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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that happens to power [](/) ❤️

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Sidekiq's sidekiq_retries_exhausted hook

Sidekiq's sidekiq_retries_exhausted hook

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2 min read
The Developers Guide To Scaling Rails Apps

The Developers Guide To Scaling Rails Apps

Reactions 20 Comments
14 min read
Rails redirect user to the previous page after signup or login

Rails redirect user to the previous page after signup or login

Reactions 3 Comments
1 min read
The Trouble with `has_one`

The Trouble with `has_one`

Reactions 4 Comments
4 min read
Turbo Streams on Rails

Turbo Streams on Rails

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10 min read
What is the ordering of Ruby on Rails controller filters?

What is the ordering of Ruby on Rails controller filters?

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1 min read
Heroku, I stream you!

Heroku, I stream you!

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3 min read
Adding missing database indexes to your legacy rails app

Adding missing database indexes to your legacy rails app

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4 min read
Rails enums - different approaches

Rails enums - different approaches

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1 min read
Creating a Single Page React Application with a Rails Back-End

Creating a Single Page React Application with a Rails Back-End

Reactions 4 Comments 1
2 min read
Devise-ing A Backend...

Devise-ing A Backend...

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3 min read
Instant search with Rails 6 and Hotwire

Instant search with Rails 6 and Hotwire

Reactions 33 Comments
7 min read
Rails application boilerplate for fast MVP development

Rails application boilerplate for fast MVP development

Reactions 10 Comments
3 min read
Why I use Laravel as a Rails aficionado

Why I use Laravel as a Rails aficionado

Reactions 12 Comments
3 min read
Soft Deletion, Nested Resource and Active Admin

Soft Deletion, Nested Resource and Active Admin

Reactions 4 Comments
3 min read
Rails Security Threats: Authentication

Rails Security Threats: Authentication

Reactions 9 Comments
11 min read
Enhance repository pattern with refinements

Enhance repository pattern with refinements

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3 min read
Stimulus Read More - Correct approach

Stimulus Read More - Correct approach

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1 min read
Creating a monthly updating calendar in Rails with Whenever gem and a Cron job

Creating a monthly updating calendar in Rails with Whenever gem and a Cron job

Reactions 5 Comments
3 min read
Cardable: Basic Kanban Board made with Javascript and Rails

Cardable: Basic Kanban Board made with Javascript and Rails

Reactions 5 Comments
3 min read
A Guide to Object Destructuring in JavaScript

A Guide to Object Destructuring in JavaScript

Reactions 74 Comments 13
3 min read
My First Rails App

My First Rails App

Reactions 2 Comments 1
3 min read
Ruby on Rails: Rome can be built in a day

Ruby on Rails: Rome can be built in a day

Reactions 10 Comments 1
3 min read
Building a QR code generator with Ruby on Rails

Building a QR code generator with Ruby on Rails

Reactions 8 Comments
2 min read
Setting Up Rails 6.1 + Tailwind CSS 2.2 with JIT

Setting Up Rails 6.1 + Tailwind CSS 2.2 with JIT

Reactions 10 Comments
3 min read
Deleting all data from a table in Ruby on Rails

Deleting all data from a table in Ruby on Rails

Reactions 10 Comments 2
2 min read
Top 10 Rails Commands We Must Know

Top 10 Rails Commands We Must Know

Reactions 6 Comments 2
3 min read
See if User is online using Devise in Ruby on Rails

See if User is online using Devise in Ruby on Rails

Reactions 9 Comments 2
3 min read
A Sneak Peek of Ruby's New Debugger!

A Sneak Peek of Ruby's New Debugger!

Reactions 112 Comments 2
6 min read
Understanding Ruby - For vs Each

Understanding Ruby - For vs Each

Reactions 33 Comments 3
6 min read
Build an API in Rails with Authentication

Build an API in Rails with Authentication

Reactions 25 Comments
11 min read
How does Params work in Sinatra?

How does Params work in Sinatra?

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3 min read
Active Record (Rails Model) - Introduction

Active Record (Rails Model) - Introduction

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2 min read
Rails form : tutorial from the ground

Rails form : tutorial from the ground

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5 min read
Open Source Thursdays Expert Session with Rafael França on August 5th

Open Source Thursdays Expert Session with Rafael França on August 5th

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1 min read
Real-time Rails with web sockets and React

Real-time Rails with web sockets and React

Reactions 4 Comments
7 min read
A Simple Authentication with Ruby On Rails

A Simple Authentication with Ruby On Rails

Reactions 9 Comments
4 min read
The magic of metaprogramming : Examining the has_many association using Active Record's code base - Part 2

The magic of metaprogramming : Examining the has_many association using Active Record's code base - Part 2

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8 min read
HEY-inspired Pop-ups Using Hotwire

HEY-inspired Pop-ups Using Hotwire

Reactions 22 Comments 2
3 min read
How I take the guesswork out of my debugging process

How I take the guesswork out of my debugging process

Reactions 16 Comments
4 min read
First Fullstack Web App

First Fullstack Web App

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2 min read
Adding Typescript to your Existing Rails App

Adding Typescript to your Existing Rails App

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11 min read
Rails ActiveRecord Data Types

Rails ActiveRecord Data Types

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2 min read
How Release Uses Action Cable and Redux Toolkit

How Release Uses Action Cable and Redux Toolkit

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7 min read
Search Engine with Rails and Elastic Search

Search Engine with Rails and Elastic Search

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11 min read
How to Setup Storybook with Rails View Components in under 10 Minutes

How to Setup Storybook with Rails View Components in under 10 Minutes

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4 min read
What are Video on Demand API (Vod Api)?

What are Video on Demand API (Vod Api)?

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6 min read
Advanced ViewComponent patterns in Rails

Advanced ViewComponent patterns in Rails

Reactions 15 Comments 1
7 min read
Ruby Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Ruby Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Reactions 14 Comments 2
12 min read
Override Default Date Format in Rails Admin

Override Default Date Format in Rails Admin

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2 min read
Create google-like avatars in your app

Create google-like avatars in your app

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1 min read
Updates for SQL Injection in Rails 6.1

Updates for SQL Injection in Rails 6.1

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3 min read
Frameworks of the Future?

Frameworks of the Future?

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2 min read
Validate CSV Input With ActiveModel::Validations

Validate CSV Input With ActiveModel::Validations

Reactions 7 Comments 2
4 min read
Phase 3 of FlatIron

Phase 3 of FlatIron

Reactions 6 Comments
4 min read
The magic of metaprogramming : Examining the has_many association using Active Record's code base - Part 1

The magic of metaprogramming : Examining the has_many association using Active Record's code base - Part 1

Reactions 9 Comments
11 min read
Update Multiple Records at Once in Rails

Update Multiple Records at Once in Rails

Reactions 6 Comments
3 min read
Using Firebase API for authentication

Using Firebase API for authentication

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3 min read
Catching tricky bugs with runtime code analysis

Catching tricky bugs with runtime code analysis

Reactions 26 Comments
5 min read
Handling modal forms with Rails, Tailwind CSS, and Hotwire

Handling modal forms with Rails, Tailwind CSS, and Hotwire

Reactions 14 Comments
12 min read