About ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA)

SIGDA is committed to advancing the skills and knowledge of electronic design automation professionals and students throughout the world. We do so in a variety of ways: sponsoring and organizing international workshops, symposia and conferences; leading the way in capturing archival electronic design automation publications; providing travel grants to sponsored workshops, symposia and conferences; pioneering the maintenance and distribution of electronic design automation benchmarks; hosting university and government researchers for software demonstrations at the University Research Demonstration at DAC; publishing the SIGDA Newsletter; maintaining a World Wide Web access site on Internet; creating the webinar series SIGDA LIVE, and initiating the new ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. Highlights of our recent activities include:

  • SIGDA Live is a series of webinars, launched monthly or bi-monthly, on topics (either technical or non-technical) of general interest to the SIGDA community. The talks in general fall on the last Wednesday of a month, and take about 45 minutes plus 15 minutes Q&A. Speaker and topic nominations are welcome and should be sent to [email protected]. All past talks are archived through our Youtube channel.
  • The ACM Transactions on the Design Automation of Electronic Systems: The journal provides comprehensive coverage of innovative research and work concerning the creation and evaluation of VLSI electronic systems. The journal emphasizes a computer science and engineering orientation. Topics include system design, high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, physical layout, design verification, system reliability, and high-performance circuits. The journal is actively seeking research papers, tutorial and survey papers, and short technical notes. The journal is distributed in hard-copy and electronic formats. SIGDA members receive a significantly subsidized subscription rate.
  • SIGDA sponsors or is in cooperation with major design automation conferences and workshops. We average more than two such events per month. A SIGDA member receives a significantly reduced registration rate for these meetings.