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Correspondence and Presentations 2021

Last Updated:
28 July 2021

2021 | 2020-2005

Correspondence/Presentation Affiliation of Sender Document Date Issue Circulation Date
Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council to Maarten Botterman, Chair of ICANN Board GNSO Council 27 July 2021 GNSO Council Review of ICANN71 GAC Communiqué 27 July 2021
RPM IGO CRWT Team to GNSO Council RPM IGO CRWT Team 12 July 2021 RPM IGO CRWT Project Change Request 12 July 2021
GNSO Council to Karen Lentz - Vice President, Policy Research and Stakeholder Programs ICANN GNSO Council 07 July 2021 Wave 1.5 Report – _PPSAI and T & T Implementation – _Next Steps 07 July 2021
RPM IGO CRWT Team to GNSO Council RPM IGO CRWT Team 30 June 2021 RPM IGO CRWT Project Package 12 July 2021
GNSO EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP Team 30 June 2021 EPDP P2A Project Package 07 July 2021
Maarten Botterman to Philippe Fouquart ICANN Board 30 June 2021 GNSO Review of GAC ICANN70 Communique 1 July 2021
Theresa Swinehart to Philippe Fouquart SVP, GDS,ICANN 28 June 2021 WHOIS Conflicts Procedure 1 July 2021
Botterman to Fouquart ICANN Board of Directors 25 June 2021 GNSO Council Appointment of GNSO Council Liaison to the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Phase 25 June 2021
Samantha Demetriou to Philippe Fouquart RySG 4 June 2021 Next steps for IDN Policy Development 4 June 2021
GNSO EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP P2A Team 03 June 2021 EPDP P2A Project Package 09 June 2021
RPM IGO CRWT Team to GNSO Council RPM IGO CRWT Team 31 May 2021 RPM IGO CRWT Project Package 09 June 2021
Fouquart to Botterman GNSO Council 25 May 2021 GNSO Council Appointment of GNSO Council Liaison to the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Phase 25 May 2021
Fouquart to Botterman GNSO Council 20 May 2021 GNSO Council approval GNSO Response to ICANN70 GAC Communiqué 20 May 2021
Maarten Botterman to Philippe Fouquart ICANN Board 15 May 2021 GNSO Council's review of the ICANN70 GAC Communiqué 17 May 2021
IDNs EPDP Drafting Team to GNSO Council IDNs EPDP Drafting Team 10 May 2021 IDNs EPDP Charter and EPDP Initiation Request. 11 May 2021
Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council to Maarten Botterman, Chair of ICANN Board GNSO Council 07 May 2021 GNSO Council Review of ICANN70 GAC Communiqué. 07 May 2021
Maarten Botterman, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council ICANN Board 07 May 2021 Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Phase 1, Recommendation 7 Motion; GNSO Clarification on Supplemental Recommendation on EPDP 1 Recommendation 12 07 May 2021
RPM IGO CRWT Team to GNSO Council RPM IGO CRWT Team 30 April 2021 RPM IGO CRWT Project Package 06 May 2021
GNSO EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP P2A Team 30 April 2021 EPDP-P2A Project Package 06 May 2021
Maarten Botterman, Chair ICANN Board, to Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair ICANN Board 12 April 2021 Appointment of GNSO Council Liaison for the SSAD ODP 12 April 2021
EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP P2A Team 31 March 2021 EPDP-P2A Project Package 02 April 2021
IGO Curative Rights Work Track to GNSO Council GNSO IGO Curative Rights Work Track Team 31 March 2021 IGO Curative Rights Work Track's March 2021 Project Package 12 April 2021
GNSO Council to ICANN Board GNSO Council

24 March 2021

01 February 2021

Recommendations Report – New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP

Final report on the new gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process

24 March 2021

02 February 2021

GNSO Council to ICANN Board GNSO Council 10 February 2021 Recommendations Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs (RPM) Policy Development Process phase 1 19 March 2021
Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board of Directors Chair to Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Council Chair ICANN Board 16 March 2021 Summary of discussions on the Standardized System for Access/Disclosure (SSAD) from 22 February 2021 16 March 2021
Theresa Swinehart to Philippe Fouquart Global Domains & Strategy 10 March 2021 WHOIS Conflicts Procedure 12 March 2021
Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair to Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board of Directors Chair GNSO Council 04 March 2021 GNSO Council Clarification on Supplemental Recommendation on EPDP Phase 1, Recommendation 12 04 March 2021
Theresa Swinehart to Philippe Fouquart Global Domains & Strategy 26 February 2021 Response to GNSO Council Request for ICANN org briefing on accuracy requirements and programs 03 March 2021
EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP P2A Team 28 February 2021 EPDP-P2A Project Package 02 March 2021
Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board of Directors Chair to Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair ICANN Board 18 February 2021 EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Phase 2 19 February 2021
Manal Ismail, GAC Chair, to Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair Governmental Advisory Committee 16 February 2021 New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group Final Report 17 February 2021
Fred Neves and Tomslin Samme-Niar to Philippe Fouquart and Katrina Sataki, Chairs of GNSO & ccNSO Councils Co-chairs of the IANA Naming Function Review (IFR) 08 February 2021 IFRT's Recommendation Requiring an IANA Naming Functions Contract Amendment 08 February 2021
Jeff Neuman & Cheryl Langdon-Orr to GNSO Council New gTLD Subsequent Procedure PDP Working Group co-chairs 02 February 2021 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group Final Report: updated document includes corrections to Annex C 02 February 2021
EPDP Phase 2A Team to GNSO Council GNSO EPDP P2A Team 31 January 2021 EPDP-P2A Project Package 08 February 2021
Philippe Fouquart GNSO Chair to Maarten Botterman ICANN Board of Directors Chair GNSO Council 29 January 2021 EPDP 1 Recommendation 7 Motion 29 January 2021
Rod Rasmussen, SSAC Chair, to Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair SSAC 22 January 2021 Pre-Release version of SAC114: SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report: Cover letter to Board & SAC114 15 February 2021
GNSO Council to ICANN Board GNSO Council 22 January 2021 SSAD Consultation Council Response 22 January 2021
RPMs PDP WG Co-Chairs RPMs PDP WG 22 January 2021 Letter on possible combination of IRTs (RPM, SubPro) 22 January 2021
Jeff Neuman & Cheryl Langdon-Orr to GNSO Council New gTLD Subsequent Procedure PDP Working Group co-chairs 20 January 2021 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group Final Report: updated document includes full text of Minority Statements rather than appending by reference 20 January 2021
Neuman & Langdon-Orr to GNSO Council New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group co-chairs 18 January 2021 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group Final Report 18 Januaary 2021
GNSO Council to ccNSO Chair GNSO Council 13 January 2021 Proposed GNSO Liaison to ccPDP4 & GNSO/ccNSO cooperation on IDN 13 Janaury 2021
ICANN Org to GNSO Council ICANN Org 12 January 2021 Draft Report - EPDP Ph 1 Rec 27 (Wave 1.5) 12 January 2021
ICANN Org to GNSO Council ICANN Org 12 January 2021 GNSO Final Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to Review the Transfer Policy 12 January 2021