- Application for Supporting Membership.
Fill out this form
when applying for a corporate supporting membership.
- New Member Questionnaire.
members should fill in this questionaire when applying for membership in the
KDE e.V. Please note that your membership has to be proposed by an existing
member to the membership.
- Expense Report Forms. Please fill out this
form when handing in receipts for costs the board has accepted to reimburse
you for. These forms do not apply for trips to sprints, conferences, etc. those
are governed by the
Travel Cost Reimbursement Policy.
- Proxy Instructions. If you are an
active member of the KDE e.V. and are unable to attend the general assembly
you can give a proxy (any other member who agrees to it, and does attend the general assembly)
the right to vote for you. Fill out this form and make
sure the board of KDE e.V. has received it (e.g. a scan sent by email) before the beginning
of the assembly.
- “Vereinfachter Zuwendungsnachweis”.
If you are donating money to the KDE e.V., you can
use this form to make use of the German tax-exemption rules. For more
information, please refer to the German tax infomration page.
(in German).
- Fiduciary Licensing Documents. The FLA can optionally be used to assign the
copyright in your contributions to KDE to KDE e.V.:
- FLA (Fiduciary License Agreement)
- The FRP (Fiduciary Relicensing Policy) is used by reference from the FLA
General information about the FLA describes why this
document is important and why you might want to sign it.
- Agreement about local KDE organization.
This agreement is used between KDE e.V. and a local
organization representing KDE in a specific region. It grants the local
organization the limited right to represent KDE locally and use the KDE
trademark for that purpose. It’s required that the local organization follows
KDE e.V.’s goals and non-profit rules.