When Are The Next Wonkmeet Parties? Bet YOU'D Like to Know!

Time for another reminder of the week's coming Wonkmeet parties next week from WonkMeet.com, because it's Friday and Rebecca ain't wanna write it, she is still busy sending you thank you notes. I am honored, and also it is a fast post to write, so that is good too! Come join your fellow filthy fuckaducks and bring your filthy fuckaducklings along too!

The festivities will kick off in SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA on Thursday, August 12, at Chicano Park, from 6 to 9 p.m. Yr Editrix herself will be there, co-hosting with Wonkette Deep State Operative Binkysbroad! Bring your bad self and a "potluck," and now I understand what Rebecca meant in the Chatcave when she said she'd "be out next week driving to SD," and boy am I ever glad i didn't ask what possessed her to go to South Dakota during Delta Season!

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British Anti-Vaxxers Try Storming BBC, Attack Wrong Building Entirely

A mob of angry anti-vaccine protesters tried to shut down the British Broadcasting Corporation's news operations Monday, only to be thwarted by its leaders' complete ignorance about where in London the BBC actually is these days. The protesters tried to invade Television Centre in West London, although it hasn't housed the BBC since 2013.

The Beeb moved its operations to another building, Broadcasting House, five miles away, and the Television Centre building was remodeled to house upscale apartments, a private club, some restaurants, and, yes, some TV studios owned by the BBC, but which are rented out for morning news and daytime talk shows on ITV, a completely different network. Nonetheless, the protesters showed up at the old offices to condemn the BBC for "promoting" the vaccines as a reasonable public health effort.

Charlene White, one of the hosts of the ITV show "Loose Women" (apparently a programme about women who are not in binders), thanked police and security from keeping the pro-virus hooligans out of the building during taping, and noted that if the mob had made it in, they wouldn't have encountered any pro-vaccine propaganda anyway. She tweeted:

Not sure what protestors were hoping to achieve, but all they would've found was me, Jane, Nadia and Penny on @loosewomen talking about the menopause

No doubt the quack patrol would have yelled at the ITV hosts that menopause is not normal, but actually the result of not eating a vegan diet and also brought on by Big Pharma, so there. We're half surprised the would-be liberators of the BBC didn't say that was their target all along.

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Andrew Cuomo Finally Got The Fuck Out

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned Tuesday after it became obvious he couldn't Trump his way out of multiple sexual harassment charges. This should've happened last week, after New York state Attorney General Letitia James released her “That's Your Ass" report, and our first Andrew Cuomo, Get The Fuck Out post should've concluded with “And then he resigned in disgrace. The end." Instead, we had to discuss that Bizarro World video he forced someone on his staff to make that depicted him molesting people of all genders, races, and sexual preferences. The video was so bad James might've updated her report with a copy of the footage.

This is how we should forever remember Cuomo — defiant, arrogant, and gross.

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Herschel Walker Found The Illegal Voter, It Is Maybe His Wife (Allegedly!)

"Play by the rules.....the American people demand ONLY LEGAL BALLOTS be counted. Anyone manipulating this election should be prosecuted," tweeted retired football player Herschel Walker on November 4.

On November 6, the putative Senate candidate called again for arrests in the supposedly rampant fraud in the presidential election: "Are you telling me this isn't an attack on our Democracy? No one in America should be ok with this. Anyone committing voter fraud should be prosecuted."

In fact, Walker spent months flogging debunked claims of massive electoral fraud perpetrated to steal the election from Donald Trump.

"After reading @SidneyPowell1 's 270 page report, any person that certified Votes for their state when their state may have had voter fraud but they turned a blind eye and did no research and certified anyway, they need to go to JAIL ASAP," he railed on December 27. "Our Country was built on LAW AND ORDER."

Turns out that Walker should have been looking for that fraud a little closer to home in Texas — i.e. not in Georgia, where he may or not be running for Senate, despite having left the state decades ago.

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Little Red Corvette

San Diego, Spokane, LA we're coming at you much too fast.

There is a program for RV folks, where you stay in a vineyard or farm for free, and it is expected that you will buy something. I love buying things! Particularly from people! You got an Etsy? Don't even tell me, because I will tear your shit up.

We were in the smack middle of Idaho, on our way to SD*. Quick, ask me how many people in Idaho were wearing masks in the gas stations too late it was ZERO! My granddaughter and I must have been terribly exotic.

And we got to the vineyard, and did you know Idaho has gorges? It has gorges, and they are lush, and at the bottom 40 of the vineyard were tall ... sycamores? to shade us and the four other groups of RV folk. The first ones we met were so nice! Where were they from? Washington! But "not like the weird Washington people," they were "normal Washington people" ... it took me a whole 10 minutes to realize she most likely meant liberals.

It didn't hurt my feelings even a tiny, I say stupid shit like that all the time.

After a bit, as we were enjoying the breeze underneath the ... sycamores? a redhead in her 70s drove up in her convertible red Corvette, her eyebrows, a pair of sideways parentheses, to match. Between her manicured fingers was a cigarette. Clearly this was a woman looking to rack up a few more catcalls in her twilight, and I was delighted to oblige. AROOOOO! I shouted from the Wonkebago screen door. "What made you decide to buy it?" my good son asked her. "SON, BECAUSE SHE CAN."

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Put Down Your Chram, Rudy's On Cameo!

Call now, operators are standing by.

Fresh off his star turn crankin' his chram (allegedly!) in the Borat movie, Rudy Giuliani has found a new way to expose himself for fun and profit.

"Good news: I want to connect with YOU on Cameo -- Now taking all Cameo requests!" the president's pro bono lawyer tweeted yesterday.

That is good news! Christmas? Birthday? Retirement? SORTED.

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White House

Tyrant Joe Biden Doesn't Want Americans Sharing COVID-19 In Hurricane Shelters

Also refuses to ban FEMA from teaching critical race theory.

President Joe Biden, never missing a chance to spread his divisive rhetoric about "promoting public health" and "keeping people from dying of a horrible lung infection," yesterday urged Americans living in areas likely to be hit by hurricanes to get vaccinated against the coronavirus now. That way, if they have to evacuate because of a hurricane, they'll be at less risk of adding "pandemic" to their list of worries.

"The bottom line is this: The more we do to prepare, the better off we are when disaster strikes," Biden told reporters at the start of a meeting with Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell and other officials.

"We can't prevent hurricanes from making landfall, but we can prevent people from getting seriously sick and dying from COVID-19," he said. "If you wind up having to stay in a shelter, you don't want to add COVID-19 to the list of dangers."

Pointing out that there's a serious risk of hurricanes this month, Biden suggested it might be for the better if natural disasters weren't compounded by disease outbreaks that could be prevented if people get vaccinated. We should note that the text of his remarks didn't mention the Tree of Liberty or the need to be ready to shoot one's fellow survivors, not even once. (Perhaps Biden knows societal breakdown and disorder in a disaster are not really the norm, despite pop culture myths, and that panic by authorities can be a greater threat.)

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