How We Work
Work for us, from anywhere. We are hiring for hundreds of open positions across more than 70 countries.
How We Work
This isn’t your typical work-from-home job. Learn more about our culture, our creed, and life as an Automattician.
Professional growth, open vacation policy, generous parental leaves, wellness support, sabbaticals, more.
Join us!
Automattic Grand meetup, 2019. We can’t wait to do it again, once it’s safe to travel and congregate.
Choose your own adventure
This isn’t your typical work from home job. Everyone works from the location they choose. We’re spread out all over the world in more than 70 countries. We track about 70 percent of our projects on P2-themed blogs, 25 percent in private chat rooms, and the rest on Slack. Because of the geographic variance, we’re active 24/7. We care about the work you produce, not just the hours you put in.
Coming on board
When you make it past the interview stage we’ll do a project together on contract, typically lasting between two to six weeks depending on how much time you can spend, to see how we work together (learn more about our global hiring guidelines). When you join full-time, you’ll do customer support for for your first two weeks and spend a week in support annually, for evermore, regardless of your position. We believe an early and ongoing connection with the people who use our products is irreplaceable. (If you’re applying for an engineering position, you can learn more about the process you can expect.)
Meeting up
We get the whole company together once a year for seven days so that Automatticians can create bonds that influence them all year long. So far we’ve done Grand Meetups in San Francisco, California; La Paz, Mexico; Oracle, Arizona; Breckenridge, Colorado; Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec; Seaside, Florida; Budapest, Hungary; San Diego, California; Santa Cruz, California; Park City, Utah; Whistler, Canada; and Orlando, Florida.
In addition to our all-company Grand Meetup, teams meet for five to seven days to brainstorm team-level strategy and bond in locales ranging from Boulder to Buenos Aires, Las Vegas to Lisbon, Montréal to Mexico City, and Vienna to Vietnam. If you join our merry band, expect to travel three to four weeks per year.
As a distributed company we also know how to connect with each other from afar, and consider day-to-day social communication at least as important as breaking bread in person.
REGARDING COVID-19 AND TRAVEL: The current pandemic is a rapidly changing situation. Automattic is monitoring government and health agency reports closely, and responding however possible to prioritize safety and well-being for our team members and communities. Currently all company travel has been suspended.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In 2014 we started to work, as a company, on facilitating spaces for discussions about diversity at Automattic. And at the 2016 Grand Meetup with all of our employees across 50 countries, we decided to share with the rest of the world what we are doing about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
What do we look for?
Automatticians are curious, driven, compassionate, tenacious, autonomous, friendly, independent, collaborative, communicative, supportive, self-motivated, and amazing with GIFs. We strive to live up to the Automattic Creed and we want to work with people who will do the same. Are you interested in making the web and the world a better place? Apply today.
Getting to know us
Would you like to know more about what it’s like to be part of Automattic? Check out Distributed, our podcast and blog of interviews and resources for remote work, or this Business Insider interview with Matt on how our company runs without offices or email. Meet a few colleagues (aka Automatticians) and hear about their experiences in their own words. Get a glimpse into the hiring process from Jerry, and learn from Beau about our tools, processes, and ways we communicate. Still on the fence? Karen says you should really just apply.
Our development process: data-informed, user-driven
For every feature we launch, we gather metrics about its usage, interaction, and growth in addition to listening to the masses of feedback we get on our blog and through support channels. This helps us inform decisions about new features and enhancements. It’s not uncommon to launch a feature and then iterate immediately.
We have a one-button deploy system for, and we push code to the site 60–80 times a day. is synced with the trunk pretty much every weekday. We’re strong believers in Open Source, and we try to open source everything we can.