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Kinx v1.0.3 Relaeased.

Although I used to be a C++/Boost lover, I was back to C with the spirit of Zen, or the spirit of "simple is the best". Also returning to rock and roll from metal, I'm really into Rolling Stones.
・2 min read

Hello everyone!

I published Kinx v1.0.3 as an official release. See Release Page for details or I put the history since v1.0.0 at the bottom of this article.

Any comments are welcome.
And also I'll wait for a star on Github!

See you!

Change Log

Here is a change log since v1.0.0.

V1.0.3 (Officially Released) - 2021/08/10

  • Improvements
    • #308: Improvement of the stack usage.
    • Some feedbacks from V1.1.0.
      • Supported putting a comma at the end of an argument's list for both declaration and calling.
  • Bug Fixed
    • #302: Fixed a prblem of the string optimization.
    • #305: Fixed a prblem of no POPC in try.

V1.0.2 (Officially Released) - 2021/05/21

  • Bug Fixed
    • #284: Fixed a segmentation fault problem on Linux.
    • #288: Incorrect message is displayed when failed.
    • #289: File.setFiledate does not work correctly.
    • #293: Fixed a problem of a stack overflow with =~ or !~.

V1.0.1 (Officially Released) - 2021/04/22

  • Improvements
    • Improved type analysis for the language server.
    • Improved Array.keySet() for Array itself.
    • #264: Supported to change directory.
    • #265: Supported $pwd for getting a current directory.
  • Bug Fixed
    • #235: Crash when using _ outside a function.
    • #236: Can't specify the class as a return type of function.
    • #237: Comparing between variables having a string is failed.
    • #256: Comparison operator will be failed with an integer on LHS and a variable(double) on RHS.
    • #257: Fails a destructuring assignment when declaration with const.
    • #258: There is a case that the bytecode is not outputted.
    • #267: Can't use a variable name using an upper case in debugger.
    • #269: Object item is removed by flatten().

V1.0.0 (Official Release) - 2021/03/16

This is 1st official release version.

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