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# microservices

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Trace-Based Testing with OpenTelemetry: Meet Open Source Malabi

Trace-Based Testing with OpenTelemetry: Meet Open Source Malabi

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7 min read
Harry Potter: Understanding the HTTP Methods

Harry Potter: Understanding the HTTP Methods

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5 min read
The Microelectronics Revolution Which is Base of Today’s Industrial Technologies

The Microelectronics Revolution Which is Base of Today’s Industrial Technologies

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5 min read
How to choose a database on AWS

How to choose a database on AWS

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5 min read
Indirect Coupling Story

Indirect Coupling Story

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2 min read
Fake Local Server: A Mock server

Fake Local Server: A Mock server

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3 min read
Microservices with Meteor

Microservices with Meteor

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16 min read
Authenticating REST services with OAuth2

Authenticating REST services with OAuth2

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6 min read
Building Microservices in Go: Searching with Elasticsearch

Building Microservices in Go: Searching with Elasticsearch

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5 min read
RabbitMQ Basic Overview

RabbitMQ Basic Overview

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3 min read
A Cloud Migration Questionnaire

A Cloud Migration Questionnaire

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2 min read
What Are Microservices?

What Are Microservices?

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1 min read
CRUD model class

CRUD model class

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2 min read
Distributed Tracing: Build vs Buy

Distributed Tracing: Build vs Buy

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6 min read
Flask Framework Tutorials and Courses

Flask Framework Tutorials and Courses

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6 min read
How to code better and faster: lessons from research into Google developers

How to code better and faster: lessons from research into Google developers

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2 min read
Criando Health Check para microserviços

Criando Health Check para microserviços

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3 min read
4 Service Discovery Patterns for your Microservice

4 Service Discovery Patterns for your Microservice

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4 min read
Scaling Multi-Channel E-Commerce with Microservices and a Headless CMS

Scaling Multi-Channel E-Commerce with Microservices and a Headless CMS

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7 min read
Building Microservices in Go: Graceful Shutdown

Building Microservices in Go: Graceful Shutdown

Reactions 48 Comments
3 min read
Design Patterns for Modern Day Commerce Using Microservices

Design Patterns for Modern Day Commerce Using Microservices

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6 min read
Lies, Damned lies, and Microservice "Advantages"

Lies, Damned lies, and Microservice "Advantages"

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4 min read
C++ is awesome, here's why...

C++ is awesome, here's why...

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8 min read
Create a JVM microservice in less than 10MB with Micronaut

Create a JVM microservice in less than 10MB with Micronaut

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3 min read
How to design a RESTful API on AWS

How to design a RESTful API on AWS

Reactions 46 Comments
5 min read
Building Microservices in Go: Containerization using Docker

Building Microservices in Go: Containerization using Docker

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4 min read
How to use Redis and Lua Scripts in a C# ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

How to use Redis and Lua Scripts in a C# ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

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4 min read
Getting Started With Apache Kafka and Java

Getting Started With Apache Kafka and Java

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2 min read
Microservices master thesis: Current research areas?

Microservices master thesis: Current research areas?

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1 min read
Lessons Learned from Multiple Microservice Transitions

Lessons Learned from Multiple Microservice Transitions

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8 min read
When it Pays to Choose Microservices

When it Pays to Choose Microservices

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10 min read
Microservices Authentication Strategies: Theory to Practice

Microservices Authentication Strategies: Theory to Practice

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13 min read
Use Kool to run Multiple Docker Applications at the same time in your Local Development Environment

Use Kool to run Multiple Docker Applications at the same time in your Local Development Environment

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7 min read
6 Observable Patterns to consider for your Microservice

6 Observable Patterns to consider for your Microservice

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3 min read
How to Deploy Your First Kubernetes Cluster

How to Deploy Your First Kubernetes Cluster

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5 min read
Building Microservices in Go: OpenTelemetry

Building Microservices in Go: OpenTelemetry

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5 min read
Why You Need To Start Using Microservices

Why You Need To Start Using Microservices

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3 min read
Running Jaeger Locally: How to Get Started

Running Jaeger Locally: How to Get Started

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6 min read
Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs: Implementing and Dealing with errors

Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs: Implementing and Dealing with errors

Reactions 11 Comments
3 min read
To message bus or not to message bus

To message bus or not to message bus

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4 min read
Things that are wrong with Terraform

Things that are wrong with Terraform

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2 min read
Kubernetes AutoScaling Series: Cluster AutoScaler

Kubernetes AutoScaling Series: Cluster AutoScaler

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5 min read
Run your favorite Helm Chart using MicroK8s in 5 minutes

Run your favorite Helm Chart using MicroK8s in 5 minutes

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5 min read
Complete Application Deployment using Kubernetes

Complete Application Deployment using Kubernetes

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7 min read
Managing external libraries in AWS lambda functions

Managing external libraries in AWS lambda functions

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4 min read
Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs: Putting it all together

Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs: Putting it all together

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2 min read
Creating a Microservices App with Dockerized Express Gateway.

Creating a Microservices App with Dockerized Express Gateway.

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7 min read
Arquitetura Event Driven, quando da errado

Arquitetura Event Driven, quando da errado

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8 min read
Getting Started With Apache Kafka

Getting Started With Apache Kafka

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1 min read
Creating a Mesh of Monolithic Microservices with StepZen and RedwoodJS

Creating a Mesh of Monolithic Microservices with StepZen and RedwoodJS

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10 min read
Using the Strangler Pattern to Break Down Your E-Commerce Monolith

Using the Strangler Pattern to Break Down Your E-Commerce Monolith

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8 min read
How to Cache Aggregated Data with Redis and Lua Scripts for a Scaled Microservice Architecture

How to Cache Aggregated Data with Redis and Lua Scripts for a Scaled Microservice Architecture

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5 min read
Creando una API Gateway en .NET Core con Ocelot

Creando una API Gateway en .NET Core con Ocelot

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2 min read
Notes on Kafka: Extended APIs

Notes on Kafka: Extended APIs

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6 min read
Getting Started With Testing Microservices

Getting Started With Testing Microservices

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5 min read
GraphQL microservices - Combining data from multiple microservices

GraphQL microservices - Combining data from multiple microservices

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7 min read
Notes on Kafka: Kafka CLI

Notes on Kafka: Kafka CLI

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14 min read
Opinionated take on Java Microservices Frameworks

Opinionated take on Java Microservices Frameworks

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8 min read
Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs - Versioning

Building Microservices in Go: REST APIs - Versioning

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5 min read
Logging vs Tracing: Why Logs Aren’t Enough to Debug Your Microservices

Logging vs Tracing: Why Logs Aren’t Enough to Debug Your Microservices

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7 min read