WordPress for Android
If you're just looking to install WordPress for Android, you can find it on Google Play. If you're a developer wanting to contribute, read on.
Build Instructions
- Make sure you've installed Android Studio.
- Install npm using Node Version Manager(nvm), as described in step one from the Block Editor Quickstart guide
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android.git
in the folder of your preference. Or if you already have the project cloned, initialize and update the submodules:git submodule init git submodule update
cd WordPress-Android
to enter the working directory.cp gradle.properties-example gradle.properties
to set up the sample app credentials file.git submodule update --init --recursive
to pull the submodules (optionally use--depth=1 --recommend-shallow
flags to skip pulling full submodules' history).- In Android Studio, open the project from the local repository. This will auto-generate
with the SDK location. - Recommended: The CI uses JDK11 to build the app and run the tests. Some tests won't pass on the JDK embedded in Android Studio (JDK8). You might want to set JAVA_HOME and JDK location in Android Studio to JDK11.
- Go to Tools → AVD Manager and create an emulated device.
- Run.
- To use WordPress.com features (login to WordPress.com, access Reader and Stats, etc) you need a WordPress.com OAuth2 ID and secret. Please read the OAuth2 Authentication section.
- While loading/building the app in Android Studio ignore the prompt to update the gradle plugin version as that will probably introduce build errors. On the other hand, feel free to update if you are planning to work on ensuring the compatibility of the newer version.
OAuth2 Authentication
In order to use WordPress.com functions you will need a client ID and a client secret key. These details will be used to authenticate your application and verify that the API calls being made are valid. You can create an application or view details for your existing applications with our WordPress.com applications manager.
When creating your application, you should select "Native client" for the application type. The applications manager currently requires a "redirect URL", but this isn't used for mobile apps. Just use "https://localhost".
Once you've created your application in the applications manager, you'll
need to edit the ./gradle.properties
file and change the
and wp.oauth.app_secret
fields. Then you can compile and
run the app on a device or an emulator and try to login with a WordPress.com
account. Note that authenticating to WordPress.com via Google is not supported
in development builds of the app, only in the official release.
Note that credentials created with our WordPress.com applications manager
allow login only and not signup. New accounts must be created using the official app
or on the web. Login is restricted to the WordPress.com
account with which the credentials were created. In other words, if the credentials
were created with foo@email.com, you will only be able to login with foo@email.com.
Using another account like bar@email.com will cause the Client cannot use "password" grant_type
For security reasons, some account-related actions aren't supported for development builds when using a WordPress.com account with 2-factor authentication enabled.
Read more about OAuth2 and the WordPress.com REST endpoint.
Build and Test
To build, install, and test the project from the command line:
$ ./gradlew assembleWordPressVanillaDebug # assemble the debug .apk
$ ./gradlew installWordPressVanillaDebug # install the debug .apk if you have an
# emulator or an Android device connected
$ ./gradlew :WordPress:testWordPressVanillaDebugUnitTest # assemble, install and run unit tests
$ ./gradlew :WordPress:connectedWordPressVanillaDebugAndroidTest # assemble, install and run Android tests
Directory structure
├── libs # dependencies used to build debug variants
├── tools # script collection
├── gradle.properties # properties imported by the build script
├── WordPress
│ |-- build.gradle # main build script
│ └── src
│ ├── androidTest # Android test assets, resources and code
│ ├── test # Unit tests
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── assets # main project assets
│ │ ├── java # main project java code
│ │ └── res # main project resources
│ ├── debug # debug variant
│ └── wasabi # wasabi variant specific resources and manifest
Google Configuration
Google Sign-In is only available for WordPress.com accounts through the official app. Contributors can build and run the app without issue, but Google Sign-In will always fail. Google Sign-In requires configuration files which contain client and server information that can't be shared publicly. More documentation and guides can be found on the Google Identity Platform website.
Read our Contributing Guide to learn about reporting issues, contributing code, and more ways to contribute.
If you happen to find a security vulnerability, we would appreciate you letting us know at https://hackerone.com/automattic and allowing us to respond before disclosing the issue publicly.
Getting in Touch
If you have questions or just want to say hi, join the WordPress Slack and drop a message on the #mobile
- Coding Style - guidelines and validation and auto-formatting tools
- Pull Request Guidelines - branch naming and how to write good pull requests
- Subtree'd Library Projects - how to deal with subtree dependencies
Please read the docs for more.
WordPress for Android is an Open Source project covered by the
GNU General Public License version 2. Note: code
in the libs/
directory comes from external libraries, which might
be covered by a different license compatible with the GPLv2.