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# angular

One of the world's most popular frontend JavaScript frameworks.

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Insights On Web Frameworks From 3Y Stack overflow Surveys

Insights On Web Frameworks From 3Y Stack overflow Surveys

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4 min read
A Curated List of Angular Resources

A Curated List of Angular Resources

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7 min read
RxJS: Reduce vs Scan

RxJS: Reduce vs Scan

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1 min read
Angular Material Multi-Select Autocomplete

Angular Material Multi-Select Autocomplete

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4 min read
@Output(), compartilhando dados entre filho e pai, e até avô !

@Output(), compartilhando dados entre filho e pai, e até avô !

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3 min read
How can I set yarn as the default packageManager for Angular CLI?

How can I set yarn as the default packageManager for Angular CLI?

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1 min read
Build Your Own RxJS - Observables - (Part 1)

Build Your Own RxJS - Observables - (Part 1)

Reactions 9 Comments
5 min read
Advanced NgRx: Building a Reusable Feature Store

Advanced NgRx: Building a Reusable Feature Store

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5 min read
Same todo app with different technologies

Same todo app with different technologies

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1 min read
Angular: Pros and Cons

Angular: Pros and Cons

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3 min read
Using JSON in Angular

Using JSON in Angular

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3 min read
How to use Polkadot Angular Identicon

How to use Polkadot Angular Identicon

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2 min read
Ng-magical directives series (*ngTemplateOutlet)

Ng-magical directives series (*ngTemplateOutlet)

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6 min read
Build Your Own RxJS - Operators - (Part 2)

Build Your Own RxJS - Operators - (Part 2)

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4 min read
WhatsApp Clone using Angular, GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript and PostgreSQL

WhatsApp Clone using Angular, GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript and PostgreSQL

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5 min read
🔥 Announcing the "Angular Cookbook"

🔥 Announcing the "Angular Cookbook"

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3 min read
Angular learning curve is a journey

Angular learning curve is a journey

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4 min read
Translation validation for Angular - automatic validation messages translated

Translation validation for Angular - automatic validation messages translated

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5 min read
Angular CLI - request deprecated error (Solution)

Angular CLI - request deprecated error (Solution)

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1 min read
Strongly typed Angular Reactive Forms

Strongly typed Angular Reactive Forms

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3 min read
How to theme components in Angular

How to theme components in Angular

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4 min read
How I helped improve Angular Console

How I helped improve Angular Console

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7 min read
Difference Between React And Angular. A Comparison Guide For 2021

Difference Between React And Angular. A Comparison Guide For 2021

Reactions 23 Comments 3
13 min read
Typescript Interface vs Class With Practical Examples

Typescript Interface vs Class With Practical Examples

Reactions 52 Comments 16
2 min read
Why I Decided To Stay A Frontend Engineer And Stopped Searching Full-Stack Jobs

Why I Decided To Stay A Frontend Engineer And Stopped Searching Full-Stack Jobs

Reactions 142 Comments 17
5 min read
How to Host a React or Angular App on Firebase for FREE

How to Host a React or Angular App on Firebase for FREE

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2 min read
Angular 12 + ESLint + Material + Transloco + Jest + Compodoc + Docker + Prettier

Angular 12 + ESLint + Material + Transloco + Jest + Compodoc + Docker + Prettier

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2 min read
Advance Angular Dynamic Component

Advance Angular Dynamic Component

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7 min read
How to detect if network connection is Online/Offline with Angular - RXJS

How to detect if network connection is Online/Offline with Angular - RXJS

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1 min read
Creating a simple notice board using Angular

Creating a simple notice board using Angular

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3 min read
Updates on clone in Angular - August 6

Updates on clone in Angular - August 6

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2 min read
How to create theme relation between components in Angular

How to create theme relation between components in Angular

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2 min read
Understanding reactive form in Angular.

Understanding reactive form in Angular.

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3 min read
What are the benefits of using Angular?

What are the benefits of using Angular?

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4 min read
Angular dynamic components with code-splitting

Angular dynamic components with code-splitting

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3 min read
CI/CD using Github action for Angular deployment on ssh server

CI/CD using Github action for Angular deployment on ssh server

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2 min read
Closures & Angular

Closures & Angular

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2 min read
How to use Push Notifications in Angular ?

How to use Push Notifications in Angular ?

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6 min read
Setting up multiple environment in your angular project

Setting up multiple environment in your angular project

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1 min read
Angular Tooling - How to equip before starting a project

Angular Tooling - How to equip before starting a project

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4 min read
How to use animation with Angular ?

How to use animation with Angular ?

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3 min read
AngularJS : Requesting JSON data with AJAX

AngularJS : Requesting JSON data with AJAX

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2 min read
Best Practices for making AngularJS Application

Best Practices for making AngularJS Application

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3 min read
Which UI Frameworks you can use with Angular ?

Which UI Frameworks you can use with Angular ?

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4 min read
Build an Angular & Amazon IVS player app in less than 15 minutes!! - Part 2: Create and stream to a channel!

Build an Angular & Amazon IVS player app in less than 15 minutes!! - Part 2: Create and stream to a channel!

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4 min read
Deploy Angular Universal to Multiple Environments Using Node ENV Vars

Deploy Angular Universal to Multiple Environments Using Node ENV Vars

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2 min read
NestJS/PostgreSQL & Angular within NX Workspace - From scratch to production

NestJS/PostgreSQL & Angular within NX Workspace - From scratch to production

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6 min read
How to simplify and clean your sass import with Angular.json

How to simplify and clean your sass import with Angular.json

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1 min read
Escrevendo testes eficientes de verdade no Angular

Escrevendo testes eficientes de verdade no Angular

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14 min read
Updates on clone in Angular - July 30

Updates on clone in Angular - July 30

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2 min read
Angular - HTML Debugger Mode (feature request)

Angular - HTML Debugger Mode (feature request)

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1 min read
Intercepting Http requests in Angular

Intercepting Http requests in Angular

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3 min read


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1 min read
How to speed up Angular CLI app with esbuild-loader

How to speed up Angular CLI app with esbuild-loader

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4 min read
Announcing ScoutX Mobile: An emergency notification app for Diabetics

Announcing ScoutX Mobile: An emergency notification app for Diabetics

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2 min read
PrimeNG I18N API Usage with ngx-translate

PrimeNG I18N API Usage with ngx-translate

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3 min read
Jasmine Marbles now supports RxJS 6/7 with jest-circus

Jasmine Marbles now supports RxJS 6/7 with jest-circus

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2 min read
Unit Testing - Spies and Mocks

Unit Testing - Spies and Mocks

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8 min read
Automatically sync url path and query params with Angular component fields

Automatically sync url path and query params with Angular component fields

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4 min read
Making a Mock Service for all the mock data

Making a Mock Service for all the mock data

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4 min read