Simon WillisonПотврђен налог


Creator of , co-creator Django. Fellow 2020. Collector of . Usually hanging out with and . He/Him

San Francisco, CA
Придружио/ла се новембар 2006.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @simonw

Да ли сигурно желиш да видиш ове твитове? Приказивање твитова неће одблокирати корисника @simonw

  1. Закачен твит
    7. феб

    Here's an annotated version of that video with extra links, notes and code samples: I think this is now the best answer I have to the question "what is Datasette?"

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  2. пре 10 сати

    OK on further thought I don't think my original tweet here was justified - the wider context of that thread is reasonable, I was picking up on specific wording in a single tweet that I took offense so - so my apologies to both and the Chromium team, I over-reacted

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  3. пре 11 сати

    In this thread: turns out pretty much everyone had a role in Miami Vice early on in their careers

  4. пре 11 сати

    It's likely I'm over-reacting to some clumsy wording in the tweet I originally tweeted here - it hit a bit of a nerve for me!

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  5. пре 11 сати

    The document linked to in this tweet is absolutely worth reading, it provides a much more detailed and nuanced description of the Chromium team's attitude to breaking changes

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  6. пре 11 сати

    But it's not OK to imply that breaking changes on the web should be common and expected - they need to stay as rare as possible and have extremely strong, universally discussed justification

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  7. пре 11 сати

    The rationale for this particular breaking change makes OK sense to me - if something causes major trust/safety issues (see SameSite cookies - ) I think breakage can be justified

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  8. пре 12 сати

    Aaron is more eloquent than I, and has experience developing web browsers

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  9. пре 12 сати

    No, no, no, no! One of the best things about developing for the web is that, as a rule, browsers don't break old code. Expecting every website and application to have an active team of developers maintaining it at all times is not how the web should work!

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  10. пре 17 сати

    by is crammed with useful tips like this one

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  11. пре 18 сати

    Looks like PostgreSQL supports that too, and there are ways of achieving the same thing with a CASE statement in other databases:

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  12. пре 18 сати

    Just found out SQLite supports filter clauses on aggregates! select year, sum(revenue) filter (where month = 1) as jan_revenue, sum(revenue) filter (where month = 2) as feb_revenue from invoices group by year

    Screenshot of the linked article, showing how to use sqlite-utils to insert CSV example data and then run the SQL query against it
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  13. пре 18 сати

    Started putting together an interactive Jupyter+Binder tutorial for my sqlite-utils Python library - still very much in progress but you can try out the first version of it on Binder here:

  14. пре 20 сати

    SmartThings uses the meaningless "Lifestyle" subheading too

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  15. пре 20 сати

    The word "Roomba" does not appear anywhere in the iRobot Home listing. Good thing I happen to know which company manufactures the Roomba! This is the same issue that lead me to get scammed by the "Smart Things" (as opposed to SmartThings) app a while ago

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  16. пре 20 сати

    Got a new Roomba. Searched "roomba" on the App Store to install the remote control app for it. First result (sponsored) is an in-app purchase scam app called "Vacuum Robot Control App" The official app I was looking for comes next: "iRobot Home", subtitle "Lifestyle"

    Screenshot of the search results as described in my tweet
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  17. пре 22 сата

    Urgh, smart light switches. If we're going to get some are there any good guides to which ones are the easiest to write custom code against?

  18. 4. авг

    I learn so much about film making from Todd's conversations like this one

  19. 4. авг

    This list of things that have changed with Delta is sobering

  20. 3. авг

    Anyone seen a good analysis of exactly why Fleets didn't work on Twitter? It intuitively didn't feel like a good fit for the platform to me, but I'd love to see something backed up by actual surveys and research as opposed to random opinions

  21. је ретвитовао/ла
    3. авг

    We're building better voting tech for American elections. Simple, affordable, transparent. And we just opened two spots for engineers. Work anywhere in the US. Help make democracy better. Downside: I do dad jokes. Upside: you may snort or roll your eyes, all feedback welcome.


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