Čudovite teme, zmogljiva orodja ter svoboda, da lahko ustvarite karkoli želite. WordPress je hkrati brezplačen in neprecenljiv.
Zaupajo nam najboljši
42% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.
Powerful Features
Limitless possibilities. What will you create?
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Easy and
Extend WordPress with over 55.000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and much more.
Hundreds of thousands of developers, content creators, and site owners gather at monthly meetups in 817 cities worldwide.
Najdi lokalno WordPress skupnostZačnite z WordPressom
Preko 60 milijonov ljudi se je odločilo da izbere WordPress za postavitev spletišča. Pridružite se nam.
Novice iz našega bloga
Spomladanski WordPress Meetup v Ljubljani (5 april, 2017)
Vabljeni na WordPress Meetup, 5 aprila 2017, v Kreativnem centru Poligon. Peter Mesarec: Analitika in najboljše prakse UX-a za spletne trgovine Peter si dnevno puli lase ob vprašanju kaj narediti, da bodo spletne trgovine velikih in malih bolje delovale. Z analitičnim pristopom in srcem v optimizaciji mu rezultati ponavadi ne uidejo. Če pa mu, je […]
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- Find a trusted web host and maybe support WordPress at the same time.
- Download & install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Publishing has never been easier.
- Spend some time reading our documentation, get to know WordPress better every day and start helping others, too.