Home   On This Day   On This Day in History, January 22

On This Day in History, January 22

What Happened On This Day – January 22

  • 2006 Eco Morales becomes Bolivia's first indigenous president

    The left-wing politician has focused mainly on combating poverty and curbing the influence of transnational corporations.

  • 1973 The U.S. Supreme Court legalizes abortion

    The liberalization that was caused by the Roe v. Wade decision entailed fierce resistance from the Pro-Life movement, but the Supreme Court has so far upheld the decision.

  • 1970 The Boeing 747 takes off on its first scheduled flight

    The Pan Am jumbo jet flew from New York to London.

  • 1963 The Élysée Treaty formalizes the reconciliation between Germany and France

    The treaty effectively ended centuries of enmity between the two European countries.

  • 1943 World record for fastest temperature change

    The fastest temperature change recorded in history occurred on this day in Spearfish, South Dakota. The temperature increased from −4°F (−20°C) to +45°F (+7°C) in the span of two minutes.

Births On This Day – January 22

  • 1953 Jim Jarmusch

    American director

  • 1909 U Thant

    Burmese diplomat, 3rd United Nations Secretary General

  • 1906 Robert E. Howard

    American author

  • 1788 Lord Byron

    English poet

  • 1729 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    German author, philosopher

Deaths On This Day – January 22

  • 2010 Iskandar of Johor

  • 2008 Heath Ledger

    Australian actor, director

  • 1973 Lyndon B. Johnson

    American politician, 36th President of the United States

  • 1901 Queen Victoria

    of the United Kingdom

  • 1900 David Edward Hughes

    Welsh/American scientist, co-invented the microphone