


The developer’s code journal. Capsule replaces that scratch document you have open when you’re coding. It creates an archive of your development artifacts. Built on WordPress.

Carrington Build

Carrington Build

Creating custom WordPress page layouts with Carrington Build is as simple as drag-and-drop. By adding content Modules and WordPress widgets (and sidebars) you’re free to create any page layout you can possibly imagine. No longer should you shim WordPress sidebars into your website, hard-code templates, and edit custom fields. It’s time to regain control over…

Carrington Core

A template selection engine for WordPress themes. Replace clumsy and repetitive conditional code with simple named templates. You get better abstraction, clarity of site architecture with less code to maintain (and less code = fewer bugs!).



Answers the question “Is there a game tonight?” in most major metro areas. Useful if you want to know how traffic, etc. will be impacted.

Personal Theme

When I did the third redesign of my site, I decided to make the theme available for others as well. The Personal theme is a great way to make your WordPress site your digital home on the web; while simultaneously enabling participation and engagement on Twitter and Facebook via the optional Social plugin. The original…



Easy content deployment for WordPress. RAMP allows you to maintain a staging and production environment for WordPress.

Share Icon

Share Icon

An icon originally created to represent the generic action of sharing a web page. This could mean adding the page to a social bookmarking site or memetracker, e-mailing the page to someone, etc. The Share Icon was sold to ShareThis, Inc. in 2007. I originally released the Share Icon under the following Open Source licenses:…



Social is a WordPress plugin that connects your site to Twitter and Facebook; and enables a number of great social features. These include: Connecting multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts to your site (including Facebook pages). Broadcastings new posts to Twitter and Facebook. Pulling back reactions from Twitter and Facebook as comments on your posts. Allowing…



If you have ongoing themes you write about on your site, you can use Threads to show those posts in a timeline, with a link to the timeline from each of the posts. This helps you avoid feeling like you have to rehash too much history about the topic in each post. Another good usage…

Twitter Tools

Twitter Tools

Initially started as a tweet archiver, Twitter Tools evolved into a full two-way WordPress-Twitter publish and import system. When Twitter implemented OAuth, the user experience for installing and setting up Twitter Tools took a giant beating. Users were forced to go register an “app” on the Twitter developer site, copy paste codes back and forth…



BackupMoxie has been shut down. Managed snapshot backups for websites (requires Linux hosting).


CloudMoxie was sold to WP Engine in 2014. Cloud-based WordPress website hosting; mostly for sites that require larger, custom clusters and configurations.

Tasks Pro™

The web-based, hierarchical task management system I started building in 2002. It is now owned by Crowd Favorite.

Open Source

Calendar Tools

A few simple scripts I created to try to make Google Calendar work better with my toolset.

iTunes Stats

A set of scripts for analyzing your iTunes library to mine some of the data contained there. Curious which artists and songs you listen to most? This will help tell you.

jQuery Delayed Change

jQuery plugin for triggering a catchable “change” event after edits have stabilized.

PHP Doc System

A simple system written in PHP for creating documentation. It allows you to define documentation modules (bits of data) and include them and/or link to them from other places in the documentation using recursive includes to pull the data in.

PHP Tag Engine

PHP Tag Engine is a library that allows you to easily add tagging functionality to a PHP application.


A quick and easy web-based math worksheet. Demo


404 Notifier

If you’ve decided to move things around on your site, you might overlook a few redirects and end up with some broken URLs. This will help you catch those so you can take care of them.

Admin Column View

A simple plugin that makes managing pages (and hierarchical custom post types) easier in the WordPress admin. Also allows you to create new pages with a specified parent, and drag-and-drop to set the menu order of the pages at each level.

Comment License

Comment License shows a license with terms of your choosing in your comments form. You can edit the terms of your license in the options page.

Delink Comment Author

Delink Comment Author gives you the ability to remove the link a commenter left as their URL without removing the entire comment.

Drafts Dropdown

Wish you had quicker access to your draft posts and pages? Tired of having to click Edit / Drafts to get there? Problem solved – the Drafts Dropdown plugin gives you links to all of your drafts on every screen through a handy tab.

Exclude File Type Requests

If you use the pretty permalinks feature of WordPress, any request that doesn’t match to a file on the server will be passed to WordPress for handling. This results in 404 hits having more load on your server than a traditional 404 request. In particular it can be a problem if a directory of images…

Expiring Content Shortcode

Simply wrap your content in the shortcode and set the date/time you’d like it to expire – once that time is eclipsed, it will no longer appear.

Fullscreen Preview Button

This plugin adds a “preview” button to the fullscreen (distraction-free) editor in WordPress.

Internal Link Shortcode

A flexible shortcode and lookup tool for creating internal links in post/page content (or anywhere shortcodes are parsed). A lookup tool is added to the sidebar of the post edit screen for locating shortcodes for internal posts.

Old Post Alert

Old Post Alert shows a banner in your comments form for posts more than a month old. The banner reminds the commentor that there may be newer information available later in the blog. This may cut down on comments that are irrelevant due to more recent developments.

Post Formats Admin UI

A better UI for WordPress’s post formats feature. This was largely adopted for WordPress 3.6 then ripped out at the last minute. Once it lands in WordPress core, it will be deprecated here.

Revision Manager

Allows post-meta to be duplicated and attached to the specific post-revision that is made. Registered post meta items will appear in the post-revision inspection screen. Post meta items do not show up in the post-comparison feature.

Shortcut Macros

The Shortcut Macros plugin allows you to set up a shortcut for text or links that you use often – saves typing.

WP GitHub Activity

Pulls your activity feed from GitHub (with local caching) and allows you to display it via shortcode or widget. You can even specify types of updates to exclude from the list (for example, you might decide ‘watching’ a repository isn’t noteworthy). I use it on my Projects page in the sidebar.



The Articles plugin allowed you to display a list of posts you wish to feature/highlight. It is no longer maintained and is not compatible with current versions of WordPress.

Category Overload

A plugin created for a client a long time ago, Category Overload provided an alternate administrative interface for managing categories in WordPress. It is no longer maintained and is not compatible with current versions of WordPress.


Get great articles delivered to your Kindle without any extra effort. Sadly, no longer one of Dave’s active projects. Perhaps it will get some momentum again in the future.


A theme we created to showcase Carrington Build. This is now included with the Carrington Build package and is no longer offered as a stand-alone theme.


A feed reader start-up I co-founded with my friend Scott. We created a great web-based feed reading interface but sadly weren’t able to make the business a success. When the demise of Google Reader was announced I was flattered to see a few folks waxing nostalgic for FeedLounge.

Link Harvest

Link Harvest will go through all of your posts and pages and compile a list of all external links. Then it will create a live updating linkroll for you, based on your actual linking activity. It may still work, but is no longer maintained.

LoDo Conversations

I participated in a podcast with some local Denver friends a few years back.

Monoprice Lightning Cables

A fun single-serving site to let people know when lightning cables showed up at Monoprice.


My second major PHP application – a simple, searchable photo database. Written back in the early 2000’s, the code isn’t something I’d advocate learning from.

Popularity Contest

Popularity Contest was a little stat tracking plugin for WordPress. It was originally written for a plugin contest, and end-of-lifed in 2012.


Started as a WordPress plugin, ShareThis was sold to the startup that is now the premier sharing service on the internet. I did some consulting with ShareThis for a time but am not currently working with the company.

Since Last Visit

Indicate new posts and comments since your last visit. One of the first hacks I wrote for b2, converted to a WordPress plugin. It is no longer maintained and is probably not compatible with current versions of WordPress.

WP Grins

WP Grins will provide clickable smilies for both the post form in the admin interface and the comments form of your blog. It is no longer maintained and is probably not compatible with current versions of WordPress.

WP HelpCenter

A service I created to provide on-call WordPress support and development; and also to be a resource for plugin support. I sold the business in Feb, 2011 and am no longer affiliated with it.

WP Mobile Edition

WordPress Mobile Edition is a plugin that shows an interface designed for a mobile device when visitors come to your site on a mobile device. Mobile browsers are automatically detected, the list of mobile browsers can be customized on the settings page. It is no longer maintained and is not recommended – you’re better off…