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The European Parliament Must Reject ISDS in TTIP

Update (Tuesday June 9, 2015, 18:30) : According to European Parliament Press Service "scheduled vote for tomorrow has been postponed due to many amendments & requests for split or separate votes (according to Rule 175)".

Tomorrow, June 10, 2015, the Members of the European Parliament will vote on TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Despite positive amendments demanded by some of the European Parliament committees, the report that will be voted on do not tackle the main issues and threats in TTIP, including the ISDS mechanism.

April hence calls MEPs to reject the report altogether, vote in favor of amendment 31 (page 4) which calls for the suspension of the negotiations, or at least to vote in favour of amendment 27, which will cancel this dangerous private arbitration mechanism.

A demonstration will also take place in front of the European Parliament in Strasburg on Wednesday, June 10. You can join them if you live near the Strasburg region. You can also contact your MEPs to ask them to vote in favor of amendment 27 or to reject the text.

The text will be examined between 8 - 11.50 (Strasburg time), and a vote on the whole text will immediately follow the debate and the vote on amendments.