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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) makes the Web work, for everyone. We develop interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools)

MIT | ERCIM | Keio | Beihang
Menyertai April 2009
Dilahirkan pada 1 Oktober 1994


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    27 Jul

    Are you from a group that is under-represented in the web community, who can and want to join us in making Web standards, but would otherwise be unable to without financial help? Please apply for the 2021 Inclusion Fund, by August 15

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  2. 4 jam lalu

    The Decentralized Identifier WG published a Proposed Rec: "Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0." A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, etc.) that the controller decides that it identifies. Comments welcome by 31 August

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  3. 9 jam lalu

    W3C in the news: "Groundwork laid for mass digital identity take up as use cases grow" "W3C verifiable credentials will allow entities such as healthcare providers, schools and government agencies to work to the same standards. "

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  4. 11 jam lalu

    🆕 Call for Participation: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Charter Approved; Join APA WG

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  5. 14 jam lalu

    🆕 Call for Participation: Browser Testing and Tools Working Group Charter Approved; Join BTT WG

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  6. 10 Ogo

    "Keeping the complexity of IMSC documents under control" by by The IMSC Rec includes an Hypothetical Render Model (HRM) allowing authors of subtitles and captions to know that they are not generating subtitles that will overload the players

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  7. 10 Ogo

    W3C in the news: "Are We There Yet? Approaching a Passwordless Future with FIDO2" at "what’s driving the passwordless push, barriers to its adoption, developments in technologies like FIDO2 and WebAuthn"

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  8. 10 Ogo

    🗞 First Public Working Draft: MathML Core

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  9. 10 Ogo

    Translation of “Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition” in Japanese: “数学用マークアップ言語 (MathML) ヴァージョン 3.0 第2版”

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  10. 10 Ogo

    Translation of “JSON-LD 1.1 Framing” in Japanese: “JSON-LD 1.1フレーム化”

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  11. 9 Ogo

    📣 Cognitive Accessibility Community Group created

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  12. 9 Ogo

    📣 Cognitive Accessibility Community Group Proposed

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  13. 9 Ogo

    W3C in the news: "You Are Doomed To Learn WebAssembly" at "now we have WebAssembly. If you want to learn it, [diekmann] has a 4-part series that covers everything from getting started to porting Doom into your browser."

    a screenshot of a DOOM (video game) environment with code in red on the left
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  14. 6 Ogo

    📃 Keeping the complexity of IMSC documents under control, by Nigel Megitt

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  15. 6 Ogo

    The Web is one of the most powerful tools in history. Despite fears of its misuse, the Web community are working at the Web Consortium to ensure that the Web can indeed be a force for good and connection, and we continue to translate the needs of humanity into Web technologies.

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  16. 6 Ogo

    Think about how often you use the Web. Aren’t you surprised at how essential the Web is to your life? The Web’s richness, health, and future potential is linked to the immense amount of work done at the Web Consortium to ensure it is open, interoperable and works for everyone.

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  17. 6 Ogo

    On 6 August 1991 posted information about his WorldWideWeb project to the public and introduced the Web to the world. “Try it“, Tim noted in his message and since then billions of people have.

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  18. 6 Ogo

    The EPUB 3 Working Group has published a Working Group Note of EPUB 3 Text-to-Speech Enhancements 1.0. This document describes authoring features and reading system support for improving the voicing of EPUB 3 publications

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  19. 6 Ogo

    🆕 Proposed W3C Charters: Internationalization Working Group and Interest Group (until 2021-09-03/04)

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  20. 6 Ogo

    📃 30 years on from introducing the Web to the World, by Amy van der Hiel

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  21. 5 Ogo

    Work with us! We are excited to announce a position at : Web Accessibility Development and Operations Lead. This position, based in Europe, is an opportunity to work directly with the W3C & WAI communities as a development and operations lead

    shot from above of about 40 men and women, the W3C Team members, on a mosiac style floor
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