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I know that April shall be alongside the members of the parliament and the citizens in the coming years

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.Richard Cazenave's photo

Beyond usual political divisions, debates on the DADVSI bill have been the opportunity of getting many members of the parliament together around a common idea: Free Software is an opportunity and a major asset for our country and it must be protected. On this issue, the groundwork April has made amongst MPs from all political sides contributed filling a gap in our representatives' knowledge of software law, and allowed for the fundamental issues of interoperability, open standards and Free Software to be discussed within the parliament. The struggle for computing-related freedoms is not over and I know that April shall be alongside the members of the parliament and the citizens in the coming years.

— Richard Cazenave_
, Member of the French National Assembly (UMP, Isère district) (october 2006).