lingotek account which I did not manage to delete.
January 7, 2021
Wanted to use this because I also use Polylang. I cannot connect to the service. Have tried setting up from scratch multiple times. Waste of time.
January 7, 2021
it seems like the plugin is not maintained anymore, which is very unfortunate. Currently on activation I saw many things not working as expected. The first problem I encountered was that I wasn't able to connect my Lingotek account while the plugin Rank Math SEO Plugin was active. I checked the logs to see whats happening under the hood (nothing specific to RM but some warnings due to ternary operators which will cause fatal errors in PHP 8). The UI is not very intuitive and feels like not been touched for years. I am also not that happy with the machine translation (it's like google translate in 2010). But of course community and professional translations can help translating pages faster so the plugin is not completly useless. It just needs a major update!
October 31, 2020
It is not compatible with Elementor, it does not maintain the CSS and styles of the web, we have contacted their support twice and have not received any response, they simply ignore us. Very disappointed.
Read all 40 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Lingotek Translation” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Lingotek Translation” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Lingotek Translation” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.5.0 (2021-08-05)

  • New UI
    • The source and translation icons have been replaced with chips. This makes it easier to view which stage the translations are in.
    • Added dropdown actions to the source and target chips.
    • Added Cancel option for specific targets in the action dropdown.
      *New Gone status
    • This will give you a visual indicator when a document or target has been archived or deleted.

1.4.16 (2021-07-22)

  • Fixed small whitespace bug

1.4.15 (2021-07-20)

  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • WordPress: Warning when authenticating in new clean installation
  • WordPress: When strings are not enabled, there’s a link to set up content types and enable them, but it’s broken
  • WordPress – Components missing after translation

1.4.14 (2021-07-07)

  • Fixed WordPress: consume the download_interim_translation callback

1.4.13 (2021-6-14)

  • Updated code base to be compatible with PHP 8
  • Updated cancel action behavior to be more consistent.

1.4.12 (2021-5-6)

  • Changed deprecated Polylang method

1.4.11 (2021-5-4)

  • Fixed bug that re-uploaded documents instead of patching them
  • Removed unsupported content type custom field settings
  • Changed method to track content changes for patching documents
  • Removed flag that prevented uploading certain untracked documents

1.4.10 (2021-4-15)

  • Fixed bug that slowed down the download and upload process

1.4.9 (2021-2-05)

  • Fixed major bug that prevented users from authenticating with Lingotek

1.4.8 (2021-1-29)

  • Updated patching logic to reference the translation profile
  • Changed access token to be sent with bearer

1.4.7 (2020-5-13)

  • Changed workebench URL to allow for In-Context translation using the new workbench
  • Returns more descriptive error message on delete and cancel translation

1.4.6 (2020-1-28)

  • Fixed issue that caused duplicate uploads to Lingotek TMS
  • Enabled in-context translation for WordPress using the new Workbench

1.4.5 (2019-12-3)

  • Removed Translation Modal
  • Changed API to be compatible with new Lingotek Update Document
  • Updated delete functionality

1.4.4 (2019-11-7)

  • Changed upload process to allow user to select targets on source upload

1.4.3 (2019-7-23)

  • Fixed issue where Lingotek plugin would not refresh custom fields
  • Cancel and Delete implementation working for standard content types
  • Bulk actions now differentiate between target and source documents
  • Added enhanced logging for api and callbacks
  • Fixed other minor bugs

1.4.2 (2019-5-9)

  • Fixed issue where Polylang translations would not save when Lingotek plugin was activated

1.4.1 (2019-1-2)

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Polylang

1.4.0 (2018-11-2)

  • Fixed bug where automatic downloads only show up as interim

1.3.9 (2018-11-2)

  • Added bulk custom fields change
  • Fixed other minor bugs

1.3.8 (2018-7-11)

  • Added document metadata fields to translation profiles
  • Added manual copying of categories and tags
  • Fixed other minor bugs

1.3.7 (2018-2-23)

  • Added ability to download translations at any point of the content’s workflow

1.3.6 (2018-2-9)

  • Removed option to connect to Lingotek Sandbox environment

1.3.5 (2018-2-8)

  • Added option to the Preferences page to change the auto updater interval (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this)
  • Fixed errors caused by bulk action menus

1.3.4 (2017-12-1)

  • Updated URLs for redirection to the Lingotek Marketplace and Payment Portal

1.3.3 (2017-9-15)

  • Fixed issue that prevented slugs from being translated
  • Added better error logging (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Fixed minor CSS issues
  • Added the option to use your project’s default workflow

1.3.2 (2017-8-8)

  • Updated string group action links to support multi-word titles
  • Stabilized the relationship between the auto-updater and the Lingotek Professional Workflow UI
  • Added tutorial for the Lingotek Professional Translation workflow

1.3.1 (2017-7-13)

  • Added the ability to trigger auto-uploading of custom post statuses (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Added a filter hook, lingotek_is_post_valid_for_upload, that allows users to provide custom logic to determine where a document should be auto-uploaded (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Fixed a caching issue that was loading an outdated JavaScript file
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Professional Translation Quote Calculator to fail if a language rate had not been set on the API side
  • Fixed an auto-updater issue that was marking disabled languages as enabled
  • Added several styling updates

1.3.0 (2017-7-10)

  • Added the Lingotek Professional Translation workflow
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the incorrect profile type

1.2.9 (2017-6-15)

  • Fixed a bug that displayed an error upon installing the plugin
  • Fixed a bug that was breaking the String Groups page
  • The real-time status updater has been fixed
  • Statuses are saved correctly when callbacks are received quickly

1.2.8 (2017-4-17)

  • Fixed code that got released that was not compatible with older versions of PHP which broke the plugin for some users

1.2.7 (2017-4-14)

  • Added Lingotek bulk actions to custom content types
  • Fixed incorrect number display on the Translation Dashboard when content was disabled for translation
  • Fixed a bug that created empty content if trying to download translations before they were finished
  • Fixed the String Groups page
  • Code refactoring to meet WordPress coding standards

1.2.6 (2017-3-3)

  • Increased API timeout

1.2.5 (2017-1-4)

  • Added option to select the default behavior of new Custom Fields
  • Added option to enable deleting single translations
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the translation of taxonomy slugs and descriptions

1.2.4 (2016-10-10)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the saving of Translation Profiles when the content type list was paginated
  • Fixed a bug that allowed premature status updates after uploading which caused errors when requesting translations

1.2.3 (2016-8-24)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of target languages from the Dashboard
  • Updated code for compatibility with Polylang version 2.0
  • Fixed CSS conflict with other plugins

1.2.2 (2016-7-8)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented translation of content into Japanese
  • Fixed the In-Context Review redirect
  • Added support for content download during intermediate workflow steps

1.2.1 (2016-5-26)

  • Added support for the Share Slugs feature in Polylang Pro
  • Minor fix for status icons

1.2 (2016-3-29)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the language of translated taxonomies to be set
  • Other minor fixes

1.1.11 (2016-2-16)

  • Improved the copy source feature by allowing manual copying when using a manual Translation Profile
  • Fixed a bug that prevented synchronization of translation taxonomies

1.1.10 (2016-1-21)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from being uploaded to the Media Library

1.1.9 (2016-1-19)

  • Updated code to be compatible with Polylang 1.8 structural changes
  • Minor bug fixes

1.1.8 (2015-11-19)

  • Simplified authentication to Lingotek

1.1.7 (2015-11-2)

  • Increased timeout for GET requests to 30 seconds

1.1.6 (2015-10-30)

  • Removed debugging code that was causing conflicts with other plugins and themes
  • Other minor bug fixes

1.1.5 (2015-10-9)

  • Fixed some minor bugs related to error reporting

1.1.4 (2015-10-5)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ability to add new Translation profiles

1.1.3 (2015-10-2)

  • Greatly improved API error reporting
  • Fixed a bug that caused existing profiles to be overwritten
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being notified that existing translations would be overwritten
  • Fixed a bug that caused blank posts being created upon download of translations

1.1.2 (2015-09-18)

  • Fix for copy feature
  • Fix for content status displays
  • Other minor fixes

1.1.1 (2015-09-11)

  • Added better logging and display of Lingotek API errors
  • New Translation Profile option to copy content from source language to target languages
  • Fixes for display of selected Profile
  • Minor fixes for real-time translation status updates

1.1 (2015-08-28)

  • Added the option to set a Translation Profile per Post/Page which will override the Content Type default Translation Profile
  • The selected Translation Profile is now displayed on bulk display of Posts/Pages
  • Minor fixes for real-time translation status updates
  • Fixed a bug that prevented updating of content
  • Custom fields enhancements and fixes
  • Moved Content Type Configuration, Translation Profiles, and Custom Fields tabs from the Settings Page to the Manage Page
  • Fixed Lingotek Dashboard counting error

1.0.9 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed error with YouTube videos not displaying in translations
  • Fixed a minor bug which prevented real-time translation status updates
  • Fixed custom fields settings page error

1.0.8 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed custom fields error upon saving or updating posts

1.0.7 (2015-08-18)

  • Enhanced custom field support including compatibility with user created custom fields, the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin, and the use of language configuration files (i.e., wpml-config.xml) for default settings
  • Fixed issue with sub-category translation

1.0.6 (2015-07-30)

  • Enhanced String Groups functionality and removed unecessary statuses
  • Fixed incorrect counting and extra term_taxonomy creation when importing content

1.0.5 (2015-07-23)

  • Fixed dashboard reporting issue, reduced workflow select options for new users, and other usability improvements

1.0.4 (2015-07-21)

  • Plugin and PHP compatability improvements

1.0.3 (2015-07-20)

  • Minor usability improvements

1.0.2 (2015-07-16)

  • Real-time translation status updates!

1.0.1 (2015-07-14)

  • Added pointer, updated FAQs, and minor content updates

1.0 (2015-07-06)

  • Initial release on July 6, 2015