Clean up your old content with our new SEO workout!

Does your website have any dead-ends? What about hidden content? Is each page getting the attention it deserves? How sure are you, really? These things matter: making your content findable for users and crawlable for Google is essential for SEO. So it’s time to give your site some TLC and clean your content up! Just …

Read: "Clean up your old content with our new SEO workout!"
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SEO for a new website: the very first things to do

How does a new website start ranking? Does it just magically appear in Google after you’ve launched it? What things do you have to do to start ranking in Google and get traffic from the search engines? Here, I explain the first steps you’ll need to take right after the launch of your new website. …

Read: "SEO for a new website: the very first things to do"

SEO for sports, fitness and gyms: 5 tips to get you ranking

Sports and fitness SEO is a really tough game. You’ll need to work hard to get those pages ranking (and keep them there). Plus, you probably need to think about how to turn those online users into customers. Luckily, you don’t need to be a tech expert to reach your sports and fitness SEO goals. …

Read: "SEO for sports, fitness and gyms: 5 tips to get you ranking"