
Greenwich Mean Time

Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.
joi, 12 august, 2021, săptămâna 32

Fus orar

The IANA time zone identifiers for Greenwich Mean Time are GMT, Africa/Abidjan, Africa/Accra, Africa/Bamako, Africa/Banjul, Africa/Bissau, Africa/Conakry, Africa/Dakar, Africa/Freetown, Africa/Lome, Africa/Monrovia, Africa/Nouakchott, Africa/Ouagadougou, Africa/Sao_Tome, America/Danmarkshavn, Atlantic/Reykjavik și Atlantic/St_Helena.
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Time difference
from Greenwich Mean Time

Los Angeles
7 ore
7 ore
5 ore
5 ore
New York
4 ore
4 ore
4 ore
4 ore
São Paulo
3 ore
3 ore
Lagos+1 ore
Londra+1 ore
Cairo+2 ore
Johannesburg+2 ore
Paris+2 ore
Zurich+2 ore
Istanbul+3 ore
Moscova+3 ore
Dubai+4 ore
Mumbay+5,5 ore
Hong Kong+8 ore
Shanghai+8 ore
Singapore+8 ore
Tokio+9 ore
Sydney+10 ore
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