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Once relegated to the browser as one of the 3 core technologies of the web, JavaScript can now be found almost anywhere you find code. JavaScript developers move fast and push software development forward; they can be as opinionated as the frameworks they use, so let's keep it clean here and make it a place to learn from each other!

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8 min read
What is an API?

What is an API?

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9 min read
Tech Talk: How to prevent the collapse of society by building an accessible web

Tech Talk: How to prevent the collapse of society by building an accessible web

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14 min read
GitHub 10 Repos for JavaScript Developer

GitHub 10 Repos for JavaScript Developer

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3 min read
async actions in react-redux

async actions in react-redux

Reactions 3 Comments
2 min read
Revisiting Shadow DOM: Nested items, dynamic templates, shadowRoot

Revisiting Shadow DOM: Nested items, dynamic templates, shadowRoot

3 min read
2 Uses of concat method when working with arrays in JavaScript

2 Uses of concat method when working with arrays in JavaScript

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2 min read
Kinx v1.0.3 Relaeased.

Kinx v1.0.3 Relaeased.

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2 min read
Frontend Development 2021

Frontend Development 2021

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3 min read
Ultimate Vue.js (2021) Cheat Sheet

Ultimate Vue.js (2021) Cheat Sheet

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14 min read
How to Create Forms with Webix JavaScript

How to Create Forms with Webix JavaScript

Reactions 9 Comments
24 min read
Day 1 - Your first week in NodeJS

Day 1 - Your first week in NodeJS

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5 min read
Final React Project

Final React Project

Reactions 38 Comments 3
2 min read
How Does React Work? Brief History - PART 1

How Does React Work? Brief History - PART 1

Reactions 8 Comments
7 min read
GitHub's In-Built New Feature: Quickly Open Any Repository In Visual Studio Code

GitHub's In-Built New Feature: Quickly Open Any Repository In Visual Studio Code

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2 min read
What are Higher-Order Components in React?

What are Higher-Order Components in React?

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10 min read
Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 11 #LOWREZJAM 😁

Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 11 #LOWREZJAM 😁

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1 min read
JavaScript Cheatsheet from beginners to advance...

JavaScript Cheatsheet from beginners to advance...

Reactions 835 Comments 14
6 min read
Electron Adventures: Episode 18: Sending Data To Backend

Electron Adventures: Episode 18: Sending Data To Backend

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3 min read
Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

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4 min read
CodeSignal: el reto de calcular el área de una figura

CodeSignal: el reto de calcular el área de una figura

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5 min read
Software Dev Weekly Update #3: Class Constructors, Node.js, & Modules

Software Dev Weekly Update #3: Class Constructors, Node.js, & Modules

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3 min read
How I used LocalStorage and Event delegation in a list of items.

How I used LocalStorage and Event delegation in a list of items.

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7 min read
JS Constructor Params vs This: Which Do You Use?

JS Constructor Params vs This: Which Do You Use?

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2 min read
Server-side rendering(SSR) with React[Part-2]

Server-side rendering(SSR) with React[Part-2]

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7 min read
How to handle stream errors?

How to handle stream errors?

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6 min read
Reduce is awesome ♥

Reduce is awesome ♥

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3 min read
Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 10 #LOWREZJAM 😁

Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 10 #LOWREZJAM 😁

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1 min read
How I Think About React (A Mental Model For Beginners) | Part 4: Syntax

How I Think About React (A Mental Model For Beginners) | Part 4: Syntax

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9 min read
JavaScript 'for loops' for newbies

JavaScript 'for loops' for newbies

Reactions 3 Comments 6
4 min read
Insights On Web Frameworks From 3Y Stack overflow Surveys

Insights On Web Frameworks From 3Y Stack overflow Surveys

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4 min read
String & Array Methods I recently learned!

String & Array Methods I recently learned!

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2 min read
How to manage CSS with esbuild

How to manage CSS with esbuild

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2 min read
Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 9 #LOWREZJAM 😁

Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 9 #LOWREZJAM 😁

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1 min read
Introduction to Functions in p5.js

Introduction to Functions in p5.js

Reactions 28 Comments 2
4 min read
#100daysofcode [ Day - 01 ]

#100daysofcode [ Day - 01 ]

Reactions 17 Comments 10
1 min read
Why I don't care if you disable JavaScript

Why I don't care if you disable JavaScript

Reactions 9 Comments 8
1 min read
Using localStorage with React Hooks

Using localStorage with React Hooks

Reactions 18 Comments
9 min read
Testing JavaScript with Jest - Unit Testing

Testing JavaScript with Jest - Unit Testing

Reactions 13 Comments 1
11 min read
#14) Explain Closures in JS❓

#14) Explain Closures in JS❓

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1 min read
Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 8 #LOWREZJAM 😁

Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 8 #LOWREZJAM 😁

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1 min read
Webpack Academy #2: Plugins

Webpack Academy #2: Plugins

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2 min read
Making Your First Game in Blue

Making Your First Game in Blue

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6 min read
Best React State Management Libraries

Best React State Management Libraries

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1 min read
What are Object Protoypes? - Explaining Prototype Inheritance To a Five Year Old

What are Object Protoypes? - Explaining Prototype Inheritance To a Five Year Old

Reactions 9 Comments 2
4 min read
Absolute Imports for Create React App Components

Absolute Imports for Create React App Components

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3 min read
DOM Manipulation: Hands-On

DOM Manipulation: Hands-On

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6 min read
100days of Code

100days of Code

Reactions 6 Comments 6
1 min read
Working with Input Fields in Cypress

Working with Input Fields in Cypress

Reactions 11 Comments
2 min read
Data Structure Series: Stack & Queue

Data Structure Series: Stack & Queue

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8 min read
🔥 React Hooks.😎

🔥 React Hooks.😎

Reactions 11 Comments 2
4 min read
Incrementally Adopting PureScript in a JavaScript Web Application

Incrementally Adopting PureScript in a JavaScript Web Application

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3 min read
Higher order functions and closures example in Javascript

Higher order functions and closures example in Javascript

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1 min read
Pure Function

Pure Function

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1 min read
How to connect streams with pipe?

How to connect streams with pipe?

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6 min read
Just JavaScript things…

Just JavaScript things…

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3 min read
Menulis kode Javascript yang bersih - Variabel

Menulis kode Javascript yang bersih - Variabel

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3 min read
React- how to begin

React- how to begin

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2 min read
🔥EcmaScript 6 (2015 Edition) Top Features.🔥

🔥EcmaScript 6 (2015 Edition) Top Features.🔥

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6 min read
Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 7 #LOWREZJAM 😁

Dev log for Wonder Wanderer 2: Day 7 #LOWREZJAM 😁

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1 min read