Mission Statement

SIGAPP's mission is to further the interests of the computing professional engaged in the development of new computing applications and application areas and the transfer of computing technology to new problem domains.

Learn more


Current Officers (July 1, 2015 - May 31, 2019):

Jiman Hong, Chair (July 2015 - Present)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Soongsil University
369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 156-743, Korea
[email protected]

[email protected]

Tei-Wei Kuo, Vice Chair
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan University
No 1 Sec 4 Roosevelt Rd.
Taipei 106, Taiwan
[email protected]

Sung Y. Shin, Immediate Past Chair (2009 - 2015)
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD, USA
[email protected]

Maria Lencastre, Secretary
University of Pernambuco
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
[email protected]

John Kim, Treasurer
Utica College
Utica, NY, USA
[email protected]

Hisham Haddad, Web Master
Kennesaw State University
Computer Science Department
Marietta, GA, USA
[email protected]

[email protected]

Irene Frawley, Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator - SIG Services
Association for Computing Machinery
2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701
New York, NY, USA
[email protected]

Former Chairs:

Barrett R. Bryant (2003 - 2009)
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, USA
[email protected]

Gary Lamont (1996 - 2003)
Air Force Institute of Technology
Dayton, Ohio, USA
[email protected]

George Hedrick (1994 - 1995)
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
[email protected]

Hal Berghel (1990 - 1993)
University of Arkansas
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
[email protected]


Event Sponsorship and In-Cooperation

There are three ways in which SIGAPP can be involved with a technical meeting: as a “full sponsored”, “co sponsored” or as "in cooperation". From an applicant's perspective, the difference between applying for sponsorship/co-sponsorship and in-cooperation status is that the latter is far simpler to obtain because it does not entail any financial involvement or liability by SIGAPP.

Proceedings will be copyrighted by ACM and be in the Digital Library, unless specific agreements are in place with other co-sponsors.

Requesting Event Sponsorship or In-Cooperation with ACM/SIGAPP

ACM provides some guidelines and an online form (the TMRF) to request in-cooperation status. Below we provide a list of additional requirements that must be met by a conference seeking in-cooperation status, followed by a set of guidelines that will increase the chances that the SIGAPP Executive Committee will approve a request.
Note that you may not use the ACM or SIGAPP names or logos on materials promoting the conference (websites, CFPs, etc.) prior to approval of the TMRF.

The non-negotiable requirements are:

  • The meeting shall not be run by a for-profit organization (except in rare exceptions authorized by the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee and the SIGAPP Executive Committee)
  • Registration discount for SIGAPP members and ACM members must be equivalent to the 'member' discount offered, if any
  • Attendance policies of the meeting (e.g. open, invitation-only, etc.) must be specified.
  • A formal request (TMRF) must be made for every instance of a recurring event (i.e. approval for a given conference applies only to the single occurrence of the conference for which the TMRF was submitted.)
  • As required by the ACM, meeting organizers must provide, within three months of the event, a short report to the SIGAPP Executive Committee summarizing the event. The report should cover the number of papers submitted, the number of papers accepted, the number of attendees, and an outline of the conference budget. It should also contain a brief assessment of the success of the event.

Holding an Event co-sponsored by ACM/SIGAPP

A co-sponsored event is an event sponsored by another organization that wishes to have a formal connection with ACM/SIGAPP and its members. This arrangement implies no financial involvement from SIGAPP, and it is straightforward to obtain, provided that

  • ACM will assist the event organizers with overall conference arrangements and budget planning
  • ACM will assist the event organizers with hotel selection and contract negotiations
  • ACM will support financial transactions for the event with an option to coordinate registrations on-line with the conference accounts
  • The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library
  • The announcement of the conference will be posted on the SIGAPP web site
  • The ACM and SIGAPP logos and name can be used on any publicity about the conference
  • The conference will be listed in the ACM calendar
  • Events sponsored by ACM/SIGAPP

Holding an Event In-Cooperation with ACM/SIGAPP

An In-cooperation conference is an event sponsored by another organization that wishes to have a formal connection with ACM/SIGAPP and its members. The requirements for SIGAPP in-cooperation status include the following:

  • The meeting cannot be sponsored by a for-profit organization; however, some forms of corporate funding are allowed. SIGAPP will not be financially responsible for the meeting.
  • In-cooperation events must have at least 5 SIGAPP members among Organizing Committee or Steering Committee members.
  • In-cooperation events must have an open call for participation and a clearly documented evaluation and review process.
  • In-cooperation events are encouraged to follow SIGAPP policies and procedures, and have to include in their website and call for papers a mandatory Anti-Harassment Policy.
  • In-cooperation events must have a special registration fee discount program for SIGAPP and ACM members. Registration costs should be reasonable; if there is a reduced registration rate, then SIGAPP members should be eligible for it.
  • A table is provided in the registration area for a display of ACM and SIGAPP membership and publication literature if needed.
  • In-cooperated conferences must include a link for SIGAPP registration on the webpage and registration form. Organizers can contact the ACM Headquarters ([email protected]), to have SIGAPP membership materials sent directly to the conference location for display there.
  • Proof of liability insurance is provided by all sponsoring organizations.
  • Events In-Cooperation with ACM/SIGAPP

For institutional sponsorship, please click Here for information.

SAC Meetings

Over the past years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), the primary SIGAPP Annual Conference, has become a primary forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world to interact and present their work. Each year the event is organized as a number of specialist tracks on various areas of computer applications. The Tracks define the conference theme each year.

Curreent and Past SAC meetings:

SAC 1992 SAC 1993 SAC 1994 SAC 1995 SAC 1996 SAC 1997
SAC 1998 SAC 1999 SAC 2000 SAC 2001 SAC 2002 SAC 2003
SAC 2004 SAC 2005 SAC 2006 SAC 2007 SAC 2008 SAC 2009
SAC 2010 SAC 2011 SAC 2012 SAC 2013 SAC 2014 SAC 2015
SAC 2016 SAC 2017 SAC 2018 SAC 2019 SAC 2020 SAC 2021
SAC 2022 SAC 2023 SAC 2024 SAC 2025 SAC 2026 SAC 2027


RACS provides an excellent forum for addressing research issues of concern within the adaptive and convergent computing area. Adaptive and convergent computing concentrates on innovative solutions to complex problems in all areas of industry and sciences using adaptive and convergent techniques in computer science and engineering. It involves programming, software engineering, graphics, databases, wireless networks, security, distributed systems, operating systems and so on.

Curreent and Past RACS:

RACS 2010 RACS 2011 RACS 2012 RACS 2013 RACS 2014 RACS 2015
RACS 2016 RACS 2017 RACS 2018 RACS 2019 RACS 2020 RACS 2021


Applied Computing Review

About the Applied Computing Review

Applied Computing Review is distributed to all ACM/SIGAPP members as benefit of membership, and is available to non-SIGAPP members, libraries and other institutions by special subscription. Please direct subscription inquiries to Applied Computing Review, Association for Computing Machinery, 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701.

Information for Authors

All ACR articles are externally, multiply and blindly reviewed for originality, importance, correctness, coherence, effectiveness and timeliness. Original articles relating to innovative and novel applications of, or experimentation with, computing technology or the production of new computing artifacts are encouraged. This includes general interest articles, surveys, case studies, and research monographs so long as they are oriented toward current or future computing applications. Normally, ACR will not publish reports, commentaries or correspondence. ACR will not consider articles which have appeared in, or are under consideration by, other publication Authors of accepted articles will be required to produce final version in camera-ready form. Although not required, authors are encouraged to submit articles in camera-ready form as well in order to determine any layout incompatibilities as early as possible in the production cycle.<

By submitting your article for distribution in this Special Interest Group publication, you hereby grant to ACM the following non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide rights:<

    -to publish in print on condition of acceptance by the editor<

    -to digitize and post your article in the electronic version of this publication<

    -to include the article in the ACM Digital Library and in any Digital Library related services<

    -to allow users to make a personal copy of the article for noncommercial, educational or research purposes<

However, as a contributing author, you retain copyright to your article and ACM will refer requests for republication directly to you.<

Submissions should be sent directly to the Editor-in-Chief. Most issues of ACR will contain a `featured' or special section relating to a special topic with its own guest editor. Information on forthcoming special sections may be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief.<

All submissions must be in ACM formats. Please use ACR template: MS Word and LaTex.



Sung Y. Shin - South Dakota State University

Associate Editors:

Hisham Haddad - Kennesaw State University, USA

Jiman Hung - Soongsil University, Korea

John Kim - Utica College, USA

Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Maria Lencastre - University of Pernambuco, Brazil

Technical Editor:

John Kim - Utica College, USA

[email protected]

Editorial Board

Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Gail-Joon Ahn
Davide Ancona
Massimo Bartoletti
Thais Vasconcelos Batista
Maurice Ter Beek
Giampaolo Bella
Paolo Bellavista
Albert Bifet
Stefano Bistarelli
Gloria Bordogna
Marco Brambilla
Barrett Bryant
Antonio Bucchiarone
Andre Carvalho
Jaelson Castro
Martine Ceberio
Tomas Cerny
Priya Chandran
Li Chen
Seong-je Cho
Ilyoung Chong
Soon Chun
Juan Manuel Corchado
Luís Cruz-Filipe
Marilia Curado
Fabiano Dalpiaz
Lieven Desmet
Mauro Dragoni
Khalil Drira
Ayman El-Baz
Ylies Falcone
Mario Freire
Joao Gama
Marisol García-Valls
Karl M. Goeschka
Aniruddha Gokhale
George Hamer
Hyoil Han
Ramzi Haraty
Mohammed El Hassouni
Jun Huang
Yin-Fu Huang
Angelo Di Iorio
Hasan Jamil
JoonHyouk Jang
Rachid Jennane
Jinman Jung
Soon Ki Jung
Sungwon Kang
Bongjae Kim
Dongkyun Kim
Sang-Wook Kim
Stefan Kramer
Daniel Kudenko
S.D Madhu Kumar
Tei-Wei Kuo
Paola Lecca
Byungjeong Lee
Jaeheung Lee
Axel Legay
Hong Va Leong
Frederic Loulergue
Tim A. Majchrzak
Cristian Mateos
Hernan Melgratti
Mercedes Merayo
Marjan Mernik
Hong Min
Raffaela Mirandola
Eric Monfroy
Marco Di Natale
Rui Oliveira
Flavio Oquendo
Ai-Chun Pang
Apostolos Papadopoulos
Gabriella Pasi
Anand Paul
Manuela Pereira
Ronald Petrlic
Peter Pietzuch
Ganesh Kumar Pugalendi
Rui P. Rocha
Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Agostinho Rosa
Marco Rospocher
Davide Rossi
Giovanni Russello
Francesco Santini
Patrizia Scandurra
Jean-Marc Seigneur
Shaojie Shen
Eunjee Song
Junping Sun
Sangsoo Sung
Francesco Tiezzi
Dan Tulpan
Teresa Vazão
Mirko Viroli
Wei Wang
Raymond Wong
Jason Xue
Markus Zanker
Tao Zhang
Jun Zheng
Yong Zheng

Current Issue

Current and past issues are available at ACM DL.


SIGAPP Distinguished Service Award Recipients

This award is given to SIGAPP members who provided outstanding service to the Annual Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC). Recipients of this award have held different positions in the SAC Organizing Committee over the years. Positions ranged from the Track Chair to Conference Chair. A committee formed of SIGAPP and SAC officers selects the next recipient.


Dr. Roger L. Wainwright

University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Dr. Hisham M. Haddad

Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA, USA

Dr. Barrett R. Bryant

University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, USA

Dr. Ronaldo Menezes

Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, Florida, USA


Dr. Sung Y. Shin

South Dakota State University
Brookings, South Dakota, USA


Dr. Mathew J. Palakal

Indiana University Purdue University
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA


Dr. Chih-Cheng Hung

Southern Polytechnic State University
Marietta, Georgia, USA


Dr. Jiman Hong

Soongsil University
Seoul, Korea


Dr. Dongwan Shin

New Mexico Tech
Socorro, New Mexico, USA


Dr. Alessio Bechini

University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy


Dr. John Kim

Utica College
Utica, New York, USA

SIGAPP Outstanding Service Award Recipients

This award is given to SIGAPP officers who provided outstanding service to the Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP). The criteria include holding different positions on the SIGAPP Executive Committee. The SIGAPP Executive Committee selects the award recipient.

Year Recipient Affiliation
2010 Dr. Barrett R. Bryant University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
2016 Dr. Sung Shin South Dakota State University
Brookings, South Dakota, USA

SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program

The SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program (STAP) was established to provide financial support for SIGAPP student members to attend SIGAPP primary conference (SAC) to present their accepted work. Student primary authors and co-authors are eligible to apply for these awards. The eligibility rules may vary year to year depending on funds availability. Applications are evaluated on a competitive basis.

Expenses eligible for coverage include conference registration fees, travel expenses to and from the conference, and accommodation expenses while attending SAC. Note that meal expenses will not be covered by these grants, neither will cost related to getting a visa to travel to the conference location. The award amounts vary year to year depending on type of travel (intercontinental or intra-continental) and the applicants pool and their needs. SIGAPP expects institutions to share costs in funding students travel to SAC.

Reimbursement is handled by ACM after the end of the conference. Recipients will received instructions from ACM on how to claim these awards.  Recipients need to keep original receipts for all eligible expenses as they are required for reimbursement.

Students may join SIGAPP for a very nominal fee ($8) and become eligible for this funding. Only SIGAPP student members are eligible for this award. Please see Join SIGAPP for more details.

SAC 2020 Travel Applications

The SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program (STAP) provides support for SIGAPP student members to attend the SAC 2020 conference and present their work. The eligibility criteria are:

  • The applicant (student author) must be an active SIGAPP member.
  • The applicant must be an active student in his/her institution.
  • The student author must attend the conference and present the work.

The application deadline is December 20, 2019. Eligible applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis. Covered expenses are outlined above. The amount of each award depends on the type of travel (domestic or international - intercontinental or intra-continental) and the applicant pool and their needs. Notifications will be sent out by January 20, 2020.

The application form URL: https://oslab.ssu.ac.kr/stap2020
Please note that you need to print (or save electronic) a copy of the from for submission.

After completing and submitting the online form, please email the following documents to Dr. Jiman Hong at [email protected]

  • Copy of the completed form
  • Two-page resume
  • Invoice of airfare from travel agency
  • Letter of support from your research advisor

Incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified.

For any questions, please contact Dr. Jiman Hong at [email protected].