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Unfinished startups — the AELITA project

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I spent a long time thinking about whether or not I should write stories like this from the lives of innovators. After all, revealing the essence of unfinished project means you can lose the very foundation of the project, its pizazz and even its know-hows. Moreover, that's already happened to me in one of my projects from 10 years ago. I'm not going to give an example of this situation, it's already been talked about in another article. The story is on this site: intersofteurasia.ru/novosti/605/606.html.

However, considering that modern progress can't be stopped and that sooner or later some curious minds will get to the bottom of a technical solution for something like this, I decided to lift the veil a little bit on the secret life of an innovator.

Be it noted that this unfinished project with the provisional name AELITA is somewhat of a cross between biomedicine, electronics, psychology and much more, so getting it done isn't exactly easy. After all, for projects like this you need enthusiastic people working in different, sometimes diametrically opposed fields of science and technology, but an interdisciplinary approach is capable of giving surprising results if projects like it are completed.
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Building an Arduino based RFID Emulator

RUVDS.com corporate blogInformation Security*Programming microcontrollers*Developing for Arduino*DIY

This project is aimed at creating an experimental device for emulating RFID labels of three widely available components. I simplified the explanation of the process so that it could be easily replicated. I also developed some helpful ideas along the way, including writing a special program for converting a serial number into the transmitted data, which will definitely prove useful.
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The way we made an external PCIe RAM disk based on the DDR memory

High performance*Cloud computing*Data storage*Computer hardwareData storaging

RAM disk, this is a disk based on RAM memory chips. This kind of disk is not able to retain data after the power is turned off (unless a supporting battery is used), but has an exceptionally high read/write speed (especially for random access) and an unlimited lifespan. It is important in tasks that need a lot of cycles to write over information, even professional SSD drives don’t live long. To the operating system the RAM disk is indistinguishable from an SSD or HDD disk and no special drivers or setup is required. Unlike a disk that is virtually located in the computer’s RAM memory, where the maximum memory capacity is limited to 128-256 GB in the best consumer motherboards, a RAM disk for a PCIe slot, in general, has no volume limits and can work in any MB with a PCIe slot.

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RS485 — a standard for industrial networks. What are the main features of the transceiver microcircuit?

Миландр corporate blogCircuit design*Manufacture and development of electronics*Electronics for beginnersSystems engineering

When building a network for communication between a large number of devices, one may think: what interface to choose? Each interface has its own pros and cons that determine its application: CAN — Automotive, RS485 / RS232 — Industrial, Ethernet — Consumer Electronics / Server. What features of the transceiver microcircuit help to protect against many problems during installation and operation? How is the process of measuring and researching of transceiver microcircuits going on? New RS485 microcircuit is ready to get to market!
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Practical uses of WebRTC Canvas streaming

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite development*Working with video*Programming*Video conferencing

In this article we will once again return to the tired topic of webinars and webinar hosting tools. And no, we're not about to code a whole new system for webinar hosting – there are already plenty of those. Instead, we will talk about connecting drawing software to the webinar, so that you could manually draw and broadcast the process.

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Data Phoenix Digest — 01.07.2021

Python*Algorithms*Big Data*Machine learning*Artificial Intelligence

We at Data Science Digest have always strived to ignite the fire of knowledge in the AI community. We’re proud to have helped thousands of people to learn something new and give you the tools to push ahead. And we’ve not been standing still, either.

Please meet Data Phoenix, a Data Science Digest rebranded and risen anew from our own flame. Our mission is to help everyone interested in Data Science and AI/ML to expand the frontiers of knowledge. More news, more updates, and webinars(!) are coming. Stay tuned!

The new issue of the new Data Phoenix Digest is here! AI that helps write code, EU’s ban on biometric surveillance, genetic algorithms for NLP, multivariate probabilistic regression with NGBoosting, alias-free GAN, MLOps toys, and more…

If you’re more used to getting updates every day, subscribe to our Telegram channel or follow us on social media: TwitterFacebook.

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WebRTC screen-sharing with authorization and other benefits

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite development*Working with video*Programming*Video conferencing

The popularity of online education is increasing every month. And since there is an increase in popularity, there is an increase in competition and an improvement in quality: many authors of online schools realized that nowadays it's not enough to just make something mediocre using the frontal camera of the iPhone 4. You need to work on the quality of the picture, sound, presentation of material, etc. Not only did the pandemic prove that you can teach salsa and even crochet online, so it also gave an excellent push to improve the materials taught + diversity in the labor market. Moms on maternity leave can rejoice - now you can truly earn a hundred thousand million per second, sitting at home.

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How to make a multipoint WebRTC conference MCU with recording and screen-sharing in the browser

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite development*Working with video*Programming*Video conferencing

During the lockdown, which is now weakening, then becoming more active with a vengeance, a huge number of new professions have appeared. Proficients in creating involving Instagram Stories, course producers, e-learning specialists and other unknown-before-creatures - all of them have mastered a new job that gave them the holy bread in the pandemic. Once you hire a creator of involving Instagram Stories (and let's all hope this person was teached by a professional, not a snake oil salesman), your business grows just with adding some creativity in advertising that will take the heart of even the most fastidious customer. Same works with e-learning specialists: you recruit them and they do all the important tasks from writing articles that will also help in promoting your classes to arranging lessons on your Coursera course. A complete flight of imagination: if it seems to you that some jobs don't exist, then you just don't spend enough time online. In general, online work has become popularized as never and now hardly anyone will say: "He is engaged in some kind of garbage - he makes TikToks but it would be better for him to toil at the factory!". In total, online work has become popularized as never and now hardly anyone will say: "He is engaged in some kind of garbage - he makes TikToks, but it would be better for him to toil at the factory!".

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DataScience Digest — 24.06.21

Python*Algorithms*Big Data*Machine learning*Artificial Intelligence

The new issue of DataScienceDigest is here!

The impact of NLP and the growing budgets to drive AI transformations. How Airbnb standardized metric computation at scale. Cross-Validation, MASA-SR, AgileGAN, EfficientNetV2, and more.

If you’re more used to getting updates every day, subscribe to our Telegram channel or follow us on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

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How to be good in hackathons as a developer? Practice creating simple pet projects


Hackathons could be very intimidating and stressful. The key to getting better is doing simple projects. In this article, we will look at an example of a web app that can be used for sharpening your skills when you prepare for a hackathon. We will use a powerful Google API based on Machine Learning and apply the following technologies: ASP.NET, HTML, Docker, Heroku, and Git.

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Google Cloud Platform for WebRTC CDN with Balancing and Autoscaling

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite development*Working with video*DevOps*Video conferencing

In the previous article we refreshed our memory of WebRTC CDN and the ways this technology helps to minimize latency for WebRTC streams. We also discussed why load balancing and autoscaling wouldn't be amiss in CDNs. Here are the main points from the article:

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Automatize it, or Docker container delivery for WebRTC

Flashphoner corporate blogWebsite development*Working with video*DevOps*Video conferencing

The vast majority of IT specialists in various fields strive to perform manually as few actions as possible. I won't be afraid of the loud words: what can be automatized, must be automatized!

Let's imagine a situation: you need to deploy a lot of servers of the same type and do it quickly. Quickly deploy, quickly undeploy. For example, to deploy test rigs for developers. When development is carried out in parallel, you may need to separate the developers, so they don't impede each other and possible errors of one of them don't block the work of the others.

There may be several ways to solve this problem:

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Top 5 Best VOD Streaming Platforms in 2021

Business ModelsSoftware

These days, video streaming mobile apps have been witnessed with an increased spike of subscribers & now much video content is being much cherished without any interruptions via a streaming app. 

This is duly because catering to the prerequisite needs of end-users have popularized several VOD streaming services that has bought keen interest as compared to to the big black box which is slowly diminishing its presence. 

According to recent forecasted data, there is a positive anticipation of the entire VOD streaming  platform development’s  market to expand its size & peak its value by $842.93 billion by the year 2027! Source: Softermii 

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How to choose the appropriate level of statistical significance for an AB-test

Web services testing*Product Management*Statistics in IT

Nowadays a lot of product managers have to confirm most of their decisions with AB-tests. Yet, it is far not always clear how to choose the parameters for the test. A particularly difficult parameter to tune is often the level of statistical significance. If we choose too high level - tests will fail even though improvements do exist. If we choose too low level - we'll be getting lots of "confirmations" of false improvements.

When we make decisions based on AB-tests, once in a while we'll be making mistakes. We can limit the losses caused by such mistakes by choosing the appropriate level of statistical significance.

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