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  1. Закрепленный твит
    3 янв.

    This past summer we announced — The open source platform that powers DEV, and other communities. Here was that announcement: In 2021 we will be closing the loop and bringing the Forem ecosystem to life. Can't wait to have you as a part of it. 🌱

  2. 13 минут назад

    I've been working with large NGOs to architect their multi-faceted systems responsible for information dissemination, data collection, analysis, and sources & sinks to other systems.

  3. 1 час назад

    Hello, Python buddies! We love Python, right? Let's check out some amazing things that can be done with our favorite language... 🐍

  4. 2 часа назад

    p5JS is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, researchers, and those who want to enjoy making arts.

  5. 10 авг.

    You need to be comfortable with not being the technical subject matter expert as an engineering manager.

  6. 3 часа назад

    I had a fun time learning React and Material UI to efficiently build out a single-page app. Here's how I did it and the development lessons I learned.

  7. 4 часа назад

    A quick step-by-step to help you keep your Python applications secure.

  8. 4 часа назад

    If you are using Supabase in React, it's a good idea to combine it with React Query. Let's have a look at how. { author: }

  9. 11 авг.

    Making your idea a reality takes the highest efforts. You will face so many moments to question what you are working on, but trusting the process is the only way! Don't stop.

  10. 5 часов назад

    Follow along as I learn to generate documentation with Markdown and use my GitHub account to host them all. { author: }

  11. 6 часов назад

    Async is a cornerstone of modern JavaScript - let's check out how to use it to write better code. { author: }

  12. 10 авг.

    Sewing and training ML model vibes

  13. 8 часов назад

    Let me show you how you can get better at working with YAML using these two tools. { author: }

  14. 11 авг.

    A picture is worth a thousand words. An architectural diagram is worth ten meetings.

  15. 9 часов назад

    The important thing is to recognize the impact an extension can have on initial startup time of VS Code, and how an extension behaves on a typical project for you.

  16. 10 часов назад
  17. 11 часов назад
  18. 12 часов назад

    Not all valued can be hardcoded into the string and need to be passed dynamically, hence Python comes with a few inbuilt functions that allow you to print variable values. Let's check it out! { author: }

  19. 23 часа назад

    apparently if you use VS Code and have your Settings Sync on, you get all the settings from your local VS Code too! cc

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  20. 13 часов назад

    Giving access to everything to everyone can be very vulnerable. By implementing good restriction policies, it is possible for an organization to optimize the use of resources and build a better product.

  21. 13 часов назад

    Although Firebase does work with GraphQL that connection can always be improved to give us more - that is exactly where Nhost comes in. { author: }


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