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Nov 2, 2014: Fiji starts Daylight Saving Time

Fiji will begin its Daylight Saving Time (DST) period at 2am (02:00) local time on Sunday, November 2, 2014. Clocks in the South Pacific country will be advanced by one hour to 3am (03:00).

Waves crashes on the beach, Fiji

DST will make for lighter evenings in Fiji.


DST will end again on Sunday, January 18, 2015, when clocks will jump back from 3am (03:00) to 2am (02:00) local time. The DST period in Fiji will last for only eleven weeks, making it one of the shortest worldwide.

Fiji's DST schedule

DST future uncertain

Fiji re-introduced seasonal time change in 2009 after having used DST sporadically in the 1990s. The switch dates vary from one year to another and are usually announced a few weeks in advance by the authorities.

It is not yet known if and when DST will be applied in future years. Check our Time Zone News for updates.

USA & Canada end DST on November 2