Fly App performance optimization

Deploy App Servers
Close to Your Users

Run your full stack apps (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required.

Try it for free
> Install flyctl on GNU/Linux
$ curl -L | sh

> Ship a Docker image
$ flyctl deploy

> Run it on three continents
$ flyctl regions add ams hkg sjc

Now in beta

PostgreSQL Clusters

Launch highly available PostgreSQL clusters with a single command. Create read replicas in different cities.

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Always available

  • CPU, Memory, and Storage on Tap
    Provision exactly what you need to make your apps fly. Pay only for what you use.
  • Batteries Included Networking
    Zero configuration private networking and global load balancing.
  • Metrics and Alerting
    The plumbing you need to sleep at night. Pretty graphs for morning coffee.
  • SSL At Any Scale
    Add certificates for your own purposes, or a million for your customers.

Stuff you can build

  • A man writing code on a vintage desktop computer

    Run KeyDB close to your users

    Launch the fastest NoSQL database on the planet close to your users. Zero headaches required.

    Learn more
  • A speedball in front of a computer interface

    Super fast GraphQL

    Use Fly, Redis, and Apollo to enable rapid GraphQL queries from a variety of data sources.

    Learn more
  • A smartphone flying through the air with an app on its screen

    Turbocharge your Heroku apps

    Upgrade your Heroku application with Fly and get 60% faster web dynos in a snap.

    Learn more
  • A hand holding scissors and cutting out paper for a scrapbook

    Run a global image service

    Learn how to deploy Imaginary on Fly to scale, crop, and otherwise manipulate images.

    Learn more