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Time Zone Change is Possible in Venezuela

Some of Venezuela’s leaders are considering the possibility of changing the country’s time zone in the near future. Various citizens have also lobbied for a time zone change to alleviate Venezuela’s energy problem.

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Time Zone Change is Possible in Venezuela


Possible Time Zone Solution

Some leaders in Venezuela are considering amending the country's time zone. For example, Venezuela’s Minister of Electric Power Ángel Rodríguez recently said that he would not rule out the idea of changing the time zone in Venezuela due to drought and electricity problems (cited in El Universal: Cambio de huso horario reducirá en 20% consumo de electricidad). Venezuela currently suffers from electricity shortage and a drought.

The energy minister believed that a time zone change was not out of the question due to the current circumstances that the country faced. However, he did not specify details of how the country’s time zone would change. Another possibility that was discussed was to delay people’s work schedules by 30 minutes.

People’s Push for Time Zone Change

The energy minister’s consideration comes in light of a recent push by the Middle Class Socialist Organization to change the country’s time zone. The organization’s reason behind this push was that a time zone amendment could be beneficial for people, in which they could make the most out of their work and school days. It was also proposed that a time zone change could apply only during Venezuela’s winter months. The proposed time zone change aimed to cut down energy consumption across the nation.

Recent Time Zone Changes

Venezuela is four hours and 30 minutes behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or UTC–4:30. The last change was made in late 2007 when the federal government moved the clock back by half an hour (or 30 minutes) to make better use of sunlight and reduce electricity consumption. The decision was also made to improve public safety. Prior to that change, Venezuela was on UTC–4.