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GNSO 101

Last Updated:
24 June 2021

Community Leader and Member Training is always a topic of ICANN Community discussions with it being raised in a number of contexts. The GNSO in conjunction with ICANN Staff have developed a set of introductory orientation materials to use as a standing resource for GNSO Councilors and community members on a variety of introductory "basic" topics such as GNSO Working Group formation and operations, PDP procedures, communications tools and guides for new Councilors and Working Group chairs. These materials are designed to reference and supplement the formal guidelines and summaries that are already posted on the GNSO website.

We hope that these new "Basics" resources will be used as a resource to familiarize new Council and community members on the expectations of GNSO Councilors, the operations of the GNSO Council and its Working Groups, the outline and scope of the GNSO Policy Development Process, and the communications and collaboration tools available to Councilors and community members.

Module 2a – Working Group Operations

GNSO Council Chair Jonathan Robinson explains the role of Working Groups and encourages even more community participation in this crucial aspect of policy development work.

Module 3 – New Policy Development Process

Acknowledging some of its imperfections, Jonathan Robinson emphasizes how vital the Policy Development Process is to ICANN's multi-stakeholder model.