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A long past in the theoretical division of CERN and a career devoted to innovation and interdisciplinarity make him a significant figure in the evolution of the School and in the physics of the 20th century ... Read more
A new study, published in eLife by MIT and SISSA shows that rats can accurately discriminate objects that are illuminated only by red light. The findings have implications for the design of experiments and to ensure optimal environmental lighting conditions for animals’ well-being ... Read more
As provided the new Decree-Law August 6, 2021 n. 111, the Green Pass will be mandatory for all university staff, professor and administrative technician, doctoral candidates, research fellows, fellows, collaborators, starting from 1 September until 31 December 2021. Further information Read more
Rewards assigned during the 107th conference of the Italian Physics Society have been announced and Alessio Lerose and Paola Ruggiero, have been awarded respectively the "Giovanni Polvani” prize and the "Giuseppe-Franco Bassani" prize ... Read more
SISSA and Banca Intesa Sanpaolo have agreed to a series of facilities and discounts on the bank services addressed to the School’s community members ... Read more
Imagine meeting a friend on the street, and imagine that with every step they take, your visual system has to process their image from scratch in order to recognize them. Now imagine if the same thing were to happen for every object and creature that moves around us. A new study... Read more


COVID 19: Policies and access at SISSA

The School is starting again part of its activities and a number of procedures have been put in place to guarantee everybody's safety. They are summarised below through some Frequently Asked Questions.

SISSA projects and COVID-19

Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic SISSA scientists have been working at different levels to help understanding the virus, finding new therapies and developing strategies to contain its diffusion. Here are some of the ongoing projects.

SISSA Lectures & Colloquia 2020/21

Lectures and Colloquia are ongoing at SISSA despite the limitations due to the pandemic. Here the full list of events planned in 2020 and 2021 is available.


Giulio Regeni was a scientist like us. We hope his cruel death may serve to focus our attention on the need to respect human rights.

Young scientists from Least Developed Countries who hold an MSc (or higher degree) can visit laboratories located in Trieste, Italy, such as SISSA, for three months to carry out collaborative research projects in Physics, Neuroscience, Mathematics, Science Outreach as well as

On Wednesday 12 May 2021 Nature Portfolio will host a series of brief talks followed by a roundtable on how "Next generation Italia", the government's plan for investing the resources from the European Union's post-pandemic recovery fund, will impact the future of science and

This year the European Research Council (ERC) has reached an important milestone: 10000 top researchers have been given the opportunity to translate their ambitious ideas into concrete research projects thanks to ERC funding. To celebrate this achievement, on 6 May 2021...


September 24, 2021 to September 26, 2021
SISSA is taking part in the next edition of Trieste Next and the European Researchers' Night. The School will be part of a joint project with ICTP, INAF and INFN, with...
June 10, 2021 - 16:00
The next SISSA colloquium will be held Thursday June 10, and will feature Gigliola Staffilani, the Abby Rockefeller Mauze Professor at MIT.  Title: The  Schrödinger...
May 25, 2021 - 16:00
"New Avenues for Cosmology in the New Decade" is the title of the David Spergel's colloquim organized by SISSA. Spergel is the Director of the Center for Computational...
May 13, 2021 - 16:00 to 17:00
SISSA Colloquium with Riccardo Sabatini, titled "Towards genome scale drug design" Riccardo Sabatini is a world renown scientist and entrepreneur specialized in...




ERC (since 2007)