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Woman reading a fold-out map in a seemingly remote area

Plus Codes are the addresses you didn’t know you have

I’m fascinated by Plus Codes, a @googlemaps initiative to give people without conventional street addresses, a GPS-based address that can be used to receive mail or assistance when they need it. I’ve noticed #PlusCodes in Google Maps, and didn’t really explore them further. Take this one as an example. It’s apparently a beautiful hiking spot… Continue reading Plus Codes are the addresses you didn’t know you have

Analog cryptographic device

Choosing Signal over WhatsApp is about personal agency

Reframing the WhatsApp privacy debate It is tempting to frame the discussion about WhatsApp’s privacy policy change that enables WhatsApp to share your profile data with Facebook (even though it’s been doing this for some time without being clear about this) as being about Facebook being able to read your WhatsApp messages. That interpretation is… Continue reading Choosing Signal over WhatsApp is about personal agency

Person holding a syringe and bottle containing a fluid

Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

As you may have seen in the media, Israel has been vaccinating citizens with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Because I’m diabetic, and over 40, I qualify for earlier access to the vaccine. I was finally able to make my appointments for the two doses. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Farm land in Maccabim, Israel

My first half marathon

I ran my first half marathon this morning as part of my Garmin 10k coaching plan. I had to leave really early to give myself time to complete what turned out to be a 22km route around my city. I felt pretty good for the first two thirds of the run, and started to feel… Continue reading My first half marathon

My longest run so far

I’m on week 10 of my 10k coaching plan with Garmin. As part of that plan, I ran my longest run so far, yesterday. It was an “easy” long run of about 17.7km (not counting warm up and cool down). I stepped out just after 6am, and set out on my route that would take… Continue reading My longest run so far


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