
ACM Statement

In the United States, and throughout many regions around the world, current events have brought attention to the urgent need for equality and respect for all individuals. ACM reaffirms its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the global computer science community.  

As an international organization of nearly 100,000 professionals, ACM respects the essential worth of all people and firmly believes that diversity strengthens the scientific enterprise and society as a whole. ACM’s Code of Professional Ethics embodies these principles, and our Diversity and Inclusion Council works to translate them into effective action. 

ACM is committed to creating an environment that welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and where hostility or other harmful behaviors are not tolerated. As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity.


SIGCOMM is ACM's professional forum for discussing communications and computer networks.

SIGCOMM members include scientists, engineers, educators and students. They study all aspects of computer communications and networks: analysis, technical design, engineering, measurement and management. Our members are particularly interested in the systems engineering and architectural questions surrounding computer communication.

Special Statement on Freedom of Mobility

SIGCOMM supports a wide variety of activities in the field:

Professional meetings


Recognition and support for computer networking professionals

Here are links to more information about SIGCOMM: 

If you are a computer networking professional, please consider joining ACM SIGCOMM: Join online here.

Recent News

  • July 31, 2021



    Call for interest in leadership positions - Due August 9
    While the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer are elected positions, the SIG has a number of other positions that are filled by appointment. Please consider expressing your interest or suggesting someone else! These positions are now open:
    Information Services Director
    Education Director
    Director of Diversity and Inclusion
    CARES Co-Chair or Committee Member
    Awards Committee Chair
    To express interest, send email to Ellen ([email protected]) with a paragraph about past SIGCOMM involvement and a paragraph about interest in the position (or positions) by Monday, August 9. We especially invite interest from those historically underrepresented in SIGCOMM and/or in SIGCOMM leadership. 

    As availability of vaccines begins to change the COVID-19 situation, the SIGCOMM Executive Committee is exploring how it can best support events with some return to in-person activities. To help us plan for the next few years in a way that best supports the community, it would be very helpful to us if you can fill out this survey:

    The organizing committee is delighted to invite you all to ACM SIGCOMM 2021, the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication. We are excited to announce that the SIGCOMM main program will for the first time extend over four, instead of three, days, bringing an extra day of learning, networking, discussion, and more! Our main program includes 55 full-length papers, a keynote talk by the SIGCOMM Award winner, Hari Balakrishnan; the announcement of the SIGCOMM Test-of-Time Award; a best of CCR session; a Student Research Competition; and two poster sessions with 21 posters and 9 demos. Furthermore, the main program is complemented by eight workshops, six tutorials, and three hackathons. And we will be providing a mentoring program to assist junior researchers, dedicated slots to meet our sponsors, as well as various other social and mentoring events towards making this a vibrant, interactive conference. Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to provide an aggressive fee waiver program that we hope can enable all to attend. To register, please visit:

    With increased access to vaccination, relaxation of local travel and gathering restrictions are quite possible in certain regions. In support of a return to in-person activities, SIGCOMM'21 is calling for creation of "watch parties" and "pods" to allow small groups to meet where it is safe to do so. To propose a pod, or to see how to join a pod near you, please visit:


    SIGCOMM CARES Recommendations document in response to HotNets incident (December 2020)
    In September 2020, the SIGCOMM CARES committee was made aware of a situation that arose in the HotNets 2020 review process. SIGCOMM CARES received two complaints, one sent by all three authors and one from the lead author alone. The incident was discussed in the committee and multiple parties involved were consulted, leading to a list of 7 recommendations. The implementation of these recommendations by the different actors responsible for overseeing the review process, namely ACM, SIGCOMM and Conference Steering Committees, PC chairs, PC committees and the CARES Committee, will hopefully help prevent similar incidents in the future. 


    SIGCOMM CARES Community Meetings
    CARES planned two community meetings in April 2021 to communicate and clarify its role. These meetings are intended to serve as both sessions on CARES and a means to foster discussion on how CARES and ACM might evolve to better serve the community as well as a forum to answer questions that community members may have.
    1st Meeting -- Friday, April 2, from 2pm ET

    2nd Meeting -- Friday, April 23, at 9am ET


    Being a student volunteer is a great opportunity to get plugged into the community -- meet the organizing committee and attendees, and learn how to run a conference! Opportunities will include stimulating discussions on the slack, monitoring the conference, helping to report problems, running platforms, helping us brainstorm, and more! No experience needed (we will teach you what you need to know!). To sign up, please email a resume and brief description of your interests to [email protected] with "[SIGCOMM - Volunteer]" in the subject line.

  • June 30, 2021



    Au Revoir from the current EC
    It’s hard to imagine, but it has now been 4 years since this EC started its term.  I can vividly recall my trepidations before the opening session of SIGCOMM 2017 in LA that marked my first participation as SIGCOMM chair, and I must say that if I had had a crystal ball, those trepidations might have morphed into sheer panic. Obviously, none of us could have foretold COVID-19 and how much havoc it would wreck, and my thoughts go to all those who have been affected and those who continue to be.  On the SIG front, the main impact was the need to switch to virtual events.  SIGCOMM 2020 had to pivot late in its planning process from being held at Columbia in NYC to being the first to experiment with a fully virtual format. I’m forever grateful to Henning, Vishal, and their team for stepping-up to a task they had not really signed-up for.  However, looking back as well as ahead, the SIG has weathered the transition relatively well.  We have not taken anywhere near the kind of financial hit we might have expected, with most of our conferences remaining in the black.  More importantly, we have also learned useful lessons on how to leverage our experience with virtual events.  Even if the departing EC pledged an in-person reunion at SIGCOMM 2022, it also acknowledged the positive aspects of virtual participation.  There is no denying that virtual conferences have made it possible for many more to attend who, no matter how many travel grants we can provide, would otherwise have been unable to attend our events.  As a result, going forward, we have pledged to continue to offer the possibility of remote participation even after we are back to having in-person conferences.
    The impact of COVID-19 has, however, also been felt indirectly in the many things we ended-up either not doing or not doing as much as planned.  One of my goals when starting as chair had been to increase the diversity of our SIG, and while we have made some progress, there is no denying that much, much more remains to be done.  Nevertheless, a few positive steps were taken, including standing-up a CARES committee, which even if its mandate is still evolving, has provided a renewed focus as well as resources that SIG members can tap into.  We also relaunched our efforts to increase participation from South America with a student-focused workshop that successfully started in 2019.  It was to be reprieved in 2020, but had to be put on hold because of COVID-19, and 2021 remains uncertain. I very much hope that we can restart it soon and tap into the enthusiasm that permeated the first edition.
    Let me end this already too long “closing statement” by thanking all past and present members of the EC with whom I have had the pleasure to serve.  One of the things that serving as SIGCOMM chair has made me acutely aware of is the amount of time and energy that all our volunteers are willing to invest in the SIG and its events, and EC members are very much on the frontline with often very little visibility and recognition for their efforts from the rest of our community.  I am truly grateful for their dedication and for sticking through the ups and downs of the past four years.  Last but not least, I also want to welcome the incoming EC.  The SIG is in great hands and I wish them the best of luck in taking the SIG forward into a (hopefully) post-COVID world.
    Roch Guerin, departing SIG chair

    SIGCOMM'21: Save the Date!
    SIGCOMM 2021 will be held virtually (online) during August 23–27, 2021. Five exciting days of workshops, tutorials, hackathons, technical sessions, social events, and more! More details, including about how to register, will be posted in the upcoming weeks. For more information, please visit: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/

    SIGCOMM Lifetime Award Winner for 2021
    Prof. Balakrishnan is recognized for "contributions to mobile and wireless systems, resilient networks, and congestion control."
    The committee: Marinho Barcellos (University of Waikato, NZ), Phillipa Gill (Google, USA), Anja Feldmann (Max-Planck Institute, Germany), and Craig Partridge (Colorado State University, USA).

  • May 31, 2021




    N2Women'21 Call for Posters (ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop)

    The 11th N2Women workshop is soliciting posters on research related to any aspect of networking and communications. All researchers in the networking and communications fields are welcome to submit their work for presentation at this workshop. Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for students and junior researchers, to extend the visibility of their work and meet members of our community. Workshop participation is free of charge. One author per accepted N2women poster is offered a free registration to SIGCOMM'21 conference (including workshops). To submit a poster or for more details on how to attend, please visit https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/n2women.html .

    ACM SIGCOMM CCR Education Series Call for Papers 

    The ACM SIGCOMM CCR Education Series is a forum for educators and researchers to share results, insights, and developments in the area of computer networking and computer systems education. The motivation for this series is to lay groundwork to improve and enhance the state of networking education through sharing ideas, approaches, methodology, tools and infrastructure. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to open infrastructures, teaching techniques and curricula, industry perspectives, experiences and lessons learned, surveys and polls, and historical retrospectives. Submissions to the ACM CCR Education Series will be accepted for every CCR issue (January, April, July, October). The submission deadline for appearance in the December issue is: September 1, 2021. For more information, please visit https://www.sigcomm.org/for-authors/ccr-author-information .

    ACM SIGCOMM'21 List of Accepted Tutorials, Workshops, and Hackathons

    The list of accepted Tutorials and Virtual Hackathons is now online at https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/cf-tutorials.html . The list of workshops has been finalized as well, in the left side bar of https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/ . Please make plans to attend any you find interesting! More details on registration for these events, as well as for the main conference, will be coming soon.

    ACM CoNEXT 2021 Call for Papers 

    Full CfP at the conference website: https://conferences2.sigcomm.org/co-next/2021
    CoNEXT 2021 will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking technologies that will shape the future of Internetworking. The conference is single track and features a high-quality technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group technical and social interactions among a diverse set of participants. The CoNEXT conferences focus on stimulating exchanges between various international research communities.
    CoNEXT welcomes submission of both long and short papers. Since last year, the selection process includes among the potential outcomes the "one-shot major revision", allowing authors to improve their paper, as well as an early-reject notification (around the first two weeks of August).
    + Abstract Registration: June 21, 2021
    + Paper Submission: June 28, 2021 (hard deadline, no extensions will be given)
    + Notification of Acceptance: September 13, 2021



    The ACM SIGCOMM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) is the premiere venue for research publications on SDN, building on past years' successful SOSR and HotSDN (Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking) workshops. SOSR 2021 (https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sosr/2021/) will be fully virtual on September 20 & 21, 2021.
    We invite submissions from researchers and practitioners on a wide range of related areas on SDN in particular and SDx in general. 

    Important Dates:
    Paper submission: June 11, 2021 (AoE) 
    Notification: August 1, 2021 
    Camera-ready due: August 22, 2021

  • April 30, 2021



    Advertising local “Pods” for SIG conferences in 2021
    As previously announced, SIGCOMM conferences to be held in 2021 will all be virtual because of the uncertainty associated with the pandemic and the reluctance of many people to travel.  However, with increased access to vaccination, the situation is changing rapidly, and while a return to “normal” is unlikely in the immediate future, relaxation of local travel and gathering restrictions are possible in certain regions.
    This, together with the fact that, in spite of much progress, in-person interactions remain richer than virtual ones, has led to a number of initiatives aimed at organizing local “Pods” to allow small groups to get together to listen to and discuss talks as they are presented (virtually) at a conference. The organizers of some of those initiatives have reached out to the SIG to ask for help in advertising them.
    The SIG’s position is that, while our conferences remain fully virtual in 2021, approaches that foster greater interactions benefit members of the SIGCOMM community.  As a result, the SIG is happy to help promote  such initiatives by having their organizers reach out to organizers of  the conference they are targeting.  The conference organizers will review the request, and if it complies with the requirements listed below, will coordinate with the SIG’s conference coordinator to determine how to best advertise it to conference attendees.  Specifically,  a proposed local gathering will be advertised to conference attendees if it meets the following requirements:

    • It is free to all attendees;
    • It complies with all current guidelines applicable to such gatherings, e.g., in the US, this would include compliance with relevant CDC, state, and county guidelines for gatherings as well as any travel restrictions that may be in effect;
    • All participants are registered for the conference as regular attendees.

    In general, we expect pod organizers to provide a venue and video facilities to project the conference, as well a way to interact with the conference (on social media and/or live).


    SIGCOMM Elections
    On 15 April, all eligible voting SIGCOMM members (in good standing as of 1 April 2021) were sent voting information via an email message from Election Services Corporation (ESC), a third party that is conducting the election on behalf of SIGCOMM, SIGITE, SIGMOBILE, SIGMOD, SIGMM, SIGSAC and SIGSAM.  The message included voting instructions as well as a 10-digit unique PIN that is needed to vote.   If you did not receive the voting information email (from ESC), and have an email address on file with ACM, please contact [email protected] or call toll-free 1-866-720-4357.
    You can view the candidate slate at https://www.acm.org/elections/sigs/2021-candidate-slate and the ACM SIG Election voting information site is at https://www.acm.org/elections/sigs/vote 
    Ballots are due by 1 June at 16:00 UTC.


    Statement regarding the Turing Award
    Dear SIGCOMM members,
    As an organization, we are committed to creating an environment that welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and where hostility or other harmful behaviors are not tolerated. As an organization, we stand with and honor those who promote diversity and inclusivity.  In addition to being the right thing to do, we believe this is important for the advancement of science.  
    We appreciate ACM’s reconfirmation of these commitments in response to the recent controversy surrounding Turing Award winner Jeffrey Ullman, contained in the below statement on the ACM website:
    We confirm our intention to adopt the ACM policies in our SIG award selection process to the extent that they are not already present.  In addition, to emphasize our commitment to diversity and inclusivity in all our activities, we will ask nominators and endorsers for personal achievement awards to comment on how the nominee(s) exemplifies these core values.  
    Finally, we would like to reiterate our support for Iranian and Native American students and scholars, as well as all other ethnicities and nationalities.  You are welcomed and valued members of our global community.
    Thank you,
    SIGCOMM executive committee (Sujata Banerjee, Marinho Barcellos, Matthew Caesar, Christophe Diot, Lars Eggert, Roch Guerin, Srinivasan Keshav, Konstantina (Dina) Papagiannaki, Steve Uhlig, Anduo Wang)


    SIGCOMM 2021 AEC nominations
    SIGCOMM 2021 is conducting an optional artifact evaluation process for accepted papers. We are looking for senior PhD students, postdocs, and early-career researchers to participate in the program committee.  To nominate yourself, please complete the application (https://forms.gle/bNsr3tPtrjcnp74c7) by Sunday, May 2. If you have any questions, email [email protected].


    SIGCOMM 2021 Posters/Demo/SRC CFP Posted
    SIGCOMM 2021 is accepting submissions of Posters and Demos to be presented at the conference. Eligible submissions will also be considered for the ACM SIGCOMM Student Research Competition. For more information, check out the Sigcomm main web site, under the "Posters, Demos, and SRC" tab (direct link: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/cf-posters.html).

    SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop CFP Posted
    CFPs for several Sigcomm Workshops have been posted on the Sigcomm main web site, under the "Workshops" tab (direct link: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/).

    The Networking Channel
    The Networking Channel is a community channel with a regular talk taking place every other Wednesday. The next event (on May 5) will be a panel on How to Succeed in Graduate School, with Jennifer Rexford (Princeton), Edmundo de Souza e Silva (UFRJ), Anja Feldmann (MPI), and David Patterson (UC Berkeley). To register for the free event, go here: https://networkingchannel.eu/advice-on-how-to-succeed-in-grad-school/ . Please watch
     https://networkingchannel.eu/networking-events/ for more upcoming talks, to be posted soon.

  • March 31, 2021



    8th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networks (ICN) 2021
    (full CFP can be found at https://conferences2.sigcomm.org/acm-icn/2021/cf-papers.html)
    ACM ICN 2021 (Sept. 22-24, 2021) is a single-track conference focusing on significant research contributions to ICN as broadly defined, and featuring paper presentations, posters, and demonstrations.  ICN deals with all aspects of an information- or data-centric approach toward supporting networked applications. Such an approach treats digital objects (i.e., collections of bits) as first-class objects, and supports identification, creation, retrieval, authentication, and access control for such objects through a global service.  ACM ICN 2021 solicits research contributions across the full spectrum of technologies and architectures related to ICN, including work that advances core ICN concepts, architectures, technologies, and capabilities; extends current ICN concepts to new networking environments and use cases; realizes, demonstrates, and quantifies the benefits of ICN in traditional and emerging application domains; and catalyzes, incentivizes, simplifies, and supports ICN deployments in realistic, operational environments and settings.
    Paper registration:   7 May 2021
    Paper submission: 14 May 2021
    Acceptance notification: 20 July 2021
    Camera-ready deadline: 20 August 2021

    SIGCOMM 2021 Call for Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition
    (full CFP can be found at https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/cf-posters.html)
    The SIGCOMM poster/demo session showcases works-in-progress in an informal setting. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SIGCOMM conference call for papers. We strongly encourage student and industry submissions. The SIGCOMM 2021 poster/demo committee will review all posters and demo proposals. Students must (virtually) present student posters at the conference. In addition, the top few submissions may be forwarded for publication to the SIGCOMM newsletter, the Computer Communication Review (CCR). The SIGCOMM poster and demo sessions will also serve as an ACM SIGCOMM Student Research Competition. The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees.

    SIGCOMM 2021 Call for Tutorials and Hackathons
    (full CFP can be found at https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/cf-tutorials.html)
    We seek to extend the SIGCOMM experience by tutorials on selected topics given by renowned scientists and practitioners in their fields. We therefore solicit proposals for full-day or half-day tutorials on topics relevant to the SIGCOMM community. We also solicit proposals to organize virtual hackathons co-located with SIGCOMM. Tutorials must cover advanced topics that fit the scope of SIGCOMM and are of current interest to the SIGCOMM community. Tutorials may be lectures, interactive workshops, hands-on training, or any combination of the above. Successful tutorials educate the community members on emerging methods, concepts, and tools to expand the research capabilities of the community. A hackathon is an intense goal-oriented team-work activity organized in a sprint-like one-day virtual event, where members from various backgrounds and expertise come together to work towards the stated goals of the hackathon. Keep in mind that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SIGCOMM 2021 will be held fully online.

    SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop CFP Posted
    CFPs for several Sigcomm Workshops have been posted on the Sigcomm main web site, under the "Workshops" tab (linked from https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2021/).

    Upcoming SIGCOMM CARES Community meeting
    SIGCOMM CARES will host a community meeting on Friday, April 2, from 2-3pm ET.  The meeting will be held as a zoom webinar, and the link to join the meeting is https://acm-org.zoom.us/j/99281748475?pwd=TGlRaTRUQ3hLVWcxd0RHN3VqTUFlZz09
    There is no need to pre-register.
    The purpose of the meeting is to communicate and clarify the role of SIGCOMM CARES, to discuss ways that CARES and ACM might evolve to better serve the community, and to answer questions that community members may have. As background, here are a set of recommendations recently made by CARES to improve review practices. 

    The Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group (SRG) Seminars 
    A list of networking talks from the past year at SRC seminars at University of Cambridge:

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