Welcome to our media page! Yoast is all about improving the web. We’ve been doing so by advising people on how to improve their websites. By building great plugins, offering courses and by sharing our knowledge wherever we can. If you’re interested in spreading our knowledge and supporting us in improving the web, you can find more information on this page. Here, you’ll find interviews, product videos, conference talks, company information, press releases as well as downloadable Yoast logo images.
Yoast logo images »
If you are looking for our logo, for instance, to include in presentations, sponsor banners, etc, you have come to the right place. We have created a nice number of downloads for you, in a variety of formats. Please find a list of options on this separate page we created for it!
Announcements »
Every now and then we announce new things related to our plugins, courses, company or events we attend or organize, like the awesome SEO conference YoastCon. Want to know more about this? Just visit our blog!
Interviews »
Over the years, we have spoken to a lot of people about Yoast SEO, Yoast Academy, growing the company Yoast and a gazillion other topics. Curious about our collection of interviews given by our experts? Read our latest selection of interviews here!
Conference talks »
One of the ways of how we like to give back to the Community here at Yoast is to share knowledge and speak at WordCamps and other related conferences. You might have seen some of those live at the event, but in case you didn’t, we have created a nice overview of our latest talks? Watch them here!
Contact us
If you want to contact us for media-related business, fill out the form on our contact page!
If you want to send us stuff, use this address:
Yoast BV Don Emanuelstraat 3 6602 GX Wijchen The Netherlands