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April's Response to the Consultation on the Review of the EU Copyright Rules

April responded on March 5th, 2014, to the Consultation launched by the European Commission on the review of copyright rules. This consultation, whose stated goal is to prepare a white paper on the review of copyright rules, is not the first one on the subject (see for instance April's reply [fr] to the IPRED Consultation).

April regrets that, once more, crucial issues were not addressed in the consultation. DRM1 was not even mentioned. Once again the European Commission's approach is repressive, and does not take into account new usages, or sharing, or the importance of fundamental rights.

The response is available in PDF and OpenDocument formats.

  • 1. DRM (Digital Rights Management), also known as “Digital Restrictions Management” or “digital handcuffs”, refers to technological restrictions that control how users can access digital media and what they can do with them. For further information, please read April's overview [fr] or visit