With MainWP Privacy is Paramount!

Protect your data! Your WordPress manager should only be run on your servers!

How is Your Data Being Used?

Are you sharing all the essential information about your websites, your client sites, or your business by allowing others to gather and store that information on their servers?

If your WordPress management solution uses a server you don’t control, then that is what you are doing!

Think about it, do you know what information they are gathering and storing?

Are they gathering stats, keywords, or profitable niches?

You never know how a third-party will use your information or how they gather and store that information.

What Happens to My Data if My Manager is Sold?

If your client data is stored on another companies server when they sell that company, they are also selling all your client data that they have collected since you connected that site.

Some of the more significant sales include:

ManageWP sold to Godaddy
iThemes sold to LiquidWeb

In both of these cases, users entrusted their client information to one party only to have it sold off to another without their consent.

What information would a company purchasing MainWP get about you?  

If you never install an Extension or sign up for the mailing list, they would receive no information about you.

If you purchase or install an Extension, the buyer would have your name, email, and URL of your Dashboard.   No one would know the URLs of any of your connected sites because MainWP does not track them or store that information off your server.

Is It Paranoia or a Reasonable Suspicion?

Some of this may come off as paranoia. Still, if you are looking for a WordPress Manager, I’m guessing you are a WordPress entrepreneur or development company that survives off the building and maintaining of small and medium-size business websites.

The issue you have here is the same companies offering you their hosted WordPress Managers are also in your same small and medium-size business market. Once you connect your clients’ sites to their servers, you are effectively letting them mine your data.

Are they going to target one of your clients specifically, I don’t know, but I doubt it.

It is much more likely they will aggregate everyone’s client data to determine the most profitable niches for them to enter.  With each site, you connect, you are feeding your most powerful competitors actionable intelligence on your market.

With MainWP, you never have to worry about that.

As a self-hosted solution, you install the MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site on your server.

And with fully auditable, open-source code, you can be sure we do not track or keep any information about your Child sites.


  • Owned by
  • Connected Site Data Storage
  • Data Collected
  • Target Small Business


  • GoDaddy
  • On their server
  • Unknown
  • Yes

iThemes Sync

  • Liquid Web
  • On their server
  • Unknown
  • Yes


  • Automattic
  • On their Server
  • Everything *
  • Yes


As part of the required connection to WordPress.com, Jetpack caches your site’s data to WordPress.com servers (which power all of Jetpack’s functionality).

To take advantage of the valuable features of Jetpack, certain information about the content, settings, and configuration of your site must be synced with our servers. This data begins to sync when Jetpack is installed and connected to WordPress.com. It is important to note that Jetpack syncs all the data required by all of its modules, whether they are activated or not, to Automattic’s servers.

[emphasis mine]

Source: https://jetpack.com/support/what-data-does-jetpack-sync/

With MainWP Your Information Remains Your Information


As a self-hosted solution, you install the MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site and not on our private server.

Open Source

With fully auditable, open-source code, you can be sure we do not track or keep any information about your Child sites.


Some developers like to keep tight control of what is happening with their plugins, but we have 100% respect for your privacy.

Your Download Is Just One Click Away

…or just download the plugin.

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