This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

DW Question & Answer


DW Question and Answer is a WordPress plugin which builds a complete Question & Answer system for your WordPress site, like Quora or Stackoverflow. The plugin supports multi-languages, shortcodes, reCAPTCHA, email notification system and so on.

Key features:

  • Submit / Filter / Order / Edit / Delete Question
  • Answer / Comment
  • Vote and Pick Best Answer
  • Notification Email system
  • Instant search by keywords
  • 11+ languages supported
  • Captcha supported
  • Shortcodes available
  • Private/ Public for Question and Answer
  • Questions / Answers follow function
  • Sticky Question
  • More to come

Add-on for the plugin:

Documents and Support:

You can find Documents and more detailed information about DW Question and Answer plugin on
We provide support both on support forum on and our support page on DesignWall.


Free for commercial use

Languages supported:

The plugin is frequently updated and more and more features added based on all the feedback from our users. This means you are welcome to give us feedback and suggestion on how you would want to have in the plugin.
Visit our Github project or follow us at @designwall_com to get update of our next release.


  • Front-end appearance
  • Ask question page
  • Single question page
  • Search page with Instant search function
  • Back-end settings


  1. Upload dw-question-answer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Log In to your WordPress Dashboard and go to menu Dashboard > DW Q&A > Settings then choose pages where to put submit question form and list questions page.


October 15, 2019
I love DWQA pro. Free makes for a slightly limited form, but the pro version has all the advanced features I could ever need, and three beautiful Q&A themes. All the other Q&A plugins look like a joke compared to this, and I have tried eight plugins. You can integrate with BuddyPress to make a social Q&A network, integrate with MYCRED to let users gain points and get on a leaderboard. You can edit the code to customize is even more, but there is a lot of options on the settings page. Thanks, DesignWall!
January 7, 2019
This plugin is very easy to use and has many features. We are using it with little bit customizing. Thank the team very much.
November 11, 2018
Category shows empty questions - in WP admin category settings there are 4 of them The description of question textarea is probably sawed completely to differend field than WP is then rendering back to page. That means questions inserted through Web page frontend have empty areas. Questions inserted in WP admin have it correctly.. Da fuq is that!! my god 8 months people have this problem and still not solved??
Read all 106 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“DW Question & Answer” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“DW Question & Answer” has been translated into 14 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “DW Question & Answer” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix: Upgrade new version not showing answer


  • Fix: Question filter on buddypress tab
  • Fix: Remove sanitize_title in Notification
  • Fix: Remove old function & compatible php 7.2


  • Fix: Fix bug email
  • Fix: Fix Permission


  • Update: Chang text domain to dw-question-answer
  • Update: Update pot file
  • Fix: Fix paginate link shortcode category
  • Fix: Fix count posts
  • Fix: Fix error on singular dwqa answer


  • Update: Optimize speed
  • Fix: Fix error singular function
  • Fix: Fix human time diff


  • New: Add option delay email


  • Fix: Fix search page
  • Fix: Fix notice user
  • Fix: Fix vote best answer


  • Fix: Fix bug with php 7.2


  • Fix: Fix bug count vote in post_status private
  • Fix: Fix bug with arabic language


  • New: Integrate yoast breadscrumb
  • Fix: Fix empty answer integrate buddypress
  • Fix: Fix comment vote
  • Fix: Remove function get_page


  • New: Integrate Akismet
  • Fix: Fix save permissions
  • Fix: Empty file assets Akismet


  • New: allows anonymous users to vote
  • New: add Setting time to auto close the questions
  • New: integrate buddypress plugin
  • New: Update languages RU, IT
  • Fix: fix notification


  • New: Short-code list question by category [dwqa-list-questions category=”question”]
  • New: Support template from child theme
  • Tweak: Add some filter
  • Fix: Display name in Latest Questions
  • Fix: Fix some issue in Notifications
  • Fix: Time of question and answer show not correctly
  • Fix: Addressed some security issues


  • Compatible with Genesis Framework, Advanced Ads, Facebook Comments
  • New: Support RTL languages
  • Tweak: update main file
  • Tweak: Name and Email fields in submit question and answer is require fields
  • Fix: Don’t show question listing when use the_excerpt() function

  • Fix: Fix cannot format text

  • Fix: Addressed some security issues

  • Quick fix

  • Quick fix and update some language file.


  • Tweak: Update language file
  • Fix: Addressed some security issues

  • Fix: Addressed some security issues

  • Tweak: flush rewrite rule after active or upgrade plugin
  • Fix: Fatal error in comment

  • Quick fix


  • Tweak: Update Language Files
  • New: Option show all answers on a single question page
  • New: Option show status icon on question list page
  • New: Add function pick best answer
  • Fix: Some string cannot translate
  • Fix: Fix losing data when saving changes.
  • Fix: Display name of person instead of anonymous in question and comment


  • Tweak: Update Language Files
  • Tweak: Update Swedish Language Files
  • New: Display name of the person instead of Anonymous
  • Fix: Some string cannot translate
  • Fix: Widget issue
  • Fix: Improvement style for mobile and tablet


  • New: Template Structure Updates
  • New: Core Performance Improvements
  • New: Add Questions Listing By Author page
  • New: Optimize Questions & Answers Editing
  • New: Add Breadcrumbs
  • New: Improve ‘Subscribe Question’ Feature
  • New: Simplify the question status

  • Quick fix


  • New: Extensions Page
  • New: Welcome Page
  • Fix: Rewrite Category and Tag
  • Fix: Page not found when submit question

  • Remove Widget


  • Tweak: Add Widget
  • New: Norwegian languages supported
  • New: Add function auto convert plaintext URL to HTML links
  • Fix: Facebook Comments Plugin issue
  • Fix: Remove white space in question title
  • Fix: Number of posts on DWQA Closed Widget


  • New: Add extensions and license manager
  • Update: Auto load for older version of php
  • Fix: answered filter
  • Fix: wrong direct after update answer
  • Fix: Add template captcha, add fields captcha setting
  • Fix issues about recaptcha in ssl protocol


  • Fix: Languages not working
  • Fix: Warning about rewrite settings


  • New: Add upgrades database functions
  • New: Update Templates Directory
  • Fix: Buttons for tinymce
  • Fix: Remove Widget warning
  • Fix: remove front of rewrite rule for question taxonomy
  • Fix: question archive url


  • Fix: Fixed add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() usage that mentioned in the following link:


  • Tweak: Czech language updated
  • New: Slovakia languages supported
  • Fix: Can’t update answer.
  • Fix: Updated reCaptcha library
  • Fix: Ask Question Form still showed when users cannot post questions
  • Fix: Some strings are not available for translation
  • Fix: DWQA 404 Page setting cannot apply
  • Fix: Category, Tags Rewrite Rules don’t work


  • Fix: All comments’ authors were changed to anonymous
  • Fix: Template for Archive List Question page was not displayed
  • Fix: Paging does not work properly
  • Fix: Subscribers cannot edit their own answers
  • Fix: Wrongly use flush_rewrite_rules() function
  • Fix: Label of flag answer is not correct
  • Fix: WordPress post filters were duplicated when displayed DWQA single question
  • Update: vi_VN language file
  • Update: default languages file
  • New: Add setting to choose a page template for Single Question page


  • New: apply shortcodes in creating Question list & Question submit page
  • New: Czech language supported
  • New: Polish language supported
  • New: Italian language supported
  • Fix: Question & answers disappear in backend


  • Fix: Security issue in editing/ deleting answers


  • Fix: Link to shortcode page does not overwrite the 404 page
  • Fix: Submit form content lost when providing error captcha
  • Fix: Recaptcha conflict
  • Fix: unauthorized users can edit questions/answers from back-end
  • New: Update single question UI


  • Order questions by latest answer post
  • Support custom user’s roles
  • Czech Languages Supported
  • Italian Languages Supported
  • Fix bugs


  • New: Allow Anonymous post question
  • New: Allow Review new questions before publishing feature
  • New: Thai language supported
  • New: Hindi language supported
  • New: Catalan language supported
  • New: Vietnamese language supported
  • Update: Update default language file


  • New: Arabic supported
  • New: Chinese supported
  • New: Polish Supported
  • New: Indonesian Supported
  • Fix: Some text in template-functions.php was enabled to translate
  • Fix: Remove error in add_cap function when active plugin
  • Fix: update navigation
  • Fix: js in shortcode
  • Fix: error when delete question
  • Update: dwqa-es_ES.po


  • New: Spanish Languages supported
  • New: Russian Languages supported
  • New: French Languages supported
  • Update: Editor Update for WordPress 3.9
  • Fix: Email header was lost when have from field


  • New: Turkish Languages supported
  • New: Add new function Edit/Delete Question in Front-end
  • New: Add permission settings for Edit/Delete question in back-end.
  • Fix: Just add Insert Code button in the editor area inside the DWQA’s Pages


  • Fix: Recover shortcodes


  • New : Re-design question status icons
  • New : German language supported
  • New : Add setting to enable / disable private question
  • New : Add email settings for admin email notification (edit/ change emails to receive notification)
  • New : Setting: Send A Copy Of Every Email To Admin
  • Fix : email template
  • Update : languages file


  • New : Sticky Questions
  • New : Shortcode For Popular Questions
  • New : Shortcode For Popular Latest Answers
  • New : Shortcode For Question List
  • New : Shortcode For Ask Question Form
  • New : Questions per page Settings
  • New : Language: Persian Language supported
  • Fix : Duplicate in follow function
  • Fix : The visible of the best answer in question single page
  • Update: THESIS theme Compatible


  • Fixed: Questions are not followed automatically if answer authors post private answers
  • Fixed: Followers do not receive the email notification when there is a new comment to question
  • Fixed: Admin does not receive the email notification when there is a private question
  • Fixed: Question Author does not receive the email notification when there is a private answer.
  • Fixed: Question author does not receive the email notification when there is an anonymous post
  • New: Add Captcha System.
  • New: Add 3 email notifications: New Answer to followed question, New Comment to Question (followers), New Comment to Answer (followers)
  • Tweak: Sidebar is back with supported widgets.


  • Fixed: Don’t automatically pick the best answer which has the most votes ( at least 3 votes)
  • Fixed: Only admin and author’s question can read the best answer
  • Fixed: Can still add answer comment for closed questions
  • Fixed: Display number of answers incorrectly
  • Fixed: Link format in comment box displays incorrectly after editing
  • Fixed: After following the question, will change the tooltip to “Unfollow this question”
  • Fixed: Draft answers publish automatically when change status of the draft answers
  • Fixed: Missing avatar of anonymous after posting comment
  • Fixed: Subscriber can change private/public questions of other people
  • Fixed: Anonymous can follow the question
  • Fixed: Private question owners can not read their own private answers
  • Fixed: Answers disappear after answer author changes status from public to private
  • Fixed: Permalinks don’t displays properly as in back-end settings
  • Fixed: Ordered by bulleted list and numbered list don’t display properly after posting answers
  • Fixed: Still show “Edit/delete” icon on question comment after disabling “edit” comment
  • Fixed: Tags filtering displays the results incorrectly
  • Fixed: Anonymous can not post comments after enabling anonymous to post the comments
  • Fixed: Permalinks don’t work properly after refreshing
  • Tweak: Missing “flag” function at front-end after disabling “edit”/”delete” answer in back-end
  • Tweak: Not highlight “questions” page on the menu when viewing a single question
  • New: Filter Questions which have new comments
  • New: New user interface
  • New: Add option to enable/disable notification email in back-end
  • New: Add registering form
  • New: Follow/Unfollow questions
  • New: Switch question/answer between Private and Public


  • Fixed: Can not publish Private question.
  • Fixed: Link format in question comment box does not display properly.
  • Fixed: Replace text “by by” under the question with ” by -question author”
  • New: Use new vector-based icon for DW Q&A Menu


  • Fixed: Missing attribute “class” when insert codes to tag on Answer Editor
  • Fixed: Input’s placeholder disappeared on IE 8,9 in submit question page
  • Fixed: Time is incorrect when add question/answer/comment
  • Fixed: duplicate answer after changing status of the question
  • Fixed: Line spacing between code lines becomes larger after editting
  • Fixed: Can not post comment on IE 8
  • Fixed: Time stamp is overlapped by avatar

  • Tweak: Auto create 2 pages: “Questions” & “Ask” when active plugin

  • Convert links when add new comment
  • Have a message to inform number of charaters for title box

  • New: Permission Settings – allow you to set permissions for default user roles: read, post, edit and delete either questions, answers or comments


  • Tweak: When user add a new comment/answer, status of question is changed to “open”.
  • Fixed: Do not press “enter” key to post new comment.
  • Fixed: The answer cloned automatically after changing question status.
  • Fixed: When flag an answer, the answer should be automatically hidden.
  • Fixed: Function to Show/Hide an answer after flagging the answer works incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Question link and “View Comment” button don’t work on new comment to question notification email.
  • Fixed: Can pick best answer for a draft answer.
  • Fixed: Filter functions don’t work on IE8.
  • Fixed: Related questions were not being displayed by related Tags & Categories.
  • Fixed: Timestamp of the comment in the single post is incorrect after activating DW QA plugin.
  • Fixed: Questions don’t appear on IE9.
  • New: Ready to translate into your native language.


  • The first version of DW Question & Answer