Announcement Open Calls

Call for Speaker Nominations

We’re looking for nominations of the brightest minds in the WordPress space to share their stories.

WordCamp US 2021 is an entirely online event taking place on Friday, October 1, 2021. This inclusive event will attract WordPress users from around the world to network, learn, and share the most innovative ways to connect, contribute, and inspire with WordPress.

This year, we’re looking for nominations of the brightest minds in the WordPress space to share their stories. We want to hear about unsung heroes doing great things with the latest WordPress releases, about successful businesses that could only have happened with WordPress, educators who are using WordPress with their students, and inspirational stories of community and connection. We also want to hear about innovative technology implementations and cutting edge design methods that can inspire site owners to do even more with WordPress. 

Who You Should Nominate

  • The WordCamp US organizing committee strives to create an event with a diverse range of speakers reflecting our community. Even if someone has never presented at a WordCamp before, we would like to hear their voice and experience using WordPress.
  • Our scope for WordCamp US this year is Connection, Contribution, and Inspiration, and all themes within those parameters are welcome. 
  • We welcome both technically focused presenters as well as successful marketers, community contributors, and business leaders. If there is a story that is important for WordPress users, we want to provide these speakers an opportunity to tell it. 
  • Of particular interest, we are looking for stories that can help WordPress users find success with WordPress no matter how they use it, with the newest features and tools available to users, and with contribution to the WordPress project. 
  • For topics of specific interest, see below. 
  • Speakers can nominate themselves. We are looking for nominations that may uncover the best stories that might not otherwise be told.

WordCamp US attendees will come from all over North America and beyond, and from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some attendees will have worked with WordPress for many years, while others may be new to the platform. Some may use WordPress personally, while others may use it in corporate environments. The audience will be diverse in their needs and WordPress usage, but they will all be looking to learn how to do more with WordPress. 

At least some of WordCamp US will be livestreamed, so we would strongly encourage that any speaker nominated would be available on October 1, 2021. Participation on the day of the event is encouraged but not required.


  • GPL Compliance
  • Respects WordPress’ trademark
  • Doesn’t promote others who don’t follow the rules

General Topics

  • Blocks
    • Making and using block patterns (end-user focused?)
    • Building a block – 101 class style
    • What you can do with full site editing (FSE)
    • Using blocks to design a website for performance, accessibility, and sustainability
  • Contribution
    • Why should companies make contributing to open source a priority
    • Finding your place to contribute
    • WordPress for the next generation
  • Inspiration
    • How WordPress enabled an inspiring story
    • WordPress success stories
    • From side hustle to entrepreneur stories
    • Work-life balance
  • Connection
    • Marketing best practices for WordPress sites
      • Content strategies
      • Traffic generation
      • Email 
      • Creating your customer community (lessons from WP community could be interesting, extrapolated to a business)
    • eCommerce best practices
    • Making WordPress accessible for all
    • Copywriting for WordPress 
    • Connection while working remotely
    • WordPress in the classroom/educational settings
  • Site Performance 
    • Site Performance Optimization
    • Core Web Vitals & SEO

General Process Timeline

  • [August 6th]: Call for Nominations opens
  • [August 15th]: Call for Nominations closes 
  • [August 16th-August 26th]: Speakers selection process (includes vetting)
  • [August 27th]: Selected speakers contacted
  • [August 31st]: Speakers announced (or as they confirm/provide info, as they confirm we provide info about how to record, etc.)
  • [August 31-September 9] Personally touch base with speakers, answer questions, make sure they have good lighting/sound for their talks, etc.
  • [September 23]: Recorded Talks Due

(Note: Your name will be shared with the nominee if we contact them.)

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