Next generation ‘FinTech Infrastructure’ that drives your innovation

The X-35 FinTech Core™ is an API-first, developer-friendly, and cloud-based technology hub that operates alongside of, and connected with, your Banking Core or Payment Processor.
It allows the consolidation of any and all FinTech solutions you want to ingest into one centralized platform, enabling streamlined API integration while being accessible as part of one vendor relationship that’s governed by one contractual relationship.
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Leverage the X-35 FinTech Core's native products to immediately consolidate and innovate

X-35 helps you consolidate your third-party solutions, almost like a FinTech infrastructure API marketplace. It also boasts a suite of native products and tools that give you an immediate and solid foundation to start developing your future product offerings from.
One Connect
One Connect™
Third-Party Integration Module
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Core DBX
Core DBX™
Digital Banking Experience
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Verified Enrollment
Verified Enrollment™
Identity Verification & Account Opening
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Quick Money Movement
Quick Money Movement™
Real-Time Payments, Remittances &, Deposits
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Open Processing
Open Processing™
Card Processing & Portfolio Solutions
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Human Behavioral Insights
Human Behavioral Insights™
Intelligent Insights to Optimize User Experiences
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You control the method and speed for deploying these native products

When you want to control every aspect of your experience
When you want to easily and quickly embed a new product into your experience
Full Experience
When you’d rather deploy a turn-key experience to achieve speed-to-market

If it’s not already obvious, we’re a proven leader in financial technology

Since launching our first service in 2015, and by agilely solving real problems for FIs of all sizes with relevant and needed solutions, Urban FT continues to enjoy accelerated growth. Our X-35 FinTech Core is a reflection of Urban FT’s commitment to fundamentally changing the way FIs access FinTech infrastructure - helping them to rapidly innovate and gain a competitive advantage.
500 +
Financial Institutions Served
$ 18 B+
Annualized Transactions
5 M+
Monthly Mobile Sessions
12 M+
Yearly Items Processed

And we're proud to be recognized for our achievements

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We believe that every financial institution should be able to
dream big: deliver exceptional

Richard Steggall
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We founded Urban FT with the vision of giving our clients the means to ‘dream big, deliver exceptional,’ and that’s exactly what X-35 does. This approach of delivering a FinTech infrastructure natively, almost like an Amazon Web Services for FIs, means FIs get to benefit from the continuous efforts of our R&D; Team, and can digitize nearly every interaction they have with their customers. They can significantly compress the number of implementations, systems, and platforms they need in order to leave their competitors behind. We, as a nation, need FIs to be strong and relevant, particularly as we contend with challenging times, but also so that they can continue to evolve in-line with our ever-evolving needs.
Richard Steggall
Chief Executive Officer

We love sparking innovation with the industry’s best and brightest

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Bridegwater Bank
Navy Federal

Urban FT in the news

American Banker
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Are you ready to innovate?