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  1. prije 13 sati

    The new app store bill in the Senate basically sounds like Epic's wildest dreams come true. Sideloading and third-party app stores: in! In-app purchase requirements: out! Interoperability: required!

  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. kol

    My first story for the NYT is up. It's a look at how Facebook has tried and failed over the last two years to deal with the racist abuse of English soccer players.

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  3. prije 18 sati

    My new go-to productivity hack: being progressively meaner to myself when I let tasks slip

  4. prije 18 sati

    Really fun pod episode this week with talking DuckDuckGo, privacy, making complicated things simple, competing with Google, and THE FUTURE

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    28. srp

    I spent a week in Brownsville, Texas, learning what it’s like to be a community taken unawares by the whims of Elon Musk’s grand plan. This is the story of how SpaceX has divided a beautiful, unusual and usually peaceful place

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  6. 28. srp

    So went to Brownsville, Texas to see what happens when Elon Musk comes to town. The story she came back with is complicated and fantastic:

  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    27. srp

    NEW : NDAs are the backbone of Silicon Valley's culture of secrecy. We reviewed dozens of these secret contracts to study the power of forced silence across an entire industry. It's a story of money and power - and of workers speaking out.

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  8. 27. srp

    This is such a good story on why to-do list apps mostly don't actually help people get stuff done

  9. 26. srp

    I'm going back on vacation

  10. 16. srp

    The “I’m going on vacation” starter pack See you in a week!

  11. 16. srp

    This is SUCH good news, Pocket Casts is the best podcasts app and Automattic seems like the right company to keep it going

  12. 16. srp

    How is it 2021 and Ticketmaster is still allowed to charge me $11 in "service fees" to buy a concert ticket over the internet

  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. srp

    Protocol is growing in a big, big way. We've already doubled the size of our newsroom this year, and now we're growing again. Jobs thread 👇

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  14. 13. srp

    Anybody else have words you know how to spell, but absolutely cannot type correctly? For instance I have typed "hte" instead of "the" approximately 9 trillion times

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. srp

    NEW: A deep dive into the privacy war raging within the World Wide Web Consortium, where some of the most secretive companies in the world are wrangling over the future of your data — and their own power — in plain sight.

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  16. 13. srp

    Come hang while I spend the next hour trying to convince everyone that all cars should be banned because scooters are the future

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. srp

    I made this app based on this tweet: A small notetaking app that saves your text to local storage and makes it easy to copy to clipboard. It's an in-browser scratch pad. Made with and "vanilla" . Published on .

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. srp

    I wrote about the consumer investing boom driven by the rise of the "creator economy", how VCs are embracing the online creator world and what that means for the industry. w/

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  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. srp

    NEW: Silicon Valley’s longtime voice in D.C., the Internet Association, is in disarray. The group is shedding staff and losing influence on Capitol Hill, while frustration builds with new CEO Dane Snowden, according to interviews with over a dozen people.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. srp

    Saka I love you


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