About the Applied Computing Review
Applied Computing Review is distributed to all ACM/SIGAPP members as benefit of membership, and is available to non-SIGAPP members, libraries and other institutions by special subscription. Please direct subscription inquiries to Applied Computing Review, Association for Computing Machinery, 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701.
Information for Authors
All ACR articles are externally, multiply and blindly reviewed for originality, importance, correctness, coherence, effectiveness and timeliness. Original articles relating to innovative and novel applications of, or experimentation with, computing technology or the production of new computing artifacts are encouraged. This includes general interest articles, surveys, case studies, and research monographs so long as they are oriented toward current or future computing applications. Normally, ACR will not publish reports, commentaries or correspondence. ACR will not consider articles which have appeared in, or are under consideration by, other publication
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Submissions should be sent directly to the Editor-in-Chief. Most issues of ACR will contain a `featured' or special section relating to a special topic with its own guest editor. Information on forthcoming special sections may be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief.<
All submissions must be in ACM formats. Please use ACR template: MS Word and LaTex.
Sung Y. Shin - South Dakota State University
Associate Editors:
Hisham Haddad - Kennesaw State University, USA
Jiman Hung - Soongsil University, Korea
John Kim - Utica College, USA
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Maria Lencastre - University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Technical Editor:
John Kim - Utica College, USA
[email protected]
Editorial Board
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed |
Gail-Joon Ahn |
Davide Ancona |
Massimo Bartoletti |
Thais Vasconcelos Batista |
Maurice Ter Beek |
Giampaolo Bella |
Paolo Bellavista |
Albert Bifet |
Stefano Bistarelli |
Gloria Bordogna |
Marco Brambilla |
Barrett Bryant |
Antonio Bucchiarone |
Andre Carvalho |
Jaelson Castro |
Martine Ceberio |
Tomas Cerny |
Priya Chandran |
Li Chen |
Seong-je Cho |
Ilyoung Chong |
Soon Chun |
Juan Manuel Corchado |
Luís Cruz-Filipe |
Marilia Curado |
Fabiano Dalpiaz |
Lieven Desmet |
Mauro Dragoni |
Khalil Drira |
Ayman El-Baz |
Ylies Falcone |
Mario Freire |
Joao Gama |
Marisol García-Valls |
Karl M. Goeschka |
Aniruddha Gokhale |
George Hamer |
Hyoil Han |
Ramzi Haraty |
Mohammed El Hassouni |
Jun Huang |
Yin-Fu Huang |
Angelo Di Iorio |
Hasan Jamil |
JoonHyouk Jang |
Rachid Jennane |
Jinman Jung |
Soon Ki Jung |
Sungwon Kang |
Bongjae Kim |
Dongkyun Kim |
Sang-Wook Kim |
Stefan Kramer |
Daniel Kudenko |
S.D Madhu Kumar |
Tei-Wei Kuo |
Paola Lecca |
Byungjeong Lee |
Jaeheung Lee |
Axel Legay |
Hong Va Leong |
Frederic Loulergue |
Tim A. Majchrzak |
Cristian Mateos |
Hernan Melgratti |
Mercedes Merayo |
Marjan Mernik |
Hong Min |
Raffaela Mirandola |
Eric Monfroy |
Marco Di Natale |
Rui Oliveira |
Flavio Oquendo |
Ai-Chun Pang |
Apostolos Papadopoulos |
Gabriella Pasi |
Anand Paul |
Manuela Pereira |
Ronald Petrlic |
Peter Pietzuch |
Ganesh Kumar Pugalendi |
Rui P. Rocha |
Pedro Pereira Rodrigues |
Agostinho Rosa |
Marco Rospocher |
Davide Rossi |
Giovanni Russello |
Francesco Santini |
Patrizia Scandurra |
Jean-Marc Seigneur |
Shaojie Shen |
Eunjee Song |
Junping Sun |
Sangsoo Sung |
Francesco Tiezzi |
Dan Tulpan |
Teresa Vazão |
Mirko Viroli |
Wei Wang |
Raymond Wong |
Jason Xue |
Markus Zanker |
Tao Zhang |
Jun Zheng |
Yong Zheng |